camp STUMBLED ON A VIEW ✧ . raindrops

When morning comes to wake him, it’s not the glow of sunlight that welcomes him to the day, but something else. Little light comes into the nursery, and it’s only the faint light of gray skies that Morelkit sees from where he lays in the nest. A sound accompanies it the odd atmosphere, not the chirping of birds afar or the croaking of frogs. But a foreign tempo, consistent in its tapping.

Blinking away sleep, the kit rises to still-steadying paws and a clumsy jaunt to the mouth of the nursery is made to find the source of the noise, the shift in all he’s known so far of the world outside.

It falls. Many of them, clear and small — from the roof of the nursery, from higher up past that. “ Woah — “ Morelkit mews, eyes wide as he watches the sight before him, before the kit turns back to look at his nest, at his siblings, his family. “ Look — Gigs! Bran! Look! “ Gigglekit and Branchkit need to see this!

Morelkit turns back, watching the falling droplets for a moment more, before a realization is made, and a gasp follows. They’re breaking, falling from such a height leaves them to disappear when they hit the ground — what if they all go away, before his littermates are able to look at them? Trying to catch them, to break their fall, a paw juts out from under the shelter of the nursery.

His plan fails, however, when they break against his fur too, his paw shocked with cold and wet. Morelkit frowns, looking down at his paw, the lack of a prize saved for his littermates. “ Oh..

// @Gigglekit and @BRANCHKIT , but no need to wait!

Gigglekit, like her brother, had gotten used to waking up to the brightness that greeted them from beyond the nursery - brightness that was, to Gigglekit's little mind, like a portal that transported cats outside and inside of the nursery. Waking up to none of that same brightness was all the more confusing, then, because without the brightness, how was someone going to go in or out? She stared at the weak light that filtered into the nursery and blinked in time with the rhythmic pattern that was pattering down outside.

"Hm..." Gigglekit considered her brother's urging to come and see what was going on that might have to do with the lack of light, but she was hesitant. It looked gray outside, like how Smogmaw was, and she wasn't too interested in finding out more; a nap was easy to be had in such a state, after all. But curiosity got the better of her after a few moments, and Gigglekit got to her paws, tentatively following her brother towards the mouth of the nursery.

"What's'it, Morelkit?" The kitten asked, slinking back when Morelkit appeared to have tried and captured something with his paw, but from what Gigglekit could see, there was nothing there. She can see outside of the nursery now, watching the things fall down onto the ground, making it darker than usual.
  • !
  • GIGGLEKIT kit of shadowclan, one moon
    blinks incessantly.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.


Time really flew, didn't it. Once a child, Emberpaw now watched over the next generation of youths. A fresh sapling climbing higher and higher, only to look down and realize she was growing branches. They were the sprouts now, squealing seedlings basking in sunshine, drinking up rain water for the first time, smooth and not yet weathered by the storms to come. Emberpaw watched them, a thin barb of jealousy poking at her heart. I never got that. All my memories of ShadowClan I've had to do stuff. Morelkit, Gigglekit, Branchkit... Why didn't I get to be Emberkit? The barb wriggled deeper in and Emberpaw shifted uncomfortably. Don't be a baby. You're going to be a warrior soon. A warrior! Chilledstar brought you to ShadowClan for a reason, and it wasn't to get teary-eyed over kits having fun! She turned her dark face to the sky, exhaling slowly as the spring rain washed away the stormy heat behind her eyes. Must and earth wafted into the air. New life. New beginnings.

The young tabby padded closer to the nursery, crouching down to peer at the kits crowding around its entrance. Morelkit darted a tiny paw out, attempting to catch the falling droplets. He drew back, squinting like something wasn't adding up. Gigglekit was blinking over his shoulder.
"Hey there, you three," Emberpaw meowed, a warm smile breaking through her clouded face. "This is called rain! It's water that falls all the way from StarClan." Or, close to it. Is StarClan in charge of the weather? She'd actually never thought about it before. Perhaps one of the older cats would know.

"It's really hard to catch and hold onto, but I've got a trick for ya!" She rolled onto her back and stuck out her tongue, scrunching her eyes shut against the gentle heavenly onslaught. "If you catch the raindrops on your tongue, they can't get away."​
Lounging outside of the warriors den, head laid on the cool ground. Batchaser flicked a large ear, hearing tall tale sounds of excited kitten mewls. Hm? What's exciting the little creatures? He lifted his head up from the ground, turning his dark head around to watch the new kittens with a slight tilt of his head. This has piqued his interest. He lifts himself onto dainty splashed paws, jaws splitting open to let out a yawn. The tall, bicolored tom shakes out his short coat as turns his lean body around to walk towards the kittens. He makes it to the nursery, he then stops next to Emberpaw acknowledging the apprentice with an ear flick.

Batchaser looks down at the tiny creatures called kittens, he crouches down to get on their level with a soft huff. Curled fur hangs over his odd colored eyes, as he peers at the three kits. He curls his skinny tail around his crouched form, he listens to the tabby apprentice next to him explain what rain was to the wide-eyed kits. He nods in agreement. I don't know if rain is controlled by Starclan.. He doesn't feel like voicing his input or outright speaking about how rain doesn't fall from Starclan but oh whatever it's all good fun. For the kittens anyways. He just lays his head down, on pale splashed paws then he flicks his odd-eyed gaze at Emberpaw then back to the three kits. He blinks slowly, as he observes the four individuals with a smile curled on his maw.


  • no ref yet </3
  • ( Ehhh ?! ) BATCHASER : warrior of shadowclan
    ➛ cismale ; HE / HIM, no problems with other pronouns ; currently 29 moons
    ➛ pansexual / single / not actively looking / open to crushes
    ➛ a tall, curly shorthaired oriental mix with half-lidded odd colored eyes.
    action , thoughts , "Speech , 7077A1"
    ➛ smells of rain-soaked pavement & sweet leaf rot

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone


✧ . Soon, a sibling is at his side, and kitten-blue eyes move from his wet paw to Gigglekit’s face. “ Dunno. It… went bye, “ he tries to explain to her, confused frown still heavy upon his face. A paw reaches out again, tries to catch another for them to look close at, only for the cycle to repeat itself. “ Hey! “ Why did it do that? Did it not like him?

A new face approaches from outside the nursery, a warm smile in juxtaposition to the look on his own. Morelkit looks up to Emberpaw as she explains, small ears twitching at the new word.

Rrr..ain…? “ he echoes back. Water, from — “ ‘TarClan? “ He’s heard stories of StarClan. Did his new discovery really come from all the way up there? Had the star-cats touched the same water he had? He reaches his paw out again, because… he really wants the star water to like him and —

Emberpaw’s words stop him and her offer of a trick leaves the kitten leaning forward to watch as she rolls onto her back and sticks out her tongue. They can’t get away if you catch them on your tongue. Cobalt gaze blinks with uncertainty, but Morelkit moves under the fall of rain at the nursery’s mouth, and sticks out his tongue. At first, nothing happens, but then he feels the same sensation he’d felt on his paw. The kitten jumps back, eyes brightened with delight.

I gotted it! “ he squeaks before sticking out his tongue at Gigglekit, “ See? “ Whether she does or not, he moves forward again with the aim to catch another. ​
  • MORELKIT AMAB. He / Him. Kit of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A blue tabby and white tom with pale, blue-gray eyes.
    ✧ . Needledrift x Chittertongue ; Adoptive son to Ferndance
    ✧ . Mentor to be determined
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
serenity. calmness. peaceful. they felt like, in the rain, nothing could be wrong. everything just felt right. they weren't a riverclanner, they didn't like feeling their pelt completely drenched, nor did they enjoy immersing themself in water like those cats. but... they did enjoy they feel of rain upon their pelt. it felt like... the only way they truly knew how to describe it was light. it felt like light across their fur, and even though it was making them cold, it felt warm. it felt nice. it felt good. always did, and surely always would. in some morbid way, they hope that when they finally leave this place, finally aren't forced back against their own will, that it will be raining. that they will be washed away with the dirt and grim off their pelt, as the rain soaks their coat. that's what they want. it brings them comfort. the rain brings them comfort.

they walk over next to emberpaw, gently nudging the young cat with a soft raise of their brow, before moving to the young kits, swaying their tail and waving their paw in greeting at then.

"would you all like to come see more of it? the rain? it feels nice. on your fur. it feels nice."

they hope these young can come to appreciate the rain. rain dowses the fires, and brings frogs. rain is good. rain would always be good.

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Gigglekit examines her brother's wet paw, looking for anything that resembled the drops falling out of the sky, but Morelkit's paw is just wet, with no sign of a droplet anywhere. Gigglekit puts a paw to her mouth, considering the oddness of not being able to catch and show the rain droplet without it disappearing into, apparently, thin air. Emberpaw explains what's happening, and before Gigglekit has a chance to try it herself, her brother is sticking his tongue out of the nursery to try and catch the droplets there instead of his paw.

"I don' see it!" Gigglekit protested when she failed to see the droplet on Morelkit's tongue, and she rushed forward, leaning out of the nursery just far enough to stick her own tongue out to catch the rain for herself. It took a moment, but suddenly there was a brief weight on her tongue and Gigglekit squeaked in surprise. "Can you see?" She asked, tongue out, as she turned to her brother to find out if the rain droplet would be different for her.

When Chilledstar appears at the nursery and offers for the kits to experience more of the rain than they were, Gigglekit bounced on her paws and nodded enthusiastically. "We can really come out an' see?" She asks, as if Chilledstar might be lying to her.