no angst Strewn like stones in the salty sea;;

‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. Her chest was light, head only thinking of the words that Beefang had spoken only moments prior before having to head out to begin sitting vigil. Splashes of colors dot the sky as the sun began to go down and though she normally would have wanted to go out of the territory for something like this but quietly there had been a promise made between the two mollies that they would not leave each other and though Moonbeam knew it meant in life, she didn't want to risk it now.

Just as Claythorn had done days prior Moonbeam was sitting at the edge of camp looking into the water as dusk began to set, eyes flicking across the ripples as soft light reflected off of them, tail flicking absentmindedly behind her as she concentrated on her task at hand. Unlike Claythorn the medicine cat hadn't been hesitant in stepping into the water once eyes caught sight of what she was sure was the perfect stone for as soon as that the dark gray and white streaks reached her sight she was jumping into the water, orange hues open as the medicine cat went under the water and swam towards the stone. When she got closer she noticed the small specks of copper coloring flickering throughout the stone and quickly it would be snatched up and carried within her maw to the shore.

She had done this multiple times now, words gone as she jumped in and out of the water to drag similarly-colored stones to the shores only to place them down and move them over before placing them in a small pile before turning around to jump back into the warm Greenleaf water. This one was different though, and quickly it was deposited into the sand and the feline would shake her fur out before sitting down to inspect the stone at her paws once more. The darker gray reminded her of Beefang's fur, the white warping throughout doing the same, but the copper color was the other's orange eye, soft and striking all the same. It was then she'd decide this one was perfect and it would be kept away from the small pile of reject rocks, tucked away safely to the side where if someone were to happen across it, it would be obvious to leave it alone. Not like they'd have a proper chance to mess with it anyway, for by the time the night was over it would be safe in the medicine den instead, but for now Moonbeam sat content in the way the day had gone, watching as the sun finally fully set and the the sky exploded fully with stars.


  • -- this takes place in that weird limbo of liquid time where it's after this month's meeting but before cats started getting injured! Technically only cats not allowed to respond are those sitting vigil after the meeting.
  • flesh wounds
    ꕥꕥ infections
    aches & pains
    ꕥꕥꕥ illness
    ꕥꕥꕥ breathing
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ traveling
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ broken bones
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ poisons
  • SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    13 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
  • Love
Reactions: BossTaurus
Hawkcloud meanders past with a satisfied yawn, initially on her way towards the warrior's den for the night after her meal. But the sound of clattering rocks on the riverbank, and the sight of the young medicine cat with her pelt still drying beside them, garners her curiosity instead. Hawkcloud hops over, inspecting the pile of rocks glistening with river water as the sun sinks below the horizon. "What a cool collection," the she-cat giggles, peering into the stream nearby and wondering if there were any other pretty stones to be found beneath the gentle current. "Are you gonna put them somewhere?"

Hawkcloud figures the medicine cat might line her nest with them, maybe tuck them away for safekeeping within her den — perhaps beside the herb stores where other cats won't touch. She doesn't consider that Moonbeam might be giving the best of the stones away as a heartfelt gift, certainly not to any special someone. The naive warrior has no experience of her own when it comes to romance, her heart bursting with love for her littermates and the rest of their Clanmates, but never any sort of love beyond that. Hawkcloud has never considered it at all, and remains ignorant to the medicine cat's emotions while she stands beside her, sniffing at the pile of rocks that Moonbeam has abandoned in favor of the perfect one.​

The silver torbie often found herself in the river come sunset, it was the perfect way to relax after a long day after all. She found it had one downside, it was often a practice done alone. Not on purpose, but evening time was still busy for cats and unless the cats looked like they could really use a break she didn't like to bug them for company. Tonight was a nice though as she didn't even have to bother asking cats to come swim, there were some already on the riverbank.

She walked past them, nodding in greeting to the cats and then slipping into the water. Despite her rather gregarious nature she hasn't spent much time with either of the two cats. For Hawkcloud it was never being in the same place it seemed, for Moonbeam however it was a bit more deliberate. Moonbeam was the medicine cat and spent a lot of time in the medicine den, Catfishleap did not like the medicine den, so in ignoring the den she had inadvertently avoided the white molly. But, Moonbeam wasn't in the den tonight and therefore was much easier to talk to.

"Somewhere? Or is it going to someone?" She tacked the question onto Hawkcloud's own. Maybe other Clan's were similar but Catfishleap could have sworn that RiverClan hated keeping things to themselves. Of course cats would still hoard trinkets and such but sharing the wonders they found always seemed common place. She wouldn't even think that the gift was for a sweetheart, for her gifts were always done with good will and friendship. Not to say they couldn't be the other, she had just yet to experience it in that way.

She eyed the rock itself, it was stunning. "I might need your eye if I'm ever looking for a gift. You know how to find the good ones." Maybe Hazewish could use a rock? Catfish was good at finding flowers, but she couldn't boast that rock collecting and flower collecting were transferable skills.


When Ferngill's eye fell upon Moonbeam with an array of similarly-coloured stones, it occured to him they might have a purpose- and what sparked in his mind was a recent memory but a fond one. Sablemist's gentle tones promising wonderful things to him, as his paw laid upon a shimmering green stone and hers upon a star-speckled ebony. Their mating stones, laid now in their shared nest... they would knit them together now and forever, and even when they were long gone... their love would last forever, glowing within the core of those stones.

Catfishleap's observation... that it might be going to someone... there was a knowing glint in Ferngill's eye. Moonbeam and Beefang were noticeably, adorably close. His gaze softened upon seeing that devotion... oh, when had he started feeling old and nostalgic? He was young comparatively!

"They're lovely finds, Moonbeam," Ferngill purred, silken tail flicking warmly. A verdant eye looked past her to examine the single stone that laid separate from the others. Ah, was that the favourite? "But that one is especially beautiful. Congratulations." His murmur was sweetened, and could of course be interpreted to be just about the stone... but if his inkling was correct, then it was about another little thing, too.
penned by pin
Hazecloud was not commonly following the trends of her younger Clanmates, collecting river rocks and storing them in her nest. There was a single stone that made its rest in the willow den, vibrant with smashing colors and smooth with every crevice. The queen preferred the aesthetics of shells and pearls more, however, and the mossy nest within the willow den reflected as such.

She does not find interest in Moonbeam's collection until she heard Catfishleap and at once her ears are perked. Quietly she moved through the clearing to stand beside Ferngill, smiling at the tom as she caught his gaze. "Speaking from experience?" She teased, though her head gave a slow nod in agreement.

Lichenstar had been the one to offer her a Mating Stone, both times. Somewhere along the winding river, or perhaps floating about in the countless streams it flowed into, was her first stone. Tossed with the thought they would never reconcile.

Admittedly, Hazecloud liked her new stone far more. The colors felt more fitting for them, and she liked the more cylinder shape it had.

"I recommend starting where the current is a bit faster. The rounder stones are more common there." She suggested to Catfishleap kindly.


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.