camp SUBSCRIBE | funny cats jump fail compilation

She had not sneaked out of the nursery, per say, but she was perhaps doing something that the grumpy-faced warriors would frown on. They did not understand what it was like to be a kit, Stormkit was sure of it. But she was not eating slugs, like her brother Falconkit, or sneaking out, so this was the most she could do. In the span of only a few seconds, Stormkit had managed to crawl all the way to the top of the tree stump in front of the apprentice den. The tiny kitten stood proudly on her newfound height, fur puffed out as she surveyed the camp. It was all under her eye.

And then, suddenly, just like that she became bored. The kitten crouched at the edge of the stump, eyeing another stump. She could make the jump if she prepped enough. Stormkit wriggled her body in anticipation, braced her forelegs and leapt!

She did not make it more than a mouse-length in her leap.

Stormkit tumbled disgracefully to the ground. Almost immediately, she jumped right back up, back arched and tail bushed up. "Bitch-ass!" She squeaked, clearly having mimicked Wildpaw's foul, strange language.

Stepping out of the apprentice den, Cloudypaw's gaze caught on the tiny form crouched atop a stump just outside. Stormkit, her cousin. It was strange to see her outside the nursery. Thinking about it, was she supposed to be out of the nursery? She seemed a bit young for that. The other molly looked so tiny and innocent that a strong enough breeze might break her. With a touch of concern that grew the longer she looked on, the Cloudypaw watched as Stormkit wiggled, leapt, and tumbled to the ground.

Cloudypaw immediately rushed over, the question of if Stormkit was okay on her tongue. Before she could asked though, her cousin bounced back to her paws. Before she could even feel relief though, Stormkit opened her mouth to let out a single exclamation.


Cloudypaw blinked.

"Uh." She slowed to a halt, and struggled with her words for a moment. "You shoudn't... say that." The apprentice concluded lamely.​

Having been half asleep the young kit has bounced up at the sudden words from his sister. Wiggling his rear he comes bounding over, he slips his way underneath Cloudypaw as he looks at his sister who is puffed up. "What's that? What's a bitch-ass?" He looks at Stormkit and then looks over towards Cloudy before he scampers his way over to his sister's side. Sniffing her he looks all around the molly just to make sure she is okay after ger tumble. Lifting a paw he gently waves it, careful cause he hopes she is okay. "You okay? Didn't hurt right?" He asks regardless as he sits down and flicks his short tail back and forth. He wonders if he can do that leap himself. Maybe. Though he doesn't wanna try it right now.
Lily Pad, who had been curled up just outside the warrior den, watched fondly as Stormkit explored outside the nursery. While she wasn't technically supposed to be in the main part of camp, Lily knew from experience how hard it was to keep an active kit in the nursery. In fact, watching Stormkit filled Lily with a sweet sense of nostalgia for when Wolfwind and Lakemoon were that age. She and Tempest had barely been able to keep track of them, let alone keep them contained.

And then Stormkit attempted a jump and ended up falling. Lily shot up and rushed over, but by the time she arrived, Stormkit was already standing and seemed fine. And then... "Bitch-ass!" And then her brother repeated after her.

Oh dear.

Holding back a snort, the older molly nodded in agreement with Cloudypaw. "She's right, you really shouldn't be saying that, kits."

Her daughters may have been a pawful when they were younger, but at least she didn't have to worry about them using inappropriate language.
[ earth girl ]

𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ ⠀ she approaches already giggling, wide paws lazing her lopsidedly forward and head hanging far to the left side. bitch - ass, ha! why didn’t she think of that? frecklepaw glances back and forth, briefly, for either of her fathers — before strutting in close to the accumulating group, ducking her head in aside lily pad close enough to brush pelts, ever unaware of her lack of personal space, “ oooh, stoooormkit.. we’re gonna have ‘t wash your mouth out with mousebile! “ she crows, hopping forward the last couple of tail lengths upon ginger tippy - toes, “ sunfreckle’d have my tail if i said bitch ass — where’d’ja hear that one? “ it didn’t count if she used it as an example, right?

  • FRECKLEPAW —————— cherry waves.
    f. she / her. apprentice of thunderclan, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. fluffy cream tabby / tortoiseshell chimera with seaglass eyes. her namesake shows shows himself in shades of vibrant ginger patches across her form, interwoven in mottled patches of red and black. unspecified maine coon heritage from sunfreckle’s side brings her to a size expected to rival her parents, with large, round paws and long, tabby - splotched limbs. as she grows, kittish fuzz has lengthened, leaving her bulk thick and fluffy, concealing the toned muscle beneath in swathes of red - orange.

    — lesbian, single. smells like warm stone and oak leaves.
    − six months, voiced by madeline peters as scootaloo.
    penned by antlers​

  • IMG_1436.png

Stormkit blinked at Cloudypaw's gentle reprimand—if it could be called that. Her head tipped to the side, considering. But ultimately, the apprentice's half-hearted and uncertain scolding did not deter the tricolor kitten. Her eyes glimmered. "Why not?"

The appearance of her brother made Stormkit break into a loud purr, jumping up to give Falconkit an affectionate headbutt. "I don't know!" She chirped. "Ask Wildpaw!" She bounced again, to show Falconkit that she was okay. It was simply a bruised ego. Her rump hurt a little, but not too badly.

"Why not?" She parroted, wide eyes turning over in Lily Pad's direction. They were saying not to but the child wanted to know why! Why! Why! It was such a fun word for the child to use. She could baffle any adult with it.

She laughed, crouching down into a fake hunter's position in front of Frecklepaw. Her rump waved back and forth in anticipation. "Wildpaw said it!" She giggled. "Get him!"

She couldn't believe her ears. The lead warrior's jaws dropped in horror as she heard the foul words spew from her children's mouths. Stormkit had spoken it first, but Falconkit had repeated it. The red tabby rushed towards the growing crowd, her pelt prickling in alarm. "No kits of mine will speak with that tongue!" she would huff, her tail lashing behind her. She didn't even have to ask where she had learned those words, it had Wildpaw written all over it. "I will be speaking with him later." He had witnessed a sneak peek of her anger already for swatting Stormkit, but now they were copying his language. That would not be tolerated.

Using her nose, she would nudge each of them until they were close enough together to be able to pick up. Using her teeth, she would carefully grab each of their scruffs, and begin carrying them back towards the nursery. "No morth outsith time todath" she would mumble as she carried them away.
  • Angry