camp strawberry sunrise | rta, catching up

It has been around three full weeks since Salmon had found herself down for the count, a heavy chest, foggy head… Upon going to Ravensong she was immediately ushered to a nest, fever-ridden and exhausted. She will not admit she was not the easiest to corral, she will also not admit her fear of laying in that nest and never getting up to see the light of day again; the plague still weighs heavy in her mind, a feeling of despair dragging her muddled mind through the dirt. How is it that she had avoided the plague but got so sick with something so simple? Greencough, what a joke.

Today, though, she has been released and cleared, finally recovered… And she is excited to stretch her legs again as she emerges from the medicine den, trying to ignore the sharp scent of herbs that cling to her pelt from her long stay. Salmon had long since bidded her healers goodbye, with a totally-not-biased grimace smile to Moonpaw, and she is on her way. Its been about an hour now, with her sinking in to the warm earth below, grooming her pelt. Its hard to get some of the knots out where she could not reach in her sicken stupor, but eventually she does get through it.

Salmon flicks her ear at the sound of paw-steps that interrupts her grooming and without thinking she asks, “What have I missed?

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    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 35 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    -> "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> chibi by pin
The young warrior padded back into camp when he noticed Salmonshade out of the medicine cat den. She had been sick for a couple weeks, if his memory is correct. He thinks it was greencough, and he's sure he's the not the only one that's relieved that it didn't spread through camp like a wildfire. After that plague, he couldn't help but worry about a future outbreak, but thankfully it seems like a disease like greencough is quite manageable. He wouldn't know the first thing to do to treat it, but he's certain Ravensong and Moonpaw are experts at it. His nose twitches at the scent of herbs that cling to her fur; it'll be a bit longer before that scent grows stale. She stops grooming her fur as he pads over. Oh boy, she has certainly missed a lot, hasn't she?

"H-hey Salmonshade, nice to see you out of the medicine cat den!" He mews with a flick of an ear. A lot has gone down in the weeks she's been out sick, some good; some bad. Sootstar's reign of terror is seemingly over, but then there's the rogue problem. "...A-alot to say the least?" He says, wondering how much the warrior had missed while sick with greencough. "I-it's been a crazy last few weeks," He meows with a swish of his bushy tail, "Sootsar is no more, but our rogue problem has only gotten worse..." They don't really get a break from chaos, don't they? StarClan, Foxtail can only hope that the rogues will finally leave them alone once and for all, the tom hates feeling unsafe in their very own territory.

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    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to rai for the mini & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    16 moons

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♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Lazing out in the leaf-bare sun was not anywhere near as nice as in green-leaf, but she would take what she could get, she supposed. A tangy herb smell reached her and she wrinkled her nose. Turning to face Salmonshade, she mewed, "Oh, hey, you're alive," and dipped her head in greeting. She was feeling a bit uncharacteristically friendly today. As Foxtail spoke his piece, she drew herself up into a tall stretch. A short shake of her fur to rid it of dust and she rested again, though sitting upright this time.

"Thank StarClan for one thing at least, right?" Bronzeshine mewed. "Did no one update you in the medicine den?"

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking
Good to see you out of Ravensong’s den.” The tortoiseshell lifts her chin and tucks it against her shoulder as she peers at Salmonshade. She’s out of the nursery for the moment, sunning her expanding belly in a languid, liquid pose just outside. Her movements are slow and lazy, sluggish, almost, as she rouses herself from her nap.

Iciclefang props herself up and blinks the sleep from her eyes as Foxtail and Bronzeshine gather near. Salmonshade asks what she’s missed… stars, she’d been incapacitated for so long that it’s hard to remember what all that entails. She frowns and nods at Bronzeshine’s question. “You must have at least heard some of the vigils from the medicine den if you were awake.” She curls her tail against her body, anger beginning to fan throughout her marbled figure. Clayfur’s death—all of their deaths, but especially his—still smarts like a raw wound. “War is coming. They won’t be able to keep picking us off like this for long.” Silently, she regards the tawny warrior, the knots in her fur she works at with meticulous patience. Would she be well enough to fight?

  • ooc:
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  • Iciclekit . Iciclepaw . Iciclefang, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 21 moons old, ages realistically on the 17th.
    — mentored by Smokestar ; mentoring Cicadapaw ; previously mentored n/a
    — riverclan lead warrior. mudpelt x icesparkle, gen 2.
    — former mate to Stormywing ; current mate to no one.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh tortoiseshell and white she-cat with ice-blue eyes. confident, capable, proud, dry, conceited, condescending, distrustful.

I'VE LEARNED LOVE IS LIKE A BRICK — Though sickness as a whole hadn't been an unknown to the Ripple Colony, Swiftfire had to admit that she wasn't as familiar with common clan illnesses as some other warriors her age. When Salmonshade had ended up in the medicine den she had been stricken with awful twisting pangs of worry, anxious that she would be forced to see yet another clanmate fall before she had gotten to know them properly. It had been a relief to be wrong for once, though she could still remember the warm rush of embarrassment that had fallen over when one of the others had said that it was just greencough. An endless pain if it spread, but a disease that could be dealt with as long as she remained with the medicine cats - far from a death sentence on its own.

Even with death not looming over her like an ever-present specter, it was still a relief to see Salmonshade properly out of the medicine den and back out with the rest of them. Not the least bit because Riverclan would need every warrior that they had for the coming battle, a fact that had a lump in her throat as she approached. Swiftfire swallowed it down for the moment, offering Salmonshade a smile and a purr of welcome. "I know the news isn't exactly the most amazing welcome, but I'm glad to see you out and about again! I hope you're taking it easy for now..." They really didn't need her straining herself too quickly and ending up right back in the medicine den again before she knew it. The chimera's eyes then flicked over to Bronzeshine, a thoughtful hum leaving her. "Well... I imagine Salmonshade was probably doing a lot of sleeping to get over her sickness, right?" She doubted that Ravensong and Moonpaw would deprive Salmonshade of clan news, but it was a bit hard to share when the cat you were talking to was fast asleep.

  • 76635829_9N4qhCxavM25hPX.png
    shorthaired blue and red tabby chimera molly with green eyes
    39 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; currently not looking
    daughter of lilou and germaine
    formerly of the ripple colony; loyal to riverclan
    easy to befriend; desperate to improve the former colonists' reputation
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Anyone coming out of the medicine den alive rather than dotted with mint is a blessing, and Snakeblink attempts to muster some cheer lest he burdens Salmonshade’s recovery with his dour mood. The past few days have been difficult for him—he has not been sleeping, and not only because Lichentail’s injuries mean the cold has made a rude return into his nest in their absence.

”I am sure you will be wanting to stretch your paws after so long in the medicine den,” he says conversationally, glancing at the cats gathered around. The nursery has not mellowed Iciclefang’s attitude; if anything, being bound to camp has only stoked her anger. He tilts his head in agreement to Swiftfire’s response to Bronzeshine, humming. ”I was about to head out on patrol; you are welcome to come along, if you feel up to it, and I will catch you up to speed on anything you may have missed as we go.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

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    Snakeblink • he / him. 49 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo