border stuck in our little zone since 1987 | wc dusk patrol


wretchedly nervous
Jul 1, 2024
Expeditions along Windclan's borders always fill Cricketcry with a nearly intolerable amount of nervousness; more so now as the lead of a patrol, stars... he hopes Sunstar does not notice the way in which his paws tremble. Ahead, the sun has already dipped below the canopy of trees which home Thunderclan and Cricketcry finds himself grateful for the dimness. It shields him, grants him a small allowance of comfort which he could only find in the tunnels.

His large ears swivel apprehensively as the group nears closer to the foul-smelling border. "You don't s-sss...suppose any of those traitors..." The word 'traitors' is spat, discarded from his maw angrily. "...could-d-d still be around, do you?" He asks Sunstar in a hushed voice, pointedly excluding Milkthorn. Cricketcry reckons he'd sympathize with Thunderclan's traitors too. "Well, uh... h-here we are," Cricketcry mumbles, sweeping his gaze along the border as he exhales wearily. He'd rather be anywhere else.


  • OOC— @SUNSTAR @brokenpaw ♠ @milkthorn. @Lakepaw. and apprentice tag: @honeysucklepaw !
    —— prompt: After ThunderClan’s announcements at the gathering, it seems the forest-dwellers share some similar experiences to WindClanners. How do the cats on patrol feel about this, and do they bring it up with any ThunderClanners who appear?

  • CRICKETCRY —— Tunneler of Windclan
    𓆧 he/him / 28 ☾
    𓆧 timid, cynical & wistful
    𓆧 has a slight limp
    𓆧 petite lh chocolate tabby/fawn chimera
⊱⊰ The long-legged apprentice has heard plenty about WindClan—not all of it good, not all of it bad—but for all she's heard, she hasn't really had the experience of meeting any of the moor-cats at the border. The border itself is rather boring, nothing special about it. The only thing that Hopepaw can think of is that the border marks the place where ThunderClan's warriors, including her father, had courageously lead a pack of wolves away. It had happened before she and Coalpaw were born, but she's heard enough about it to know what kind of sacrifice Batwing had made, to know that his body had been swept away into the gorge that frames WindClan's territory.

A group of cats approaches the border from the other side, and the girl's fluffy tail swipes back and forth in anticipation. "What are we supposed to do?" She asks, trepidation clear in her muttering voice. Her expeditions out into the territory haven't taken her to any of the borders, not since Skyclaw threw Howlingstar from the Highrock. Should she greet the other patrol, or should she hang back and politely ignore them? Copper eyes cast over to her mentor, seeking, questioning.

  • ooc: mentor tag @lovelight
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  • HOPEPAW ❯❯ she/her, thunderclan apprentice
    skinny, thick-furred lilac molly with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    daughter of batwing and leopardtongue (adopted by roeflame) ; sister to braveheart, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalpaw ; adoptive sister to beetlepaw, dovepaw, littlepaw
    mentored by lovelight
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ; does not typically like physical contact from anyone besides her family
    penned by foxlore
Following after Cricketcry is funny in the sense that... he's always jumpy. Honeysucklepaw doesn't understand why he's so nervous all the time but it's only made more evident when responsibility it tossed his way. She trots after him faithfully, watching the fur along the ridge of his spine stand at attention the closer they draw to the border... "What, the ones that like... got Howlingstar? I thought they said they chased'em out," she responds with a scrunch of her nose. It wouldn't do them much good to lie right? If they were stupid enough to run into WindClan territory, she'd be sure to show them exactly what makes her clan such a threat! The nights spent learning to dodge and dip around and make use of a smaller body do not go forgotten...

"Look! I think I see some cats over there in the ferns and stuff," she comments, glancing towards her mentor with sharp emerald eyes that beg to be permitted to go closer. Can she say hi? Is that allowed? Did Flamestar's new leadership mean they were enemies until further notice?

  • 'the new world grows despite the bite of shears'
    - ward of cricketcry of wind-swept moors
    - she/her
    - orphan daughter to mintshade and gracklestep

    a solid pitch she-cat with fern-green eyes
It hasn't been long since Palefire visited this border. She'd only just taken Meadowpaw and Ivorypaw on their first tour along all of Thunderclan's border, as soon as she had been released from the medicine den. Unfortunately, both her apprentices had missed out on that opportunity in the first moon of their apprenticeship, thanks to Skyclaw's mutiny. She was more grateful than she could put into words to have them both back safely under her tutelage, finally able to begin their training. Now here they are again, hiking the line between the forest and the moors, and hopefully the girls are better prepared now.

The lilac-point's ears swivel to the barren hills of Windclan's territory when hushed voices carry to them on the wind. Her icy gaze falls to Hopepaw at her question, sparing a quick look at Lovelight before offering the pale molly an encouraging smile. "We continue marking our border, and if we're feeling friendly, we can share a quick word before moving on." Honestly, Palefire rarely felt friendly towards their neighbors anymore, but every day she was trying to allow the shadow of the last few moons to lift from her shoulders. Why not at least make an attempt at civil chit-chat?

She motions for Ivorypaw and Meadowpaw to follow as she approaches the scent line, meeting the moorland patrol in kind. She doesn't recognize any of the warriors, but a familiar spotted pelt walks amongst them, and she nods respectfully to the Windclan monarch. Sunstar likely wouldn't know her, but she recognized him from many gatherings since Sootstar's bloody demise. "I hope Windclan is faring better these days, I'd heard about the illness burning through your ranks." She directs the comment at anyone and no one in particular, paws flexing in the grass.

  • [ apprentice tags @ivorypaw & @Meadowpaw ]

  • 1HGrVLs.png
    PALEFIRE she / her, warrior of thunderclan, 18 moons
    lh lilac lynx point w/ low white and blue eyes
    single, crushing on no one / npc x npc / sister to bluestride
    mentoring meadowpaw & ivorypaw / mentored by nightbird
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / all opinions ic
    underline and tag when attacking
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, dm for plots.

Contrary to many of her Clanmates, and perhaps Clan cats in general, Softsight held a rather soft spot for their neighbors, no matter the Clan that they came from. There had been no major disagreements between Clans - Raccoonstripe's prey-stealing binge on SkyClan aside - during her lifetime that might have provoked her ire towards any of the surroundings Clans - in fact, just the opposite, having had the Clans come together when they were all threatened by rogues.

So although she wasn't one to initiate conversation in passing on patrols, she certainly wasn't one to rebuff them, either.

As her patrol drifted towards the WindClan border, Softsight looked up at the sound of faint voices carried over borders by the breeze. Hopepaw was the first to point out that they had run into seemingly another patrol, and she cast his look out, trying to spot the bordering patrol - and she's surprised when she spots Sunstar's different gait setting him apart from the rest of those with him. It was always an honor to see a leader up close on patrols, and Softsight wondered if that would ever cease.

Palefire offers the first courtesies, and Softsight trails behind, offering the WindClan patrol a small, respectful nod of the head. It's always better to come across neighboring Clans rather than the rogues that had once called ThunderClan home - Softsight wanted to believe that they had all seen the last of Skyclaw's followers, but she could never allow herself to be certain in that regard. It was too dangerous to let her guard down, lest what happened before happen again.


He didn't want eyes to be wary of him after the effects of defending Thriftfeather and Bluefrost, but he couldn't expect less. He held no shame in defending his friends, but that didn't mean he didn't want to defend his own clan as a whole either. It was one of the warrior codes, after all.

"What are Thunderclanners strengths and weaknesses?" Milkthorn murmured to his apprentice, hoping Lakepaw would know the simple answer. This was his first apprentice, and he was adamant to make sure the other could recite every code, law, and the strengths and weaknesses of every clan to gain advantage in battle.

Plus, he was also trying to avoid being brought to too much attention with Sunstar in the patrol as well. He didn't want the leader biting his head off if he failed to train Lakepaw. But they were quicker to the border than he thought, and he hoped the apprentice was not loud as he realized the other heads across the way and the low murmurs.

He'd give a nod to them in greeting, leaning over to mark a part of the border, before moving away a bit. "were doing quite well," he said, insistent, jaw a bit too tight. He didn't want anyone to think because of the sickness, they could walk over their borders and take advantage of them. He had no problems with Thunderclan, but with Flamestar at the head now, he did not want them to think of Windclan as weak.