SUFFERING LEAVES SUFFERING LEAVES [❤️‍🔥] material gathering (phase II)

Sep 11, 2024

Prey was already running thin, but the population steadily dwindles further. But Wolfgrin's mind is on the kits in the nursery, warmed only by the bodies of the queens who mind them, and those queens will need warm nests to keep themselves from freezing on behalf of their charges. If he wasn't so busy gathering supplies for the Clan, he'd offer his own warmth to help them; he's large and he runs hot. The most he can do is search for materials for their nests.

Easier said than done - try as he might, all he can find are pine needles too brittle and trampled apart to be useful. He sifts through them, vainly hoping to find some that have fared better, but the needles under the top layer are soggy with thawed frost. The tortoiseshell sighs despondently. "Damn." He hopes the others have more luck. The thought of losing Butterflytuft or Oddgleam to the cold and leaving their denmate alone with a veritable army of kittens to tend to sickens him to the core. If worst comes to worst, would Orangestar let him help them even though he has no kits of his own?

Thinking of kits makes him think of Flamefeather. If only he had his mate to reassure him... The temptation to go home and nap to meet the flaming apparition in his dreams is overwhelming, but he has to keep going without it, for the good of the cats he lives with.

  • rolled a 3 😭
  • WOLFGRIN he/him, warrior of skyclan, thirty-seven moons
    a tall, disheveled chocolate smoke tortoiseshell with orange eyes. he displays oddly dog-like qualities, even smelling faintly like a dog after growing up with them on a farm. his smug, careless, smooth-talking outer persona masks a heart of gold. though the safety of a clan serves his interests well, he is more inclined to loyalty to individuals rather than clans. after the death of his mate, flamefeather, he's begun to privately question starclan.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by solaire@funeralscythe on discord, feel free to ping for plots.

The days do not warm, as many had hoped; the Clan grows colder, and prey runs even scarcer than before. Fluffypaw has had to miss a meal or two, with all the kits in the nursery, both born and soon-to-be born, and cats are falling ill, now, too. She parts her jaws, wondering if she'll find even an inkling of prey... but there's nothing but frost in the air. She gives Wolfgrin a sympathetic glance; it seems his frustration is contagious. Their patrol has come up empty-pawed on everything, so far.

Jade eyes wander until she spots something bright crawling from the hard earth. She smiles, relief flooding her veins. Fluffypaw breaks away from the patrol and secures her teeth around the thick stems of enormous ferns. "Look! These will be perfect!" Not only is the nursery cold, but the apprentice's den could use some insulation too, she thinks... maybe once the queens and kits are warm and secured, they can take some leftover ferns for themselves. She knows she's awakened a few times with a nose colder than snow itself!

  • ooc: rolled a 16; found some ferns (2 points)
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 12 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    — mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.


Flowercloud let a tail sympathetically touch the other warrior, the smell of defeat and understanding the sigh that escaped wolfgrins body. "There.. is no time to give up, we must keep looking for anything that may of be use to us," she says gently, green eyes could be mistaked for pleading as the molly flicked one ear. She understood well the frustration that came to play in not finding things to satisfy or even help her clanmates. But that doesn't mean she couldn't help, or at least try to help.

Her scarred head lifted, ear perking as she glanced at the ferns that her clanmate found. "Great job Fluffypaw! You have great eyes," she purred, trying to encourage and lift the apprentices spirits as she followed through to find more, a little shriveled but nonetheless, it was there and usable.

So her jaws would pick at the large ferns, grasping and pulling with teeth clenched until she finally managed to break it if it's frost that seemed to melt in the warmth of her mouth as she lifted it.

"Oh .. I do hope this frost eases a little! We need a break."
//Rolled 14! Found ferns +2!

It seemed as everyone but Wolfgrin was lucky with their finds, and she would be one of the added lucky ones. The cinnamon smoke scours each inch of the frost-bitten land she steps on. She couldn't risk the chances of missing something vital for her clan's prosperity in the worsening leafbare weathers. Her nose scrunches as she catches a decaying scent of avian as she scans the trees above before catching sight of an abandoned bird nest; would there be eggs? Emberfall scales up the tree as she finally finds herself to the nest and finds long plummed feathers belonging to the old owner.

" No eggs, but I found feathers. " The warrior would murmur as she clutches the feathers between her jaws carefully and makes her way down to join the other three. While this wouldn't sate anyone's hunger, it would keep them warm until the feathers were worn down. Pointed ears give a flick as she glances at her shadowing apprentice to see if he caught anything, " Any luck? " Maybe luck was on @noodle 's side today and the others (except for Wolfgrin).

Rolled a 16; found feathers for 2 points
Seems their luck is not much better than Wolfgrin's... try as they might to scour the territory for something helpful, Edenberry feels as if they may've been better off actually being blind in one eye. They search what feels like everywhere, watching as the early frost kills everything around them. The forest feels barren... devoid of life... like maybe they ought to beg their Twoleg really cutely to adopt half their clan-mates for the winter. She was nice... she'd feed them if they let her pet them probably...?

They don't recognize how much time has passed from the day until their own stomach starts to growl with dissatisfaction... Maybe they'd all just scavenged too well? Maybe the territory had given all it could and mourned that it had no more to provide for them? Or maybe Edenberry was just distracted... half-present... wary. They make their way back towards Emberfall as the young warrior declared a lucky finding of feathers. "Mmm, I didn't have any luck... Sorry guys."

Their tail twitches, growing subconscious of how empty their maw and paws had been of late. Maybe they could bring gifts from their nest to compensate? To apologize? Would Orangestar chase them out for not contributing enough, even though they didn't take any of the prey for themself?

// rolled a 3

  • eeb-banner.png
  • -- edenberry / skyclan daylight warrior / any pronouns / 18 moons
    -- mostly white with black pinstripe and green eyes / scarred face and back
    -- color #728c69
Uh, this is useless, she's pretty sure... swinging her head around in search of what, grass? Soft things to wrap themselves up in; skin of a different sort... She won't be the heartless that tells 'em there's better to be found not far from here... Softer, yeah. Better on the teeth, too! Ferns fell apart too easily by the spine... Imagine ribs so fragile that they could be tomorrow's earth?

Might as well slaughter her for this injustice... she can't really care. More fun is to be found in the way frost chills even the hottest of her breaths. An unfixed jaw usually teaming with bile is dry in this chill. Pallid eyes pass over the throng of wildcats she now breathed amongst... Their chilly breaths were all the same, now. Debatably, they were harder to watch than any ferns were. She should get a reward, regardless.

Pine nettles practically fall at her feet. Eh... weren't these things everywhere? It's a bit rarer of show, her jaws not plastered in a grin... This growl of hers is one of frustration, rather than excitement. " You're not what I'm lookin' for, " Twitch of a half-smile, half-grimace. Count the toes of her feet: seven of em. They lift in beastly fashion, before sending the clumps of needles spinning toward her clanmates. One of em could get it, sure.

  • OOC. Rolled a 10! Found (???) pine needles!
  • ectPk8F.png
    A dog-like woman. Large, with bulk in some places, and only lean muscle in others. Elegant at some angles, acutely strange looking at others. Has a longer, wolfish muzzle and gleaming dog teeth near-always on display due to an overbite. Skull presses insistent against her skin. Eyes are almost too - large, and not all sunken in her skull. Has large, tufted ears. Polydactyl, with a curved spine and recently-chopped tail.
  • WHAT
Reactions: Marquette
Hunting had been going horrendously for him as of late, that he decided trying to find some materials would perhaps be better. It didn't matter that he didn't know Wolfgrin well, or others who had volunteered save for Edenberry. What mattered to him was bringing something. After all, his kits needed a warm nest. He wished he could return home with a small bird for them, but he couldn't. Owlheart had talked to him and reassured him that his failure to come back with prey for the clan and their own family was not his fault. No, this Leaf-bare was extremely difficult for the clan. Their rumbling bellies signified such.

Driven by his desire to return with something for his family, he's clambered up a few trees. Usually, one would call it a quits after finding nothing thrice, but the thought of his kits freezing in the nursery fueled his aching bones. Found you. You'll do nicely. Yeah, you'll do nicely alright.

When Crowsight returns, it is with a maw full of feathers. He says nothing, not finding any reason to. All of them could see that he managed to find something. Hazel eyes land on each member of the group. Looks like we found a good amount of things. That's good. We don't have to be so cold now. All we need is food. Lots of it.

Rolled a 20! Found down feathers, 3 POINTS

Falcongaze was.. here. He had just been going through the motions, really- hunting when he can, keeping to himself, keeping to his training. Blue eyes swept across a frosted, cleared forest, where his clanmates were spreading out in hunt of materials. He thinks of the kits at camp, but still, a kind of bitter jealousy churned his stomach glancing towards the daylight warriors. They had somewhere they could go, to stay warm, to stay fed. A breath left him.

A chilling way of thinking. The moggie shifted, watching his breath curl in the air, and pushes it past him. Work. He tells himself. He forces frozen paws to move, beginning to search. His paws shift through dead leaf litter and discarded, frozen, decaying moss- and he finds nothing. His ears twitch and flatten, vision shifting towards what his clanmates have found. His head dips briefly in approval towards Crowsight. He says nothing, at first- until he steps next to Edenberry and nudges them briefly with a chilled shoulder.

"Makes two of us." He says, tone soft as he glances back towards the rest of their patrol.
  • "speech"
    // rolled a 5, found nothin!
  • FALCONGAZE 🌧 he/him, warrior of skyclan, twenty moons.
    LH chocolate lynx point with deep blue eyes, and a long scar on his left cheek down under his jawline. pushes his 'hair' back. very long legged, half oriental moggie.
    mentored by greeneyes / / mentoring no one
    padding after lupinepaw / / brother to spottedpaw and sagepaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Reactions: edenberry ?!