camp SUCH A STRANGE SHAPE ✦ return with kit

She has to hustle to get back to camp quickly, but she doesn't mind doing it. Leaf-fall has already begun to nip at the air with a wicked vengeance that promises a cruel leaf-bare, and the last thing they need is a sick kit on their paws with a missing medicine cat. The kit—Paladin is light in her jaws, light enough and young-looking enough that Doeblaze has an instinctive worry over her health. So she pushes her weary legs a little harder to keep a hard pace, relying on her ragtag crew of patrolmates to keep up or catch up. Movements of intention, of strongly chosen action, are reassuring to her even as she carries them out. Ducking through the bramble-lined entrance with @PALADIN swinging in her maw, she ventures towards the sharp smell of holly and the warm breath of the nursery's entrance.

" Butterflytuft? " she mumbles around the kit, then sets her carefully down, mindful of fragile little limbs. A green eye roves over the dim depths of the milk-scented den, searching for the familiar tortoiseshell shape of @butterflytuft . The kit totters between her forepaws, looking sleepy and in need of a warm nest and a queen. " We found another kit, " she murmurs almost ruefully. Yet another kit found just before leaf-bare springs upon them with icy claws ... she can't even entertain the notion of leaving a child behind to an uncertain fate, though. " She doesn't look more than a moon old. "

" Says her name's ... Paladin? " The warrior shifts on her paws, tasting the unfamiliar name in her mouth. Its strange syllables speak to Twolegs, to the sooty jungle from which the child had emerged into confusing circumstances. Doeblaze shrugs and nudges the kit gently foreward with one paw. " We found her reeking of dog-scent, but didn't see one. Confusing ... "

OOC : No need to wait for those tagged!
  • Wow

"ma? what's going... on..."

ba-dum. ba-dum. ba-dum. another kit. another kitten abandoned or left behind, or, or something. his tail twitches nervously as he walks over, sniffing the kitten curiously. she'd have to be checked out by fi, that's for sure. but ultimately, butterflytuft would be the one taking care of her. just like she's somewhat taking care of scruffykit. his stomach twists and he steps back, offering the smallest of smiles, gaze soft and unwavering.

"hi, little one. paladin, huh? say, are you hungry? i just got back from a hunt not too long ago and I can see a piece of a prey with your name written all over it. that is, unless scruffykit decides that you can't have it."

he hums amusedly, looking back to his mom with a twitch of his torn ear.

"sh-should we go ch-check to be sure it- it's gone? don't think we need a-anymore dog in-incidents..."

he shivers. too many dog accidents happened here. and this did not include the ones they knew not of.

He'd the same sort of worry as Drowsynose, that gnawing feeling of unpleasantness that came by every time there was a kit left unattended, somewhere... it always felt sickeningly cruel, drove a spear into his heart. it happened too often, and- well, he was glad he could trust on Butterflytuft's compassion, really. They were lucky, weren't they, to have a queen who looked kindly upon anyone... who came from the outside, just like them...

So he didn't blink, really, when Doeblaze called for Butterflytuft- that was natural. A presence he maybe took for granted, so- so maybe he'd be bringing her prey later as some sort of repayment. For now, though- there was something else to worry about. Dog was a poisonous word on Doeblaze's tongue, one that struck his skin with a piercing venom. Cryogenic shock to the system, he felt himself go frigid with anxiety- looked to her for a few moments, trying to parse an ounce of panic on her face, any twitch to tell him she might be lying about there being nothing.

(And why would she lie?)

"I think we should double check," he said, a nodding agreement with Drowsynose. "Do- do a quick sweep of the border. Uh- thank you for bringing her here, though, Doeblaze." he dipped his head to his friend, a hurried but genuine curtsy of gratitude. Frazzled eyes slipped to the kit- Paladin, apparently... and they curved a little with his smile, a welcoming look upon frayed features. "You'll be safe, here." Many others before you have been.
penned by pin ✧
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[ ༻ 𓆩✧𓆪 ༺ ] The nursery, as it was aptly named, now bore another kit within its walls. One that was no much younger than Fawnkit himself when the boy had arrived. Peeking his head from the walls of the nursery the kit watched as many of the warriors once more began to surround this scrap of fur, just as it was with him and he wondered, perhaps the other felt overwhelmed in this situation, or maybe alone. So, the tom wiggled his way forward and pushed himself into the midst of the crowd to come face to face with the odd named kit.

"Hello, Paladinn.... I'm Fawnkit, you'll love it here, and we can share a nest too if you like" he offered warmly, wanting to be a face of comfort for the other, to let them know that they weren't alone. Whatever concerns that the adults had were of their own vitality, for Fawnkit? His attention laid with making sure the other kit that was just dragged in didn't feel so alone in the moment of their arrival, even if they had smell like dog, the fawn tom ignored it, blue and yellow eyes glued onto the other with a gentle smile on his lips, hoping the older cats wouldn't push him away in this moment.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Fawnkit 𓆩✧𓆪 He/Him, Kit of Skyclan, 3 moons.
    Fluffy Fawn with low white with bi-colored eyes (Blue and Yellow)
    NPC x NPC
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Close on the heels of Doeblaze comes Howlfire and her apprentice. Once safely inside camp, the chocolate torbie nods for Ghostpaw to go and get some rest, before making her way to where Doeblaze had headed. As was customary with the last stray kits they had found, Paladin is brought to the nursery and is given to Butterflytuft. Even if the queen didn't nurse her herself, Howlfire knew her friend would ensure she received all the care and attention she needed.

Whilst Fawnkit greets the new arrival, Howlfire turned her attention to the nearby Drowsynose and Twitchbolt, who were ruminating on whether to send a patrol out to double check whether the dog was still around. "A patrol would be good," Howlfire nodded curtly towards Twitchbolt. "I could show you where we found her, if you'd like?" As she waited for his decision, her gaze shifts to Paladin and sighs softly in relief. "At least she's safe here now."

Her paws dangle towards the ground as Doeblaze moves. She is cold- there is no warmth in her paws any longer, frail and young body rushed through the pine territory. Ears lay backwards, a short noise of complaint leaving her the colder she got- but even in her young age, the act that Doeblaze was performing wasn't lost on her. Her paws barely brush at the ground as they break through the bramble, and even as they moved, Paladin could see that of a camp milling about.

Cats, so many more then she had seen at home, more then her parents, her siblings. Strong orange eyes blink, staring almost hauntingly at camp before they are moving to a shrouded area- milkscent hits her nose first, a warmth that she had forgotten in the hours that she was left astray by that dog. Paws touch down, already far larger then others her age- her lineage was clear, obvious amongst her peers, a purebred cat ripped from a twoleg nest that was loving, warm, full of nests that didn't smell of earth.

Eyes shifted and turned about the space, ears laying backwards still. Unfamiliar. Strangers. A shuddering breath left her chest, wracking for air that smelled of all new things, of all new cats. But what was desperately familiar was the milkscent, something that had surrounded her senses in the last moon. A nose peers towards her through the throngs of cats that surrounded her. Paladin moves to withdraw, unsure of how much more she can huddle into this spot. Drowsynose pulls away before too much more can occur.

And, as if Drowsynose could predict the future, her stomach growled. ".. Food?" She questioned, eyes snapping between Doeblaze and Drowsynose. Dog. Dog. Paladin's ears shove forward, standing up as she stands to her full height. Which, as a one-moon old kit, wasn't impressive, but it was more then the ball she had been on the ground. "Dog... brought Paladin here." She responded, ears flattening down. Her tail lashed momentarily, but that of someone more her size and age was catching her attention next.

You'll love it here. We can share a nest. Confusion spreads over her briefly. What of her home, of her mother, of the comfort she had known from her? Eyes dart between them all, but all she can think about now is tired and hungry. Slowly, Paladin's head dips down, a silent agreement to Fawnkit's proposition. "Okay."
  • "speech"
  • PALADIN she/her, kit of skyclan, one moon.
    LH black tabby / silver tabby chimera with low white and strong copper eyes. white plumed hair sits center on her head down to the beginning of her mane. a 'sword' is outlined in white on her back. she's quiet but intent, serious but still kitten-soft.
    mentored by no one / / mentoring no one
    mated to no one / / sibling to unknown
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Another day, another arrival in the nursery. Whitekit blinked his blue eyes as he sat up in his nest after being startled by the commotion from the new addition. After shaking the bedding from his white pelt he then slunk from the welcoming warmth in order to join Fawnkit and the youth called Paladin. He would leave the adults to decide matters without his input, it wasn’t like he fully understood it all, but he could relate to Paladin. He’d been in her position, though he had been granted an advantage of age. Yet here she was, so much younger and vulnerable than him.

Snowy finds himself pausing in his steps when he heard her mention something about being brought here by a dog. It was an odd thing to say, but he once again decided not to draw attention to it. Right now he focused on offering up a friendly smile as he stood beside Fawnkit. ”Fawnkit is right, you’re gonna love it here. I’m Sno- Whitekit! You’ll get food real soon, but how about we get you washed first? Not to be mean but you kinda stink.” Whitekit had never been fond of the smell of dog and he honestly wanted it gone.