camp SUBURBAN SKIES \ return

\ continuation of this thread and occurs on the same day!

It was relief above all that he felt, flanked by Figfeather's patrol. Relief that he was home and that, somewhere along the way, the wind in his sails had knocked away the agony that had stemmed from giving up his deputyship. Free of that pain, that doubt, that certainty in everything terrible about him. The fear he was a weak link in the chain that had supported him his whole life had faded away. It had been snapped up in the jaws of that dog- he'd looked it in a red, beady eye. At last, at last, he was sure he was not a coward.

Brown-and-white fur still stuck out in quills as he strode home, head held comparatively high for a short stature like his own. Immediatel, amber-struck eyes of olive scanned the clearing for Butterflytuft- for the kit, for any sign of grief or agony that might mean something terrible had happened. He'd heard she was safe, but until... until he saw it, then his heart would finally stop sprinting. This worry had his jaw tightened, still... but there was no scent of death in camp, only the thick, cloying drift of healing herbs from the medicine cat den. "Sorry for the scare," he murmured apologetically to the first cat who caught his eye.
penned by pin ✧
”Ah. . . Welcome home, Twitchbolt . . .” Palemoon would coo softly at the sight of the former deputy, her gaze blurry yet eventually making the blurry outline of him. She remembered the sight of Butterflytuft arriving with an unknown kitten injured with Twitchbolt missing, and a patrol had been sent out to look for him. A soft pink nose twitches as she offers a gentle smile, noting the more courageous aura around him. A once frightful kitten that believed he was never good enough had finally grown up and faced his fears, and now a fearless man stood before them. He was now a warrior in personality as well, instead of just name.

The Stars have blessed you. The lynx point would think as she glances around to see if anyone else had noticed the Lead Warrior's return. It seemed it was just her and Figfeather's patrol that went searching for him, and she offers her smile towards the others as well. It was a gift from Starclan themselves that nothing happened to Twitchbolt and his newfound firmness in himself.

  • ooc.
  • PALEMOON ⋆ she / her / hers
    ✶ lh fawn lynx point with low white and pale blue eyes, blind in the left
    ✶ 36 moons old; ages the 20th monthly
    ✶ bisexual demiromantic; currently single
    ✶ currently mentoring none; formerely mentored by NPC
    ”speech”, thoughts, attacking
    ✶ all opinions are in character only
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She is in the medicine den now, getting checked over more throughly by @Fireflyglow when she hears the commotion at the entrance of camp. Ears pricking, she peeks out of the den with rounded eyes to first see Figfeather. Her heart leaps - had her sister’s search patrol been successful? Eyes travel to the tom at her side and her entire expression lights up, worried frown crumbling away into a delighted smile. “Twitchbolt! You’re okay!” She cries out, limping as hurriedly as she can to her friend.

By the time she reaches him, happy tears roll down the emotional queen’s cheeks. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry!” She squeezes her eyes shut briefly before opening them again to peek at his face, searching his gaze for any hint of anger at her. Of course, she finds none in the ever-compassionate warrior’s eyes. “You saved my life. You saved our lives,” The tortoiseshell’s words spill like a stream, emotions pouring over. Relief, joy, fear, guilt. She never would’ve forgiven herself had the dog managed to catch Twitchbolt…but he was too fast for it!

“Are you hurt?” As she steps back and looks upon him, she can’t help but to wonder…was he standing a bit taller?

Palemoon, ethereal as ever, drifted over with sky in her eyes, far away... his lips shivered upward at the sight of her, someone he admittedly didn't know too well coming forward to greet him. Gratefully, Twitchbolt dipped his head. "Thank you, Palemoon... it's a relief." And for once, that emotion- worry, inherently- it was an easy thing to admit. After all, he'd grown tired of guarding gladness, of shying away from everything good because it might break away.

Butterflytuft captured his attention near-immediately, though- his eyes shot wide for a moment when he caught her limp. He was about to interject to tell her to stop, that he'd come to her in case she- she broke her foot or something rushing over to him in a fire-and-night blur, but she was already at his side. Gently, he touched his nose to her ear.

"Don't be sorry." Relief flooded through him too, a downpour. Healing after a draught, slowing the pace of his heart when it had been rushing so desperately for so long, now. Stars, how would he sleep tonight? "What- what else could I have done?" He'd never have run away. Cowardice would always die at fury's sword, he was certain of it now.

Gently, he shook his head. "No, but- my legs sure are aching now." A laugh followed, but he lowered himself to a seat all the same. Yeah, it was starting to catch up to him now...
penned by pin ✧
Twitchbolt returns. A deputy that once was, hailed a hero now; it is all the same to Ricekit. You do or die, you make the choice and you stick with what you know. She sniffs the air as she watches Palemoon waltz to welcome him back, and then Butterflytuft zips out of the medicine den to greet him. The patrol wasn't useless after all.

Butterflytuft had come back with a stranger, a limp, and a newborn kitten, as well as a tale of seperation by a dog. The kittens family had been killed by the dog, but Twitchbolt had saved Butterflytuft. Naturally, he would have had to fight if he lead it away. She really just means to slink around the sidelines, and totally not eavesdrop, but the words bubble out before she could stop them, "Did you really fight a dog?" Ricekit squints her eyes at Twitchbolt, expectant. To die a warriors death would be a shame, but perhaps fitting for an actual warrior. Her eyes do a once-over of the scar that patterns his chest, of the nick in his ear. Hm. Nothing new. He must not have. Boring...

  • 81382020_TgorGp1EeaLXbkU.png
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 05 months
    kit of skyclan ,, heronstep x cauliflowercurl ,, siblings
    regal, curly-furred white she-cat with striking green eyes
    "speech, f0a78e" ,, thoughts
    too young ,, single ,, not interested at all
    smells like hyacinths & lilies
    penned by chuff
Fluffypaw had been on her way to the medicine cats' den to see her mother when a commotion near camp's entrance causes her to pause. A cat shivers through the barrier, his fur torn in places, pelt stiff, his head held high, mismatched eyes clear despite the pain he must be in. The cream-colored tortoiseshell emits a squeak of surprise. "Twitchbolt! You're okay!"

She beelines for him, halting just a few mouselengths ahead of him. Butterflytuft's eyes leak with relief, and Fluffypaw's begin to film over with tears, too. "Thank you for saving her," she whispers. "For saving her and my new baby sister."

  • ooc:
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 7 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

  • Love
Reactions: waluigipinball


Swift steps brought the chimera to Twitchbolts side, ignoring the dull ache in his shoulder from the near-healed injury before pressing against them and protectively wrapping their tail around the smaller cat. ”Twitchbolt would fight five dogs to protect his clanmates.” Quillstrike replied with no shortage of pride in his smirk as he answered Ricekits question. While the chimera prayed to starclan it never came to that, he also knew that the other cat was far from cowardly and would never abandoned a clanmate like that- especially Butterflytuft.

She wasn’t the only one relieved to see him safe, and Quill rubbed their cheeks together with a low purr in his throat. ”I’m glad you're alright, though. Thought I might have to come track you down myself, but it looks like Fig got the job done just fine without me.”” he teased lightly, though the humor only went so far- they both new the injured tom would have clawed his way through every cat in camp to go searching if Figfeathers patrol had returned emptyhanded.

skyclan - male - 24 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

  • Love
Reactions: waluigipinball
The cinnamon and white tabby had been worried sick since hearing the news of his friend's disappearance. Figfeather had followed suit which alleviated him a smidge, but there was still the anxiety of what ifs. Tattered ears sat high with alarm waiting for the sound of anything odd. Butterflytuft's cry of joy drew his attention to the growing crowd. He watched as she limped to Twitchbolt's side, tears of relief streaming down her face. Delight lit the tabbie's expression.

He's back! The sight tugged hard at Dogbite's heart. Everyone was safe and sound at last. Internally, he praised Twitchbolt for his bravery, knowing how much it meant to them all.

"Thank you, Twitchbolt. I know that couldn't have been easy." He meowed, their voice scratchy and warm. The sight of the patchwork feline standing tall, looking free of the pain and doubt that had once plagued him, filled Dogbite with a deep sense of relief.

They could almost see the phantom weight lifting off his shoulders. Dogbite offered a small smile, joining in on the collective reassurance of their clanmates. Ricekit’s curiosity and blunt question made them lift a non-existent brow. He appreciated the candidness of youth and admired how Quillstrike responded with pride, reinforcing his mate's great deed.

Fluffypaw's added gratitude was the final touch, her words of thanks and relief echoing their own sentiments. Dogbite's scarred mug reflected only admiration, knowing Twitchbolt's and the patrol's actions as heroic. Their denmate had seemed so defeated after stepping down. Witnessing this was a nice change. I know you're going to be okay now. A turnaround was more than needed.

Quillstrike's teasing improved the mood, causing Dogbite to audibly chuckle, endeared by their presence. "You've shown incredible bravery my friend. We're all grateful for your safe return." He glanced at the gathered cats, blinking calmly. "Let's make sure our hero gets the rest he deserves." Noting the exhaustion as the brown-and-white cat sunk to the floor.

Nodding to the couple, he offered a reward with an inquisitive tone. "I brought home a pretty big bird you two can share. I feel you've more than earned it." Stepping out of view, he trotted to the prey pile, scooping up the tasty catch and eagerly returning with it in tow. Offering it out to both Quillstrike and Twitchbolt.

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; mentor to hollypaw
    ✧ 35 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric