camp STRONG WINDS | Intro


Fair skies
Mar 6, 2024

Tornadokit was growing quick from when he was first brought into the clan, it'd been a few moons since he was carried scared and mewling to the camp - assumed abandoned, to far from his twolegs and it being far to cold to wait with him. His days as a kittypet were short lived - something he was happy about, he was apart of Thunderclan now and his clan was the coolest! That meant he was too! He didn't think much of his origins, of what family he may have left behind he was so little and those memories were so hazy, when he thinks of family now he thinks of the queens who keep him safe, his denmates, and the warriors of the clan who brought him prey and fun toys to play with (sometimes it was an all in one deal! Playing with your food he found was fun!) There was really only one big issue and that was he just could hardly wait until he could become an apprentice, he was getting closer every moon and it still felt sooo far away.

Sadly to he nursery felt cramped to Tornadokit, there wasn't enough room for him to tumble from wall to wall without worrying about stepping on one of the younger kits, he'd stepped on pleeeeenty of tails but he really did try when it came to the "little" ones not to! The little tom spent most of his time just outside the den either playing with his denmates, himself or trying to grab the attention of one of the apprentices or warriors. Something he had found out was easy with a special little trick he liked to call yelling! "HEY! I'm sooooo bored!" he cried out, it's over dramatic but the clever little kit knew that was just the ticket to getting his way.

  • pTNHeLy.png
    Tornadokit He/Him, Thunderclan Kit, 4 moons
    Brown and white masked tom with blue eyes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​
Were it a different time, Tornadokit would have been apprenticed and out practicing all manner of hunting and fighting skills. That time had since passed, just barely catching Softpaw, with the introduction of the new law that an apprentice had to be six moons to become an apprentice instead of four. She supposed it was for the best - after all, they were less kits and more mature, more capable of holding their own in a fight should it ever come to that.

There were plenty of kits in the nursery these days, what with all the litters that had cropped up, and Softpaw had figured that none of the kits would be left wanting for playmates with so many in the nursery. Apparently, she'd been wrong, or at least wrong in the case of Tornadokit - there had to have been a few kits his age in the nursery, but Softpaw thought that it might be hard to play as an older kit with so many young kittens around. She could remember how a crowded nursery could make a difficult playground.

"Why don't you ask the queens for some of their stories? I'm sure they've plenty to tell." Softpaw suggested as she approached Tornadokit from the apprentice's den, nodding back towards the nursery. Softpaw had enjoyed stories when she was younger, but she understood that not all kits did - especially the more energetic ones. "Or you could play moss-ball." She'd played it by herself once or twice as a kit, but it was much more fun with others. Perhaps some of the other kits would be able to join in.​
Adderpaw had decided after the first litter of kits had been brought into the nursery that newleaf was his least favorite of the four seasons, bringing about the yowling and screeching from small mouths into their camp during the day, and even sometimes into the night. With tired eyes the apprentice couldn't remember a time where there had just been true peace and quiet in the clan, the exact reason he found himself in the forest most days now despite his overwhelming fear of the wolves returning. It seemed however, that the sound of kits drove him to insanity just a bit more.

Pinning his ears to his skull as he passed Tornadokit in the middle of his outburst, a small hiss flashed through his teeth in irritated tone, tail whipping. "Watch it!" It had been unfortunate timing for the kit to have yelled as Adderpaw was nearby, but that was a given for any kit who was within ear shot of the apprentice. If someone was just a bit too loud for him, he'd be up and stomping on over to demand they lower their shrill voices. Angling his ears towards Softpaw, he encouraged her words with a forced smile. "Yes, in the quiet comfort of the nursery! So you should definitely do that," the tabby forces the words to be filled with enthusiasm, making a little ushering moment towards the nursery with a few flicks of his paw. Hopefully the kit wouldn't fight back, but they really did seem to have a mind of their own.​
she/her || 4moons || ThunderClan Kit

Escaping the stuffy air of the nursery for a little while today, Yewkit had plans to find someone to talk to. She wasn't picky with who that ended up being, she loved making friends mostest of all. So, upon finding Tornadokit talking to a couple of apprentices, Yewkit happily wanders over, a bounce to every step she takes and a wide grin on her face. "Hi!!!" She greets with a massive grin, "what're you playing? Can I play too? Pleeaassseeeeeeeeeee..!!" For effect, she adds a pout to her words and crouches low to the ground, making herself look pitiful and small, though that's not a conscious choice in he mind. ​

Worked like a charm! Tornadokit looks awfully proud of himself when Softpaw comes heading his way, he was aware a lot of cats grew tired of his and other kits whining but he also understood they gave him leeway, weren’t as harsh as they would be if he was older. He was beginning to push his luck though, moons ago it would’ve been expected he acted older more put together, he had thrown a fit when he first learned if he’d been born earlier he’d have been a apprentice before he turned six moons. Code-schmode he wanted to be an apprentice but he keeps himself occupied. A toothy grin would greet the apprentice, he stands up dancing on his paws moving in place as she comes up with ideas to entertain him.

"I’ve heard like every story ever" he claims offhandedly, before he can say more to combat the idea she brings up a much more entertaining idea. He perks up and he’s about to tell her to play with him to find him a nice big pile of moss but before he can a much less friendly face comes over. Adderpaw much like his name would imply is hissy and grump and very lame. The kit would stick his tongue out towards the brown tabby "I’ll pass" he’d say tongue still out before retreating back inside his jaws. Still in ear shot and said to loud he “whispers” over to Softpaw "Who put burrs in his bedding?".

It’s quick for his expression to change back to a grin when Yewpaw comes padding over likely just as bored as he was and wouldn’t you know it she wants to play too! Yess! She’s very good at begging he has to respect that, they had very different tactics.

"We’re gonna play moss ball!" he proclaims elated, he jumps towards her lightly and harmlessly pushing the other kits shoulder excitedly "and guess what whoever wins will be called the moss ball champion forever!"
