SUCH VANITY [ leopard ]

The meeting had adjourned- cats briefly moving to speak their goodbyes to one another, other's holding their family members tight. Lovers touched noses, and Bat... Bat hesitated. He had gone to speak with Tigerpaw and Flamewhisker briefly, their conversation of a depressing tone. He hadn't thought about those around him, no, his selfish urge to repay the clan in the only way he knew how rising it's ugly head. Risk, risk of life or death, all to relieve the risk of life or death for others.

He had done it time and time again. See: stepping in a boar's path to distract it long enough for an elder to escape earlier this year. It seemed he had no sense of self-preservation. What he wanted right now, though? The very thing he had to seek out and speak to? No, not thing. Cat. Friend. Warmth of a strange kind bloomed in his chest as he padded away from his apprentice and Flamewhisker, vision searching for Leopardtongue in the crowd of cats still wandering camp.

It would be no secret the look of confusion, disappointment, and understanding that mixed upon Leopardtongue's face as the meeting had concluded. She knew why Batwing had volunteered - she'd be concerned if he hadn't - but she felt... odd about him going - especially without her. She would have volunteered, but ThunderClan was her home, the one place she felt comfortable, and she couldn't imagine leaving it as those that were now going on this journey had to do. Though she supposed this was similar thoughts to those that had traveled to where they lived now, that they had to go and that there were likely some that stayed behind not because they couldn't physcialy do it, but because they couldn't mentally.

That look came back to her face as Leopardtongue watched Batwing walk away to go meet with Tigerpaw and Flamewhisker, and she found herself stuck on that for a moment, ear flicking quickly as she walked away towards the fresh kill pile, watching as it began to deplete. Both leaf-fall coming soon and the yellowcough had caused it so that there were less cats able to go out and get food, and what food they could find was beginning to thin out due to their own food slowly dying out as well. She couldn't help but sigh, shoulders sagging for a moment before she turned, eyes catching Batwing's own, and for a moment she contemplated simply walking away, not sure if she was ready to speak to the other about him going on the journey, but now was as good a time as any, and Leopardtongue quickly pushed her way towards the other, stopping for a moment next to him before clearing her throat slightly.

Maw opened, but at first she was unsure what to say, so it closed once more before she look towards Batwing's eyes, "So... the journey then?" It wasn't rude, it was simply small talk, something to get the ball rolling.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 35 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally

Batwing tensed gently upon seeing the look on Leopardtongue's face from afar. And much to his surprise, and perhaps an inkling of fear of what she would say to him, she was approaching him, not the other way around. A inhaled breath followed, his ears lowering gently in fealty to her. He had plenty of mixed emotions. They had just begun to be friends again, start talking to one another. A bond that transcended moons of cold shoulders and a held grudge. A bond that transcended.. well, he didn't need to be thinking about that right now, and Leopardtongue was talking to him.

He nodded gently, an awkward look crossing his face briefly. ".. Yeah, the journey." He sank to his sit on his haunches, green eyes lifting to hers. Batwing hesitated another sentence before he spoke again. "I.. I have to go. I can't stay here. I'm sorry." He managed, inhaling sharply before he continued. "Look- I know we just started to be friends again, and I'm really sorry if this is hurting you, but it's... I have to." Batwing's shoulders sagged.

First, his own apprentice chewing him out, and perhaps now Leopardtongue? He might just burst and scream. ​
He sat, so Leopardtongue found herself sitting soon as well, a habit that she knew not how to get rid of, but in times like these were glad. He explained himself - though poorly - and the warrior cast sympathetic eyes towards the other, a soft hum leaving her as she thought about the words he spoke, about how he told her he needed to go. "I know." It was the first thing she could think of, those words. She knew he had to go, knew why he had to go, or at least she whoped she knew him enough to know why.

"You're doing what's best for the clan, I get that." Words soft once more, not judging or rude. He needed to go to save the clan, as he hadn't been able to do for his parents or for those who had died from yellowcough so far. It was an honorable thing to do, but it was scary as well, and the fear is what was keeping Leopard from volunteering. "You'll come back though, I know you will. You have to..." For me. "I want to see you walking through the entrance to camp, that lungwort in tow, okay? Even if it takes seasons." Unlike his apprentice, Leopardtongue was going to make him promise, promise that she'd at least see him again, whether it was in this lifetime or in StarClan.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 35 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally

Batwing almost flinched as she sat down- but relaxed gently instead, his vision lifting to scan her face. Some part of him was internally glad that she wasn't chewing him out and demanding that he stayed, but most of him was just terrified of what came next. What would be beyond the plains, on the rise of the mountains so far in the distance? Just how much would his weary paws ache after all that distance? What of the dangers? The what if's came to a dwindling stop as she continued to speak.

"I.. thank you, for.. understanding." Stupid, Batwing, is that really what you want to say? He fell quiet as she spoke. The gap in her words caused him a slight shock of recognition. He nodded gently. "I will. I promise, I'll come back in one piece with the cure and everyone else." He said. His heart thundered in his chest, he was sure that her and the whole camp could hear it. The decision welling in his mind was one that was rough to come to terms with, but his choice had been made.

He pushed to his paws, stepping in close and pressing his forehead to hers. His eyes squeezed shut, ears lowered. A gentle rumble left him as he did. "I'll come back." He repeated again. Even if they were just friends- or were they just?- he felt he needed this. Mouse-dung, he was prepared for the slap that would be coming next. ​
Corners of her lips turned slightly upwards as she watched Batwing's expression change, a soft exhale of her nose leaving her as she finally relaxed herself. Tail found itself wrapping around her paws as she listened to his promise, and her head nod in relief. He was going to come back, he had promised that, and she was going to make sure the promise was kept. She didn't know how yet, but she was going to make sure he came back.

Purr erupt from her throat as Batwing pressed his head against hers, and Leopardtongue found herself pressing back before she nod her head once more in response to his words again. Head moved back as she blinked a few times before standing up, taking a step forward to push herself against his side, urging him to stand up. "Come on let's go hunting, just you and me, maybe we can catch some birds or squirrels today." Something to get them in the trees, a place she knew would be better to talk in if they wanted, just like when they started becoming friends once again. "We have a few more days before you have to leave, might as well not waste them, right?" A few more days until he was gone, potentially forever.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 35 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally

The purr was mirrored back from Batwing. The contact felt right, even if this situation was really, really... shitty, for lack of a better word. If anything, this conversation made him dread leaving even more. Thoughts tumbled like rocks in a river in the back of his head. She was pressing up against his side, and his heart tripped for a moment before he was picking himself up. "Okay, okay." He responded, a tiny laugh loosing from his throat at the nudge.

Standing, he stretched, tail twitching before him before he turned his vision towards her with bright eyes. He was all kinds of excited all over again. "Right. Let's, then." He turned towards the gorse tunnel, leading her out with a tiny grin on his face.​