SUCH A SHOWOFF &. apprentice night training


the shadows belonged to shadowclan. it was in their innate nature to be more sneaky, and to use the darkness to their advantage. it was a skill possessed by none but shadowclan and chilledstar was determined to keep this skill up. the next generation of warriors needed to know how to properly navigate throughout the shade.

"mmm. nothing better than fighting at night. this is an advantage only we have. that, and night hunting. this also gives us a jump on hunting in territories where we shouldn't. hopefully we are not that desperate this leafbare, but the stars only know."

the leader speaks with a tilt of their head, gaze momentarily moving towards the star speckled sky, before they turn to face the group of apprentices they've gathered.

"pair up. we are gonna start with some simple hunting practice before we move on to a little hunting competition. winners gets the best prey. and you must work eith your partner. working solo is all good and well, as a team is only as strong as its weakest member, but we are a clan. we must work together. we must be able to lean on each other for help."

// apprentice thread!! hehe

@Wheatpaw ! @ASHENPAW @Briarpaw. @NETTLEPAW @APPLEPAW @GHOSTPAW. @Scorchedpaw @Garlicpaw @Maggotfur.
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Scorchedpaw was happy to learn most anything, especially if it was taught by his leader of all cats. Chilledstar might be unlike him in many ways, but they are still a cat he holds in high regard despite. Learning how to hunt and fight during the nighttime was a really exciting prospect, and his feet shuffle in delight as Chilledstar asks for them all to pair up. He immediately leaps over to Maggotpaw, as she’s the most familiar face now that they went on that bug hunt a little ways back. “We should work together! I mean, if that’s okay with you…” Scorchedpaw smiles sheepishly, hoping he’s not being too pushy like he can tend to be.​
Garlicpaw gets to have a hunting lesson with Chilledstar!! This is so cool!! She follows them excitedly, or as excitedly as she can. Her behavior is still dulled from grief, and she doesnt think she'll ever be as she was. She soaks in Chilledstars words like a little sponge... She never thought about stealing from the other territories before. She hopes it doesnt come to that either! They all just became friends, right? Surely so, they all worked together to get rid of those nasty rogues WITH THE POWER OF TEAMWORK.

If she HAS to steal from anyone though, she would choose Windclan. The only clan she doesn't like.

But this isn't the time for contemplating thievery. They are about to have a hunting lesson with the leader! And then a hunting competition! But first, she has to pick a partner.... So she looks for her siblings first. She steps over to Ashenpaw and gives him a big smile. "Wanna be my partner?" She asks him.

Whoever she ends up with, she's sure they're going to be the BEST team ever.​
Applepaw is more than happy to forget about rogues, and sickness, and missing kits. Undeniably, she would be most useful when throwing herself into her training wholeheartedly. Nighttime acitivies, though a specialty of ShadowClan, was something she and her mentor have not taken up much of yet. Thoughs he at times doubted Chilledstar, skilled was something a clan leader had to be, certainly? Maybe with SkyClan as an exception.

This also gives us a jump on hunting in territories where we shouldn't. A brow quirks at this, but she says nothing. Pair up. She casts her gaze across the small sea of apprentices. She liked working alone, when she could, but when pairs were needed, usually she had...

Well, whatever. She furrows her brows at Garlicpaw, who for some reason, had bounded over to Ashenpaw before bounding over to her. Not like she wanted to be paired with Garlicpaw, but objectively, Applepaw was the better pick over their brother. She supposes Garlicpaw has never cared about what was objectively better, though. Whatever.

She'll just have the pick the cat that annoyed her the least, here. " Ghostpaw, with me. " She's never really argued with her, so she didn't see why she would start now.

  • ooc: giggles @GHOSTPAW.
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  • ( I'M OBSESSED WITH THE MESS THAT'S AMERICA. ) APPLEPAW. kit of shadowclan. eldest sister to swanpaw, ashenpaw, and garlicpaw. ( + birdkit, halfkit & tanglekit )
    —— she / her; confused by the use of others.
    —— currently 7 moons old as of 10.22.23. ages every 17th.

    longhaired blue torbie with a white chest, paws, and underbelly. A young cat you would describe as " bossy, " Applekit is quick to take charge of any situation she sees herself as the probable head of. A rule - follower to a T, and thinks herself better than the majority of her clan for this. Not ignorant enough to think herself above a warrior, but seeks to gain that status as quickly as possible. Intensely self - motivated to be the best in a mixture of blind, childish desire, and never wanting to be afraid of anything ever again.