Let it be known that Rabbitclaw was serious when it came to keeping her word and if it was sparring? Oh, how she loved to fight. The fact that Sunnyday offered to teach battle moves even though he was a former Thunderclanner was difficult to pass up. Maybe it was wrong of her to want this and even partake in this. For sure some of her clanmates might have looked at her funny for treating Sunnyday as if he was a friend. Regardless, she would follow him to somewhere more private to begin their little match. This was the first time in her life she would ever get to fight a Thunderclanner without it ending in death. Unbeknowest to Sunnyday he had the biggest advantage (and no that was not in reference to his size). Rabbitclaw was a tunneler. Tunnelers were smaller than their moor runner counterparts, but they were faster and relied on ambush. Tunnelers after all stood in tunnels and darted out to catch enemies by surprise. Throw them on the surface without any tunnels and they would struggle.

I like a good challenge. Despite the fact that Sunnyday was by no means her clanmate, she didn't want to kill him or be killed by him. She can't help herself in chuckling, "This will be the first time I'll fight a Thunderclanner and it's not to the death." There is no malice. She is genuinely amused by this and would be even more amused if Sunnyday became nervous. With that she takes a few steps away from him and faces him head on. "I'll show you how a Windclan tunneler fights and you show me how a Thunderclan warrior fights. No claws." Rabbitclaw doesn't move, blue eyes taking in Sunnyday's figure.

You're going to be a pain in the ass aren't you? Glad this isn't an actual battle. He is more than capable of taking her down and pinning her easily. Claws wouldn't be used in this bout, so it's not like she expects her kicks to bother him too much. Typical Windclan battle is more strategic than one might think. They have more battle tactics working together than by themselves. The few that she can apply here. There is no high ground here... She grits her fangs in annoyance. It may be odd for Sunnyday. The battle has started, but it appears as if Rabbitclaw is having dozens alone in her mind.

Before he can move she darts to the side of him and once again faces him head on. Now, what difference does an angle make? Now, go! Without any warning she darts forward and the wind blows harshly seconds after, Rabbitclaw attempts to throw dirt and dust towards Sunnyday's eyes to blur his vision. Windclanners were known for their speed. Even if they lacked power, their agility rendered all attacks useless if they couldn't land. Regardless of whether or not her attempt to blur his vision worked, she would try to bat his left fore leg before scurrying away.
  • @Sunnyday
  • — rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 45 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

It had surprised Sunnyday to have been treated so warmly by another feline, even if it had been just a small gesture. It was enough to stoke the embers in his heart, even by just a small amount. When was the last time he had taught another cat anything? It had been too long, far too long. Still, he guided the way out of the barn to a more secluded place where they could scuffle without annoying the other barn inhabitants and to avoid attracting any of the twolegs.

The leggy tom turned to face his adversary for the day, and as he paused to look he couldn't help but truly take notice of the size difference between them. It was rather humorous in truth, though it reminded him that he would need to be careful whilst training the ex-WindClanners. One wrong move and he could cause harm, even without the use of claws. "Heh! Yes, this is quite the unusual situation. And agreed, no claws. I'll also try to avoid flattening you, we can't have you getting injured when there's a battle to be won." He replied with an air of eagerness. He hadn't felt this excited in a long time.

Sunnyday drew himself into a braced posture as he prepared himself for the attack to come, though it was a bit of a dirty move that came his way first. The tom whipped his head to the side as he shut his eyes to protect himself from the grit, though it left him open to the real attack. He felt the hit, though it did little to put him off from retaliating. The former ThunderClanner snapped his ears in the direction of the sound of running paws, and after dropping his flank and bunching his muscles tightly he then let loose like a spring and aimed to land in front of Rabbitclaw. If successful, he would then attempt to thrust his face into her shoulder to mimic a bite without the use of teeth.

"Word of advice; when you come in to attack use your back legs to spring off of your opponent. It'll give you a head start on the getaway and may potentially knock over your opponent, slowing them down. Back in the forest I would propel myself forward using the tree trunks, made it easier to catch birds." Sunnyday saw no reason as to why he shouldn't share hints with the other. He wanted a decent spar and he wanted to see her excel with a few new techniques. Anything that could help her fight was worth giving.
She can't help but be amused by his demeanor and words. "I don't mind getting injured, but you're right a battle needs to be won. I also wouldn't want you to get any trouble, although... I could use that as an excuse for you to fight in my place." She's joking. Sort of. Well... She would be lying to say she hadn't thought about it. Or at the very least Sunnyday fight in the place of her littermate Rattleheart who had been injured. He's been healing as well as he could under these conditions, but she'd be damned if they had to fight with those injuries. In any case, whatever happens she will be grateful for this meeting and opportunity. It's such a shame they hadn't met sooner. They could have been good friends. I can't get bummed out over that. Get it together Riley!

As expected despite using her tactics, it was not enough to hinder Sunnyday much. I suddenly remember why Thunderclanner's are such a thorn in our side. Before she has time to come up with something new it is too late and she comes face to face with Sunnyday's bright pelt launching at her and landing in front of her. H-how? Thunderclanner's are not supposed to be fast. If this was a real fight she would be dead. Considering he was not only big but even if she squirmed he could easily shake her to rattle her and land a devastating blow. Heh, I'll give you that one. She jumps back a tail length's distance from him, listening to his advice.

"... Never thought about that before, considering Windclan isn't known for trees." I'll take your advice to heart, maybe it'll find more use in the moor runners than the tunnelers. "I am a tunneler, Sunnyday. My job is to build tunnels, maintain them so they don't collapse on us, fight off threats, and hunt in absolute darkness. Our job when fighting is to support the moor runners, we dart out of our tunnels and strike before running inside another tunnel." He shouldn't know this, but he is here to teach her new moves. Something that would give her an edge when facing the loyalists to take back their land. Besides knowing in his case is not horrendous, even if he knew, if he were to try something as silly as walk into Windclan territory he would be woefully unprepared and overwhelmed fighting off two enemies at once.

That was Windclan's true strength. They may lack size and strength compared to others within the forest, but their coordination was unmatched and every battle was carefully crafted. That is not to say that no other clans thought about how they should enter battle it. In a way, this is Windclan's greatest weakness as well. A moor runner needed help in most cases and tunnelers couldn't take down other's so easily. "Unfortunately I can't pass down the skills of a tunneler to you, considering only the smallest cats of Windclan are allowed to become one. There is one thing I can tell you. When you work in absolute darkness you're practically blind. Close your eyes and keep them closed." It seems like this has turned more into a training session than an actual spar.

No matter they'll get back into it anyway. When he does close his eyes she can't help but smile and treads close to him with loud steps. The closer she gets the lighter she tries to edge her way towards him. "When you can't see, everything else becomes stronger. Sounds become louder and scents become so strong you wish you could tear off your nose. Everything you touch is amplified, if you hated the feeling of mud on your paws it feels as though you are walking through bile. I'll let you in on a little secret. I may be a fierce fighter but I am an excellent tracker. I can easily distinguish scents in nearly an instant. I've already memorized your scent from the moment we met. I can find you easily without my eyes."

She wonders if he can distinguish scents in an instant, or if he knew each and everyone of his former clanmates distinctive scent. You would think that if all cats were in the same clan, you would be wrong. Sure they shared some similarities, but every single one of her clanmates had something in particular that made them, them. Or maybe it was best that Sunnyday couldn't be able to do so, it could be overwhelming for some. However, these things such as the way ground shifted, the scent in the air, the wind against her pelt, and how loud something was couldn't be turned off for her. She'd grown accustomed to it already.

"You can open your eyes again," she mews. When he does open them he would find himself staring right into her eyes. Their faces only a paw length away from each other. Why you ask she was so close? For one she was curious to see what he would do and she may or may not have wanted to be a bit silly.
  • — rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 45 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Seeing as there seemed to be a break in their little battle he decided to let himself relax a little, just a little. He already had a few moves in mind that he wished to take once things started up again, though as Rabbitclaw began to speak he focused his mind on what she was saying. The life of a tunneller truly did seem alien to him. Cats underground... the notion was both fascinating and terrifying. How far did the tunnels reach? A part of him wanted to inquire, but he doubted such a secret would be shared with him. Not even if gave him some form of advantage in the conflict to come, provided that he was allowed to help.

"Close my eyes?" Sunnyday echoed the command with a moment of hesitation, though he complied and squeezed them shut so only absolute darkness greeted his visual senses. Already his ears were twitching as he fell back on his auditory senses to help keep track of the tunneller. He locked in on her steps until they got light enough to evade any form of pinpoint accuracy. It was eerie to know that she was there but not knowing her exact location. His mouth parted open as he drank in the air, catching her lingering scent across his tongue.

"Remind me to stay off your bad side then." He jested with a rumbling chuckle after heeding her word of warning about having his scent memorised. If things ever turned sour then it seemed that he wouldn't be able to outrun her or hide. He swore that her scent was growing stronger now but he wasn't sure if it was due to her creeping closer or from tuning in on his other senses. It wasn't until he was instructed to open his eyes that he came to know the truth, and the new proximity made him flinch with surprise. A dumbfounded look sat on his features as he gawked at the she-cat with wide eyes. Though he didn't pull away.

"Y-you got so close, I didn't even hear your pawsteps. That's amazing!" Sunnyday exclaimed with a small smile warming his features. The tom reclaimed his composure and he gave his shoulders a broad roll to help limber up once more as his mind drifted back to that of their spar. "Shall we have another round then? Now remember to kick off from your opponent. The same technique can be used on rocks, fences, walls, just whatever you can push off from. And in turn I intend to avoid panicking when my sight is robbed from me." He gave a cheeky wink as he spoke before he stepped back a few paces so he could ready himself for the bout. "Give me your best shot."