strumblin' | tripping




Having a new name is odd to her, stranger and stranger as she thinks about it. It makes her think she is giving up on her upwalker, makes her think she is casting him aside. She still had this small hope in her heart that he will come back for her and often times she wakes up in the middle of the night in tears. She always muffles herself so as not to wake anyone but it has been happening as of late. With her not being able to really sleep on those nests it has been hell on her tired mind. Yet she keeps pushing through becsuse she doesn't have a choice. This is home regardless of how she feels, how her heart aches and she needs to get it out of her head that he will come back. It's pointless. Taking a deep breath in she has been tiredly trying to map out the territory. Paws feeling along the ground and eyes watching the silhouette of many trees. Her pink stained eyes blink tiredly and a soft yawn splits soft pink tinged muzzle wide before snapping shut again. Hmm, she supposes it is time to head back to camp and so she shifts her path only for her paw to suddenly get caught under a root.

A sharp gasp leaves her muzzle and her balance is thrown off, tittering she tries to collect herself and she ends up stumbling and her side hitting up hard against a tree. She bares the pain that rippled up her side but her delicate skin will not be so nice. It is already throbbing mercilessly and she frowns before lifting a paw to wipe at her face. No tears. She's just stressed. It'll be fine and then she starts to make her way towards what is now home.
The sound of a fall frightened off the squirrel he had been stalking, and Tybalt hissed a curse under his breath. Shaking off the annoyance of a lost catch, he rounded the corner to try and catch sight of the source of the noise.

His expression softened as he caught sight of Ghostpaw, and then his brow crinkled in worry. “Ghostpaw?” he called gently, padding closer to inspect her i
njured leg. “What happened? Are you okay?”
Voices coming from just outside camp draw the attention of Stormypaw. The kittypet-turned-forest cat, still pudgy with kitten fat and kibble, curiously trots just outside to peek at what's going on. She spots a young tom doting over a slightly older she-cat. Are they warriors? Or apprentices? I can't remember...She thinks with frustration. So many names and faces to learn and she's not been very successful. "Is she hurt?" The young girl calls over, ears pricking and tail waving to catch the young tom's attention. "Do you need the, uh, herb guy?" What's his name again? Cherry-something? Ugh, she doesn't know! But she can smell his den from a forest away, so he'd be easy to find if she needed to do so.
hailpaw | 05 months | trans demi-girl | they/them + feminine terms | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold skyblue

With just as much concern burning in their pale golden gaze, downpour follows along after stormy - no, stormypaw. things get all jumbled up in their head still sometimes - they wonder if they'll ever get used to the strange customs here. "That looks like it hurts," they say sympathetically, a knowing grimace on the she-cats face. They've had they're fair share of scrapes and scuffles, and though most have happened back in the twoleg nest while playing about and rough housing, the rather chubby kitten finds it to be nothing to be embarrassed of. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes - you just have to get back up and try even harder the next time.