STRAY DOGS WATCHING | priv. snakeblink

THE HERMIT ─── Of course tonight sleep wished to claim him. His sunken drained eyes were beginning to falter and bow under his fluttering eyelids. He rarely was given the graceful hand of a good night's sleep, mind and body were always mismatched. One was too full of energy, the other barely clinging on to whatever vitality it had. The biting teeth of winter's night did not make it any better even as his thick pelt shielded him better than others, a razor blade of wind slicing his worn scarred face, causing his bent head to snap up. He was sitting near the edge of the camp, almost as a sentinel at some imaginary king's orders, guarding the fortress while the others were away. He knew that they would be arriving soon and even with the ruthless attacks from the rogues, it seemed like an optimist's night.

His velvety nicked ear twitched, briefly recalling not a few moments ago that another clanmate had offered to stand to watch and wait for the others to return, perhaps a desperate attempt to make insomnia-induced tom to finally catch a rare night of rest. Rookfang had been swift to dismiss the concern, rushed and frantic (an unusual display of troubled concern), and had snapped himself up in a more upright position, imposing that he was perfectly fine and not feeling the murky waves of exhaustion and sleep. After a few hushed dismissing retorts, he had peeked over his broad shoulder to watch the other walk back to the dens, the streaks of the full moon's shifting with the shadows as the winter gusts reminded him of their rough patch this season and foggy memories that he kept locked in tightly within his heavy chest.

As much as he was comfortable dwelling in the solemn silence by himself, brooding with his conscious, he felt as if every second was dragging its feet. Perhaps, he should hold off in wanting to ensure the other's safety, he was very aware of their capabilities and their strengths, and none of them would ever go down without a good fight. Frantic quick quips of a certain someone flashed in his mind for a second and his drained frown deepened into his muzzle as he briefly screwed his eyes, attempting to still the sudden drumming of his nervous heart at the thought of never hearing them again. The jagged pelt of the chimera shifted as he peeled his weighted eyelids to stare blankly at the constant flow of their protective river. With all the injuries and deaths, it was harder to not be tempted to constantly fish, day and night. But his large paws remained rooted to the ground, his body's desperation causing him to want to conserve whatever little energy he had left. Fatigue was not a stranger to Rookfang, the fanged male had always carried it in his bones since he had become an only child. It gnawed itself a home in the ivory and never appeared to want to leave him, a parasitic relationship one could say. He bitterly understood why it desperately clung to him...nobody liked to be lonely. Even so, surrounded by so many voices, thoughts, and emotions, Rookfang felt a greater sense of comfort in his solitude. He was not one to seek or strive for more than himself, it felt selfish and hungersome. Why bother with his feelings when there were bigger concerns constantly stalking the edge of their little island?

The answer came as the sound of footsteps. As if gliding off a blanket, Rookfang snapped up to his fully standing form, stormy ocean blue eyes locking onto the ones that matched the vibrancy of green fish scales. "You're back." It came out messy and jumbled as if someone had suddenly wrung it out of him like a towel. The depleted strain luckily slashed half of the emotion as Rookfang's stiffened muscles shifted slightly back to loosen, wanting to appear less impacted by the appearance of the lead warrior. He gave a sharp snap of his head to add a last-minute sense of formality. Yet his eyes never left the other tom despite the other returning figures slipping around them, weaving like minnows. The exhaustion was still sticking around like a third wheel but the feeling of relief coated any other feeling. Thank Starclan, he was safe.

ooc | @Snakeblink

If resisting sleepiness were a requirement for higher positions in a clan’s hierarchy, Snakeblink would have been promoted deputy on the strength of his insomnia alone — and would immediately have had to step down, because being able to remain awake for the whole duration of a Gathering does not mean that he would be willing to subject himself to going every full moon. Sitting quietly next to Flamewhisker, trying not to let Twitchbolt’s jitters transmit to him, listening to the leaders give their speeches above his head while keeping his attention on the dozens of strangers around him… It’s an exhausting experience every time and he finds his paws dragging on the way back, though the sight of their beloved river brings some energy back to his steps.

They reach camp at last and Snakeblink exchanges polite murmurs with the others sent to the Gathering as each goes to seek their own nest. He’s about to do the same, vaguely mourning Lichentail’s absence as she convalesces in the medicine den — he had gotten used to her warmth against his side — when a voice gives him pause.

The full moon at least gives him some light to see by, but the figure that rises at their approach is briefly out of its rays’ reach, becoming only a darker shadow in the night. Still Snakeblink recognizes Rookfang by the rumble of his voice, and it’s only because it sounds so unlike itself, strangely off-kilter and urgent, that it doesn’t elicit a smile out of sheer instinct. But Rookfang only holds Snakeblink’s stare, not speaking, and the thin warrior slowly lets tension bleed out of his limbs as he realizes nothing tragically newsworthy happened while they were gone; Rookfang was simply… waiting for him.

Or more likely waiting for them all, with Snakeblink simply being the known quantity that the socially-withdrawn Rookfang could more easily address. Either way it has his whiskers quirking slightly, pleased. It’s nice to be welcomed home. ”We are.”

The last of the Gathering party pads away towards their respective dens, but Snakeblink cuts through them to approach Rookfang. The full attention of his stormy-dawn eyes has his skin prickling, and he takes a moment to give the dark tom a proper once-over as a way to alleviate some of the unease that such undivided focus always inspires in Snakeblink. He looks more put together than he usually does: obviously burdened by sleepiness, his renewed attention not enough to cover the languor of his movement, but he has gone to some lengths to tame the spiky chaos of his fur. Snakeblink prides himself in the very real improvements that he’s been seeing in Rookfang lately: being a little more social, taking better care of himself. Hopefully sleeping better, though tonight is no good demonstration of it. A little company and an eager ear has done the tom wonders. It’s a nice feeling.

And no great chore either: Snakeblink has been enjoying the tom’s company as well. He hopes that they do not drift too far apart once Rookfang inevitably finds the will and confidence to seek out the company of other cats.

”Safe and sound with no incidents to report, too. You may rest easy knowing the peaceful covenant of the Gathering was upheld another night.” He grimaces, remembering why Rookfang may not give the star-given rule of peaceful assembly much weight: he did actually suffer the antagonism of another warrior at a Gathering before, unlike Snakeblink whose anxiety has, so far, been entirely unwarranted. ”Unless you were waiting to hear the news?”

The thought seems improbable: Rookfang does not seem the type to get excited about other clans’ gossip. But… he is there tonight, looking intently at Snakeblink, a known source of information; perhaps the rogues have him taking a new interest in knowing what goes on in the rest of the forest. He tilts his head, eyes narrowing in his best semblance of a smile that does not involve his traitorous mouth and its ability to turn every smile into something painful to look at. ”I could give you a rundown, if you like. Though I would not like to keep you from your nest any longer than necessary—have you been waiting this whole time? I assure you Smokestar will share the news tomorrow, if no one gets to it first. You need not lose sleep over it.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

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    Snakeblink • he / him. 49 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo