Patrols aren’t typically filled with discoveries like this — a glimmering mismatched in the already sunlit snow that catches Gillsight’s attention, his paws stopping to look toward the oddity.

He doesn’t know what it could be, but an investigation doesn’t take long for the tom to contemplate, and soon snow-pelted paws are shifting to stride toward the site. It’s better to check, he thinks — better to make sure this isn’t some strange twoleg trap hidden beneath the snow, waiting to strike another clanmate with its silver teeth.

But it’s not the shine of metal he’s greeted with, rather, something else. Something familiar, but not all the same. Rocks, encased in some sort of clear shell: a crinkly bubble, he finds, when he moves to dig it out of the snow and it cries at him . The rocks aren’t anything like the ones he typically sees, but sheer crystalline in nature, a pink hue remnant of morning skies. “ P-Pretty… “ he murmurs to himself, though a frown pulls at the corners of his mouth. He doesn’t quite understand where it came from.

A cloud-dashed face lifts, gaze moving toward his fellow patrol mates. “ H-Hey, “ he calls, motioning for other to come look, “ W-What do you think of th-these…? “ It would be good in someone’s collection, he’s sure.​
  • // PROMPT: RiverClan has always been the clan most known for collecting its pretty trinkets, but Gillsight comes across a veritable goldmine of sorts when he finds an odd two-leg thing with a crinkling exterior that looks like a shimmering stone! (Rock candy)
  • 74597204_0HYUF6qWs7f9nEh.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A scarred, black and white tom with yellow eyes.
    ── Mentored by Clearsight
    ── "Speech"; Attack
"What is it?" his Clanmate asks, bouncing after the tomcat when he pauses to examine the unfamiliar object. Hawkcloud's curiosity guides her before anything else does, sometimes more powerful than the rush of their river where it empties into the gorge. If Gillsight had found something dangerous, such as another sort of Twoleg trap — there's no telling how close the young warrior might've come to danger in her curiosity.

She pushes her snout against the crinkling shell encasing the rocks now, sniffing at it. "Smells like Twolegs, I think," the she-cat says, straightening up again and nudging the rocks with a paw. "But the scent is stale. Should be safe!" She guesses one of their Clanmates might like to decorate their nest or one of the dens with the pretty rocks, but Hawkcloud would only take them for herself if nobody else desired to. Her nest has no decorations yet aside from a few stray feathers, she wouldn't mind them.
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Ferngill was not very far behing Hawkcloud- the promise of some mysterious new discovry had captured his attention near immediately, and his healthy eye was bright with enthusiasm as he trotted his way over to the black and white tom. Looked very much like a rock- but as Hawcloud murmured, a distinctive smell of Twoleg buried beneath some odd... sweetness. "Woah," he murmured, impressed by the strange snail-shell of perfect transparency, and the crystalline way in which light skimmed its faces.

Inquisitive green stayed stuck to it for a moment, entranced. It was Gillsight's discovery though- it'd be wrong to poach it, as much as he would like something like this in his collection. "Twolegs are such a pain, you'd never think they'd manage to get their paws on stuff like this," he murmured, humour a-brim from his voice. The colour was especially striking... like concentrated sunset. Where did they get this stuff? And where was there more?
penned by pin
𓆝 . ° ✦ Her gaze instantly locked on what Gillsight had found. Though she was not as interested in pretty trinkets as some of her other clanmates, this was too dazzling to ignore. The colors were more vibrant than everything amount it, making the whole world seem dull in comparison. In the sunlight it almost seemed to glow. It pulled her toward it. She wondered what it was. It almost looked like some kind of rock, but she couldn't accept the thought that any rock could look like that.

The moment Hawkcloud said it smelled of twoleg, her demeanor completely changed. She stood up straight and immediately looked disinterested.

"I think you should put it back where you got it." Mosspool told Gillsight dismissively. It would be a lie to say she wasn't still a little curious about what it was, but if it was twoleg than it was better not to mess with it. Besides, it was distracting them all from their patrol.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

The mention of twolegs allowed the lead warrior to become alerted, bounding through the snow in direction of the growing crowd of an odd discovery. "What's going on?" Petalnose demanded in firm tongue, craning her neck to gaze over their shoulders. Bright color rocks, small and useless it seemed. They were nearly transparent. How odd. How useless. It was a distraction from hunting and providing. Just like the shining pieces of twoleg trash she fell ontop of. It was probably harmless, but something to take note of. They couldn't afford twoleg attention again. They didn't need that. Rocks weren't something she bore her attention into, only one she had kept was from Ferngill. A collection wasn't exactly her taste, it only took up room her her to stretch out within her nest. "Seems harmless but we can never be too careful. Let's not linger on this, we have mouths to feed." As fast as she came was as fast as she dismissed herself, flicking her tail to hurry the others along. By the stars if they got distracted again...

//prepost bf her incident


If there's something pretty, you can always count on Bubblepaw to show up and investigate. Patrols are usually not full of pretty things unless they're hunting patrols, fishing a rainbow out of the waters for their meat and scales alike. Generally- though RiverClan's territory is very beautiful to Bubblepaw- they're boring and full of the same snow, trees, rocks, and things of the sort. As soon as the sun catches what Gillsight has found, Bubblepaw is poking her head over his shoulder and trying to get a better look.

She's familiarized herself with most of the scales that exist and where they come from; the various rocks, non-medicinal flowers, and feathers which exist in lustrous glory. This thing, however, is entirely novel to the enthusiastic apprentice. As Hawkcloud points out that the glittery rock-things smell like two-legs, others chime in in their solemn agreement and say it should be left alone. The silver molly deflates a little, not wanting to leave behind this shiny object. "Whoa!" Bubblepaw interjects "They're so pretty though!"

She turns to the large number of warriors with a pleading look. "It wouldn't hurt to take them, would it?" Bubblepaw asks with round, owlish eyes "There aren't any two-legs around."
✦ ★ ✦

White paws shift as the night-furred tom steps aside for his patrol mates to get a look at the discovery, a curious gaze still set on the pocket of rocks they gather around. Now that Hawkcloud mentions it, Gillsight can agree that the treasure carries the smell of twolegs. The warrior wonders for what reason a twoleg would have such rocks — did they share something in common with RiverClan after all? A wonder for shiny things, a need to collect?

D-Do you want it? “ the warrior asks of Ferngill as the orange tom approaches to investigate. He knows the fellow warrior appreciates such items, knows he holds a collection of his own — one likely updated more recently than Gillsight’s. It would be more suited in his possession, would probably look nice among the flame tabby’s other prizes. “ Y-You… You c-can have it, if you want.

He offers, at least. Others among their patrol aren’t as elated to see the crystals, dismissal and adamancy to leave it be on their breath. A black and white tail flicks in response at the urge to continue forward, giving one last look to the shining object at Bubblepaw’s question. “ M-Maybe we’ll find others, “ he tells her, though he doubts it — he’s never seen anything of its ilk before now. “ O-Ones that twolegs haven’t touched. “​
  • 74597204_0HYUF6qWs7f9nEh.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A scarred, black and white tom with yellow eyes.
    ── Mentored by Clearsight
    ── "Speech"; Attack