pafp stumble and fall - return to camp

After getting into their tree for a second time, Flycatcher and Flamewhisker had waited for the danger to pass. Although the grunting had grown louder, the boar had not made a reappearance by the tree they were hiding in. The two waited until the grunting had ceased, and then when they were certain the boar was out of the area, Flycatcher had suggested they leave. Since waiting the pain in his leg had gotten worse, now becoming something akin to constant throbbing. Although in more pain than he had been before, Flycatcher did his best to try and hide it from Flamewhisker, not wanting her to worry any more than necessary.

Once safely on the floor, Flycatcher had leaned against his mate for support, grateful she was there. They walked slowly and steadily back to camp, unable to walk too fast without Flycatcher wincing and starting to pull up his paw. Eventually, the sights and smells of camp hit them and Flycatcher breathed a sigh of relief. "Home..." He muttered quietly, looking forward to being able to rest properly.

/please wait for @Flamewhisker !
also tagging @BERRYHEART - he's sprained his front left leg
It was crazy how such a simple walk had turned tragic. She padded alongside him, supporting him however he needed. Their pace back to the camp was slow and steady, and she noticed him holding up his paw now that they were closer to the camp. She flicked her tail, attempting to put it over his back. Her heart felt heavy, watching him be in matter how hard he tried to hide it, she knew it was there. Even worse...his pain was because of her mistake. If she hadn't misjudged her jump into the tree, she would have made it up beside him...if she hadn't messed up...he wouldn't have jumped down to save her.


They had finally made it back, and now she didn't have to worry about a boar jumping out at them. She let out her own sigh of relief, thankful that they were both safe now, and that her mate could rest his paw and hopefully get some relief. As they padded into the camp, she was sure that everyone was looking at them. Her attention flicked to the closest clanmate, motioning them towards her with her tail. "Fetch Berryheart, tell him Flycatcher is hurt."

It's not everyday that you see the deputy and the lead warrior come through the camp entrance, looking completely disheveled. Tansy quickly ushers Crystalkit back inside the nursery with her nose, prodding at his side and sending him a look when he complained. She promises to come back to play after mama gets some work done, and as she approaches, Flame flicks her tail. Tansy takes it as an invitation to move closer. "Starclan, what happened?" she answers her question near immediately after, saying Flycatcher was hurt. Her eyes scanned for any visible wounds but to her surprise she finds none.

What did they do? What had they gotten in to.

"...Okay. I'll go get him, then." she hums lightly, quietly. Tansy finally nods and turns around to grab Berryheart, her tail swishing behind her. Had they gotten ambushed? Perhaps bruised up, or maybe they had had a run in with the boars that roamed their territory. She hopes its not the latter, but she hadn't stopped to get a scent on them- surely a run in with those beasts would leave them worse off, or... Perhaps buried beneath the ground like Howlingstars son. She doesn't stop to dwell on it.
The ThunderClan deputy and lead warrior pair limp into camp, looking a little worse for wear. Disheveled pelts, exhaustion darkening their eyes—and Flycatcher winces with every step. Flamewhisker immediately spots Tansyshine and asks her to fetch @BERRYHEART and, now, @LICHENPAW ; the queen obliges quickly, worry in her quickened step.

Great StarClan, what happened?” He stares at the leg, the limp way it’s being held, as if even the slightest pressure causes great pain. “As if I had to guess… those damn boars.” Raccoonstripe looks at Flamewhisker, frowning. “I’m glad you weren’t… I’m glad it wasn’t worse.” One of them could have been dragging their mate home, limp and cold and covered in blood.


Swiftly fetched, he offered Ice-eyes a thankful nod before beckoning his apprentice with his tail, dull eyes fixed forward. His pupils shrank in the face of the daylight, settling upon the congregation of cats; Blue and Sunset stood beside each other as ever, though upon the latter's face was a distinct dusk of worry. Scrutiny surmised the injury that Blue had sustained, the way he tenderly held it slightly-suspended above the ground. A soft hum of contemplation left him, and as he strode over, he murmured to his apprentice; "Sprained paw."

Coming to a halt, he fixed the deputy with askew, thoughtful eyes before at last parting his lips beyond the ajar suspension of his crooked jaw. "Is that all?" he murmured, motioning to Blue's injured paw with his own white-toed one. His voice, despite its tranquil levelness, still held within it a trace of concern. It would be foolish to assume it was simply a single injury- he knew well what those beasts were capable of. His brother's snarl-stained face flashed in his mind for a moment, but was dissolved with a blink. He could only imagine Stripes felt similarly, and he set his bark-furred littermate with a brief glance.
Stormpaw slid out of the apprentice den, branches cutting into her fluffy pelt, as she heard the sounds of her parents' voices. The threat of the boars of course was ever present, but Stormpaw placed naive trust in her parents. They were the strongest ThunderClan had to offer—they would never be dispatched by a group of overgrown pigs.

Racconstripe was right. It could have been worse. Stormpaw was glad it could not have been worse—she would not know what to do. Even now, staring at her father's paw and exhausted form—she felt a frozen fear take hold of her entire body. Stormpaw gasped finally and rushed forward toward Flycatcher and Flamewhisker, pressing her nose into her mother's chest.

"I'm so glad you're both okay!" She exclaimed in a rushed whisper, breath rattling frantically in her chest. "What happened, will he be alright?"


It doesn't take long for clanmates to appear, their expressions showing their evident concern at his current well-being. Flycatcher allows Berryheart to give him a quick once over, before addressing the concerns of the cats who had asked what happened. The only deviation is the small, reassuring smile he gives his daughter. One as if to say that despite his injuries he is safe and alright. "Only a sprain? That's a relief," Flycatcher mews, when Berryheart quickly diagnoses his injury. When Berryheart asks if there is anything else wrong, Flycatcher shakes his head. "A little winded but that's about all as far as I can tell." Of course, there always was the possibility that something else was wrong and he didn't know it, but at the moment he was taking his chances.

With his injury confirmed as a sprain, he looks back to the others gathered to explain what happened. "It was a boar," Flycatcher confirmed, nodding to Raccoonstripe. "Flamewhisker and I were talking when we happened upon one accidentally. It already seemed distressed and charged at us. We tried to escape up a tree but Flamewhisker almost didn't make it. I chose to jump down from the branch in an effort to scare it away so Flamewhisker could escape. The boar threw me off but it worked at least."
She was tired of the boars, tired of having to walk on eggshells in her own home, and Leopardtongue was sure there were many others within the clan that shared her sentiment. It seemed like every day there were cats getting injured from it, and it left the warrior feeling useless. She couldn't fight off a boar, she couldn't help heal her clanmates that had tried to do so or who had gotten ambushed out of nowhere by one. They were hard to outrun and Leopardtongue wasn't fast, the only thing she had against them was that she could climb and they couldn't - but that was dependent on her finding a nice sized tree that wouldn't be shaken easily if they were to hit it.

A worried noise left the female's maw as she heard the commotion, facial features coming to a relieved rest when she heard what had happened and was finally caught up. They were fine, everyone was fine, no one was hurt horribly, thank StarClan. "Hopefully this means they're going away soon," She began, looking towards Flycatcher before shaking her head slightly, "StarClan, those boars are scary. I'm glad you're both okay." Or as okay as they could be in that moment.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 32 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally