camp string the bows :: rta , open


Jul 23, 2022

Ribs pressed to pebbled sands, paws stirring at the lap of the riverbank. A hum travels from the throat and dances off the wild twisted whiskers of the blonde warrior. Curls tangled into oblivion tossed gently by the breeze, and the warmth of the sunlight begins to ebb as the burning ball of fire in the air drowns in the sea of leaves. The mother horizon, beckons.

Dogteeth blinks slowly against the visual orchestra, studies it with eyes glossed over in memories. As a kit, he did not so much play as he did ponder. Sometimes, nothing, was alot to think about. The world is big, and full of wonder. Then comes the darkness, that which was filled with terror so much as it was with beauty. The fireflies wander the skies, just as the birds with talons do. A balance, a reason to still yourself and watch.

He lowers his muzzle to the riverbank, and shifts his toes into the cool shimmering depths of the shallow waters and rolls a stone from the eternal current. He angles his jaw down and scoops it into his maw, letting it settle under his tongue and bring a brief coolness to his jowls. The flavor is bitter and gritty by the bits of sand, the sweet hint of fish of it makes his stomach nudge with hunger but he blinks it away and stares off into the willow tops again.

Movement in his peripheral makes him drop the stone with his mouth with a quick spit, offering his clanmate a gentle smile. " evening, good hunting today? or patrolling… " he greets softly.

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png

Ugh. Moonbeam had told him he was " off duty " and " couldn't leave camp " until she had cleared the still cobweb - wrapped wounds on his forelegs as properly healed. He scowls down at the thinly veiled wounds there with each step, overlapping shallow bites incurred from, it seems, the dog's jaws. He honestly can't really . . . remember . . . how he got them—there's flashes, sure, of slavering jaws and gnashing teeth and every drop of blood in his veins singing this is right, this is right, but nothing concrete. He's left with the dregs of that half - remembered song swirling through his bloodstream and the well - tended flesh wounds on his forelegs that are keeping him stuck in camp.

" Huh? " Man, he hadn't even realized there was someone else at this particular bend of the river surrounding camp. And . . . man, has he seen this cat before? He feels like he would have remembered him, because the other warrior's definitely got a presence, even when he's at least a head ( if not two ) shorter than Cicadaflight himself. Glowy cinnamon - brown fur, with a luscious mane of blonde curls with a soft - looking texture he could only hope to attain himself . . . it looks really soft, as though it'd feel like the fluffiest feathers used in the nursery nests. The color feels familiar, somehow . . . there's a gentle smile with a perfect set of teeth very unlike his own directed at him, crystalline blue eyes crinkling at the corners. He'd never realized a cat could look so . . . perfect. It's uncanny, really.

What? Is he talking to me? Thought comes pouring back in a quick rush of whatamidoing and ohshitsaysomething. " Uh, um, not for me . . . yet, " he blurts out. Oh, Great StarClan. Why did he say that? What is wrong with him? " Moonbeam's, um, still keeping me in camp. After that thing. With the dog. "

" speech ( theme week edition ) "

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Reactions: DogTeeth

( ) "i've had fair hunting," the soft hum of the former lead responds to dogteeth's query. verdant eyes watch amusedly as a stone tumbles from his maw, plopping back into the river. "seems like maybe you need a good fish," willowroot comments, moving slowly down the bank to join her handsome friend in the shallows. "eating rocks now, are we?" the tone is amused and playful, some curiosity brought about by the idea of a cool pebble or two soothing her maw. "how's your day been?" she'll query, leg fur swept to the side by the soft currant. the sunset-strewn water sparkles in fading light, a soft breeze carrying scents from the forest beyond it.

willowroot appreciates a quiet moment, finds comfort in the solidarity of the riverside. with a friend beside her, it is one of her favorite places. letting her paintbrush tail dip slowly into the liquid, she curls it around her toes. it seems they're not the only two enjoying the riverbend, because a voice interrupts the soft lull of the river as the lanky form of cicadaflight ambles over. he seems to stumble over his speech, odd eyes flicking dogteeth up and down, an unnatural anxiety to his voice. willowroot allows herself a small smile, gaze finding her friend's form to appreciate the smooth muscles and velvety tan coat. cicadaflight has no doubt discovered what she already knows- that the blond curled warrior is a sight to behold. she-cat leaning as she is, and with a gorgeous mate she is more than enamored with, willowroot can still appreciate dogteeth's beauty.

she'll allow cicadaflight to compose himself before addressing him. "tough luck," she'll click her tongue in sympathy.

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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.

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There's not been enough wonder here as of late. Hard to remember there's any at all– or maybe that's just the pessimist in him. He'd come crawling back, mourning a world he hadn't known to have gone missing, and then he'd had the new one he worked to forge ripped out beneath him. That has always been the way of this world. Even before the clans were formed, Houndstride had just been Hound, a hungry warrior in the marsh who used to be a hungry kit in the twisting mess of twolegplace. It was dark and full of loss, and it's hard to remember the good parts of it when so much had come down on their heads. Dogteeth reminds him some. Strange how that works, ain't it just? Something about the way he holds himself, or even how he looks at the world around him.

Seeing water gleam on the curls 'round his throat, clear as his eyes — the others call him perfect, and maybe that was so, but mostly Hound feels like he's the better parts of their river brought to life.

Bypassing the stunned Cicadaflight and even Willowroot as she settles near him to chat, Hound plunges into the shallow bits of the river, following it to where the stone he'd spat out had settled and scooping it up to splash it back towards the bank. Green apple eyes glitter with a smile that can't quite reach his scarred maw. It still hurts to flex it, even fully healed as it'd ever be. "Bad manners to leave your meal half-finished, then." The idea of a cool stone against his tongue has its appeal in all this heat, but more than that, Willowroot's words remind him of his own troublesome hunger.

"How bad are you really hurt?" he asks, circling out of the water to stare at Cicadaflight's wounded leg. (He's not his father. Either of them. Knock it off.) "Not like she'd know if you slipped out for a bit of hunting with us, hm?" It's only half a joke, at least as long as Moonbeam's not in earshot.

  • 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄. HE - HIM - HIS. PRODIGAL WARRIOR OF RIVERCLAN. ————— mauled by a fox moons ago and has the scars to prove it. though his wounds are healed, nothing can rid him of that pain.   PENNED BY REVELATIONS

    a lean chocolate tabby with lime green eyes. the scars that had once been limited to the bridge of his nose now shatter and expand across that entire side of his face, up to a ripped ear and down to his shoulder and front right leg. it is somewhat difficult for him to put his weight on that paw at odd angles, and he gets grumpy after a long while of walking, but it does not inhibit him terribly.
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Reactions: DogTeeth
The concepts of beauty was an unfamiliar one to Troutsnout, watching as Cicadaflight stuttered along his words at the sight of Dogteeth. Willowroot and Houndstride found themselves over and easily associated with the cream and brown tom-cat, making mention of their day and inquiring on each others day. A dull chambray gaze watched the four of them before glancing at the shallows, watching as the waves ripple and drown those underneath its currents. Her jaw flexes from tension at the faint scent of herbs that reminded her of her own new scars, gritting her teeth at the reminder.

Yes, while they adored and appreciated the beauty of one— she was now a monster in appearance and personality. Misty Bird made an comment after she groomed herself that she looked beautiful and the background comment from Bronzeshine, and she feels sour. It was all but simple gestures attempting to be nice, but it wouldn't mind anymore. Troutsnout doesn't know how to interact in this situation and allows herself to sink in the background of the conversation, a tall lingering shadow that stood off always watching for anything. It wouldn't be long until Moonbeam released her from the clutches of the medicine den and then she would be back to her life, and she would be sure to hunt and search for those who harmed Riverclan.
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Reactions: DogTeeth

In the peripherals it could almost be the ghost of Cicadastar, alas- a tom much younger and less haunted-looking. His hesitance traveling the path of Dogteeth’s notice but comes without much detail, earning a polite smirk and patient tick of the tail tip. The young warrior seemed a bit dazed ’ uh, um, not for me…yet’ Dogteeth cocks his head sideways.

Dogteeth’s eyes dip down to legs wrapped with cobweb, his lips twitch downward in pensive frown. The young warrior finally speaking after long pause, " oh- yes… I heard about that.. you must’ve been very brave " he praised with a crinkle in his renewed smile. " I may be named Dogteeth but I’m not quite familiar with them beyond the bark " he jokes lightly, no- he’d never been bitten by a dog he couldn’t imagine it. Didn’t want to ask the poor lad neither.

A deep purr rumbles from his chest at the sight of Willowroot, the dark long furred molly wore the kindest green eyes. He had never caught the former lead warrior on a bad day, so Dogteeth would easily describe them as the kindest warrior in Riverclan. Good news, and pleasantries she brings. A fish sounds good, Dogteeth’s jaws watered a bit. ‘ Eating rocks now are we?’ he chuckles through a toothy grin. " it’s important to expand ones palate " he returns in jest. " Oh my day was wonderful, love- newleaf is my beloved! " he purrs cheerily. He did so love the sunbaked sands in his toes, and the river shallows running warm.

The sight of the mauled tabby is always one to behold, skin wielding the tale of battle like wood wore the lacerations of warriors sharpening their claws. This did not make him less pleasing on the eyes, ruggedly handsome as Houndstride, Dogteeth wondered if he thought the stares made his way were of cautious praise, or simply to ogle. Dogteeth’s own stare was simply gentle, it had no weight, at least he hoped not.

watching with idle amusement as Hound makes the stone clatter back toward him with a splash. Droplets flick over his muzzle, and he swipes his wrist over his nose, ’bad manners to leave your meal half -finished, then " I already sink more than I swim, thank ye very much! and what do you know of manners? " he retorts lightheartedly, wondering now of the consequence to swallowing stones. Surely a trip to Moonbeam’s den.

his whiskers twitch as Houndstride suggests a bending of Moonbeam’s instruction, " you mischievous weasel " Dogteeth smirks toward Houndstride with a raised brow. Only to squinch up his muzzle toward Cicadaflight " but- I won’t tell " he whispers with a sly wink. Eyes catching on the bystanding Troutsnout, quiet and watchful. " come for the stone tasting? " he flicks his tail to wave in their direction, a joke on his tongue.

  • — AHHH MY DUDES I missed yall so much <3 :") what beautiful writing yall have // plz forgive my rusty return to writing!

  • — Dogteeth PINTEREST
    — twenty-eight moons
    — warrior of Riverclan
    — gay | crushing on n/a
    — small curly-furred blonde and tan tom with blue eyes.
    — very gentle voice and laugh
    — deals a nasty bite
    BIOGRAPHY——— ✧
  • 0yQlsKL.png

Laughter and smiles filled the area as the scarred warrior continued to gaze into a distance, her mismatched paws fending for the touch of the gentle embrace of the waters. Anything to stretch her long legs and find herself consumed into the void to improve herself as a warrior for Riverclan and Lichenstar, she couldn't fail them again. Troutsnout doesn't engage in the conversation as she feels lost with the recent accidents and her mind is full of ways to repent for her sins, rid the rogues and canines from their lands and anything to make up for her failures as a daughter, sister, and friend.

Come for the stone tasting? The siren's words would inquire and it doesn't register that she was one being spoken too until the lingering gaze of blues dance on her chocolate coat. A tail flicking in a greet, words cooing jokingly and light almost as there wasn't everything to be worried about. Was this how it was like to live life by the day and not to stress over everything? Troutsnout felt as she had regressed back to overworking days as she did moons ago before she was taught by Foxtail and Slateheart, and she blinks slightly. ”Ah. I'll pass for now.” She admits as she escapes her roaming thoughts, a thick tail twitching slightly. As much as she would like to taste stones, it would be painful too.

Typically any sudden movement caused the deep scar caused by rogues across her shoulders to tense in pain, and any movement too far to the left or right made the laceration in her thick mane ache slightly. It wasn't as bad as it was before, but, it was still obnoxious being struck randomly by uprisings of pain.