subliminal // intro, request


unbelievable .
Jun 12, 2023
Mapleberry's tail twitches, and her narrowed gaze fits towards the end of the tunnel. Light filters through but it only reaches so far - and if she were any bit humorous, she'd gladly claim that this is why they were under the reign of ShadowClan. But being funny is left to the cats with nothing better to do with their days. It's not for queens like her, exhausted with the process of producing tiny little lives, yet forced down the mouth of a tunnel just shy of the thunderpath. Ugh.

She understands why she must be down here. Those creatures up above - ambling around no better than their lazier warriors - are as menacing as they are plump. The future of ShadowClan must be tucked away safely, and that includes her, the other queens, and any kitten that made it out alive. So many ShadowClanners were still out there, unaccounted for, but she supposes the important ones, such as herself, were here. The thought however causes her to grit her teeth, as it's been a bit and there's still no sign of her lover. Patience, Maple. Patience. She can hardly calm herself.

"How long must we stay down here?" she utters aloud, this seemingly unending period of waiting getting to her. Her ears fold back slightly, "Full offense, but I refuse to have my kittens with monsters roaring in my ears. Those tree-boned beasts can take my freedom once my body's gone cold -" her voice hitches and she shakes her head. Her legs unfold beneath her and she stands, shaking the dirt from her fur as she does, "Anyone brave enough to just take me for a walk? Pretty please? I've just got to stretch my legs, that's all." She anticipates a chorus of no's, given the whole situation being far too dangerous for any small number of cats. But - well, it's worth a shot!​

"a lot of complaining but not a lot of solutions for those beasts within our camp."

they're not eager to go back to the place they died. they can still feel the life leaving their body, a shiver subtly crawling up their spine. their eyes glossed over as they could see themself bleeding. so much blood, soaking into their fur and the ground alike. they couldn't move. why wouldn't they just get up? they had responsibilities. cats to care for. cats to safe. they just needed to get up. up. get up. get. up. just pick up your paws and–

they're pulled from the horrible flashback as she speaks again. she wants to go for a walk, and chilledstar doesn't seem to want to argue with that. they needed to be careful, and they needed to be sure they did not go anywhere by themselves. what better way to ensure this than going on a walk with the she who seemed to be getting stir crazy? with a sigh, they only nod their head.

"fine fine. let's go then."

they grumble. if they hear one more complaint, the pot might just boil over.