striding in the snowstorm — ruined flowers [ intro ]


you are worth it all 07/30/23
May 30, 2023
.if it's meant to be ———


——— it'll be.
———————— ————————
THE TORTI STARED SORROWFULLY AT THE FLOWERS WHICH LOOKED a little worse for wear. Alright. More than worse, but it could be salvaged if this drafted wind went away—Honeywish sighed softly, pressing a paw against the brim of his nose.

I was looking forward to picking them for the kits. He should have gone before the wind had grown worse, but it seemed nature was once again against him. “A real shame.” He mused, pressing a dirtied paw against his cheek.

“There’s always a next time.” He laughed, the soft sound being swallowed up by the winds that tugged at branches, threatening to splinter and break. He would be back at camp before he fell victim to wild boars or fallen branches. I hope.

“Dear me.” He glanced around, green optics squinting. “Better get going before it worsens.” He called to the few who joined him on his miniature expedition. He turned, giving the ruined patch of flowers a critical eye, plucking a few off the ground with gentle teeth. Something was better than nothing!

He would find ways to use them before they withered. Decorating the nursery? A poorly done flower crown? He didn’t have many, but there was always something, even if Honey wasn’t sure what it was yet.

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sleekpaw | 05 months | genderfluid | he/she/they | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mistyrose
The boy has always loved flowers - or anything pretty really. Feathers, stones, insects, plants - as long as it looks pretty she'll collect it. Feeling guilty as they do about the recent situation, Sleekpaw was one of the first to volunteer for this task - picking flowers for the nursery. "Do you think they'll make it back to camp okay?" he asks, voice soft and hushed. Her own chest fluff has a few sadly drooping blooms tucked into it for easier mouth-free carrying, but with the wind as awful as it is she's worried even that won't be enough to protect the delicate petals and stems.

// @KILLDEERCRY ; mentor ping

Often did Berryheart, on his lonesome treks to gather herbs at varying levels of success, run into patrols on his walks. And ever was he sure to politely greet them. This was no exception; a small gathering of faces, looking over a ravaged patch of flowers that had been buffeted beyond repair by the bludgeoning breeze. It was curious, how long this storm had been brewing... it felt purgatorial, the way that they seemed to teeter on the edge of sky-wrath but did not yet feel it.

Peering down at the ruined blooms, Berryheart blinked before setting his gaze upon those who had stumbled upon them. A white toed paw prodded some of the beheaded plants, dull green eyes gliding across the faces of the onlookers, some carrying almost-snapped flowers in their own maws. "A shame..." he murmured, a frown subtly darkening his features. To an outward eye he was simply transfixed by destruction, but his whirring mind was working at many a possibility. He pondered mostly for the health of the healing herbs he would need...
Wolfwind would never volunteer for something like this. As enthralling ad flower collecting was (sarcasm), her mind feels more at ease hunting or patrolling the borders. Call her a workaholic, going out of her way to hunt down things she could find everywhere seemed kinda sorta like a waste of time, with a few exceptions and circumstances, maybe...

Wolfwind catches ear of the group before she catches sight of them. Dear me sounds like something a frazzled, prissy kittypet would say. Honeywish talks funny.

" Bad news? " Wolfwind questions, brows raised high as she comes to see what everyone's so sad about. Looks like the flowers have been tattered from the wind. " Still takin' em? " If they were destroyed from sittin' out here on their stems, Wolfwind can't say she had high hopes for them lasting on the journey back. She purses her lips to Sleekpaw's question, not sure if the apprentice really wants the answer.

" There'll be more flowers, " she tells them instead, blinking somewhat surprised at Berryheart's expression. Didn't know he was a flower guy. Huh. " Maybe there are cool... late - greenleaf blooms waitin' to come in. " She really does know. She'd never been one to pay attention to plants and stuff.
if it's meant to be , it'll be .
Honeywish hummed around a mouthful of flowers, tail reaching to rest gently on Sleekpaw’s shoulder, withdrawing to stare at Berryheart, head cocked, offering the medicine cat a crinkled smile with lime-colored hues. He wondered how the other was handling the weather. Herbs would be scarce if the ruined flowers were anything to go by.

A tri-colored ear flicked, lime optics staring at Wolfwind, head cocked in a bird-like banner, trilling softly. Of course, Honey knew the flowers could get bitten and chewed by the wind, but why not try? Even if they’re broken, Honey would make good work of using them to their fullest.

He laughed, muffled by the flowers, head curving to point them toward the camp, urging the group to move. He didn’t think Beery needed more patients, especially with the relentless weather that nipped at his skin. “Those who wait will have an even greater reward.” He spoke, voice disoriented, but otherwise clear, tail flickering as he offered Wolfwind a dip of his helm.
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