SUGAR SNOW \ butterflytuft

Twitchbolt felt bad for how shaky he'd been on the journey over; Twolegplace always had this sort of effect on him. It felt like everywhere he turned there would be another trap, waiting to swallow him up- another sterile cage that he'd slam himself against for days and days and days. But- but, he had to remind himself that those days were long past. That he'd been to Twolegplace many many times, and- most importantly that Butterflytuft was his friend. On this walk it was his job to protect her- if he grew too flighty it'd get contagious, and... and the last thing he wanted was to worry her when all she wanted was to see a garden.

"Here we are," he said, beckoning her with a flick of his crooked tail as he jumped atop one of the fences. Yeah... this was a nice one, and not near any dogs. Flowers were beginning to peek through the winter chill and the grass was growing greener. He offered her a smile meant for encouragement that held quite a bit of relief within it, too. "What- what made you wanna see one of these...?" Despite his respect for the daylight warriors, his understanding of SkyClan's unique link to Twolegplace, Twitchbolt had never quite been able to get his head around Twoleg creations... even ones adjacent to nature, like this.

\ @butterflytuft <3
penned by pin ✧
While Butterflytuft is very content with her new life tucked away safely in the nursery, warm and snuggled up with her kits, she has to admit she does sometimes miss the forest. She was never a keen hunter or an avid patroller, but the walks through the pines could be quite pleasant when she had the right company. And sometimes, no company at all was just fine. Dandelionwish has been lovely, always taking her on little outings so she can get some fresh air while another queen watches their brood, but there's been something that's itched at the tortoiseshell's brain lately that she hasn't been able to shake: she hasn't seen a garden in far too long a time.

When Twitchbolt asked if there was anything he could do for her today, she doubts he expected a favor like this. But it had been at the forefront of her mind, and the meek she-cat blurted it out rather uncharacteristically. Like the good friend he's always been, he'd taken her right here! Her breath catches in her throat as she scrambles up to sit besides him on the fence. "Oh..." It's so beautiful! With a big smile, she looks to her companion with glittering yellow eyes. "I haven't seen one since I was young. I never really ventured too far over, and with the know, it's hard to get away," She explains bashfully, realizing it might seem like such an odd request. "I wanted to see the newleaf flowers." Voice trailing off, she gazes back at the colors beginning to pop up along the hedgerows and by the twoleg nest. Reds, pinks, blues,'s incredible!

It was easy to tell how much more Butterflytuft enjoyed being in the nursery than she had ever liked being anything close to a warrior, but that didn't mean she couldn't get out at all. In fact... even for someone who enjoyed being in the nursery, he could imagine it got rather stuffy and stressful in there after a while.

Seeing the glimmer of glee in her yellow eyes made him relax a little- still tremoring, of course, but there was less visible stress sunken into his eyes. Taking a breath to glance around, he could admit it was quite beautiful... even at the paws of Twolegs. Her grin cemented his own swelling, pleasant feelings. "You queens are busier than warriors, most of the time," he joked, though it wasn't entirely a joke. Honestly, he couldn't magine doing the job of a queen... he couldn't imagine the ten-thousand places his attention would have to be at once. I wanted to see the newleaf flowers. "They're... a bit less tattered compared to the ones in the forest," he observed, tilting his head. Funny... Twolegs didn't really seem like very careful things a lot of the time.

He was quite proud of himself for having found such an impressive one. "Are you gonna... take any back with you?" How precious was this little pocket of land?

In the window of the Twoleg nest was movement, all of a sudden... Twitchbolt froze, his shaking suddenly becoming a little sharper. A Twoleg waddled into view, with bobbed, silver-hair- it set squinting eyes onto them for a few long moments. It felt like an age. But then... its wrinkled face twisted into a little smile, and it looked away again, down at... whatever it was tinkering at. It didn't seem to mind them being there at all.
penned by pin ✧
She purrs in amusement, nodding in slight agreement, although she'd never discount the work the warriors do. She knows better than most how hard it can be, especially for one who struggles with all of the tasks that come with the job. Twitchbolt points out that these flowers are far more put together than the ones in SkyClan's territory and she trills lightheartedly, "I don't know how twolegs do it. I wish we had this in the pine forest."

Carefully, she slides off the fencepost and squeaks as her paws land on green, springy grass. It feels odd beneath her, a stark difference from pine needles and soil. "I don't know...will it make them mad?" She asks, angling her chin back up at him with round, curious eyes. The last thing she wants to do is create trouble. She loves the idea of bringing some back with her, but would simply looking and smelling be enough to content her?

She spots her friend freeze, his eyes trained on the twoleg nest, and she follows his gaze until she spots the twoleg watching them. Her body tenses up and she sinks to the ground instinctively, her tail bushing out. "It sees us," She whispers, fear lacing her voice.

I wish we had this in the pine forest. Twitchbolt trilled in soft agreement- yeah, it would be a little nicer, wouldn't it? SkyClan's territory was pretty barren of undergrowth... it was just how he liked it, really, but was that because there hadn't ever been an alternative? For as much as Twolegplace shoved him right to the edge of his wits, he could not deny that to find a little nook here, flush with blooms, could make him forget that it was there grasping paws that had isolated him and many other Skyclanners- inculding Butterflytuft- within the Shelter for so long.

Butterflytuft slinked to the ground, but for the moment Twitchbolt stayed put, keeping his gaze on the window. On the Twoleg. It sees us, whispered the red-painted queen from below him, and Twitchbolt gave a hurried, vaguely fearful nod. But it had just glanced at them, and was not rushing out with it's spindly paws outstretched. Every now and then it glanced at them, but it wasn't making any noise.

Warily, Twitchbolt too jumped to the ground- for a few long moments he locked eyes with the Twoleg as he drifted protectively to Butterflytuft's side. But the Twoleg soon looked away again, its gaze flitting somewhere else. "I don't think... I don't think it minds us much." There was a thickness of confusion in Twitchbolt's voice; he could not believe he was faced with one of the mythical good Twolegs that the daylight warriors were all taken with. "Mmm-maybe we shouldn't take anything, though..." There was still a fear within him, words accompanied with a twitch, that they might enrage the twoleg if they sullied its little collection.

"Do you think it would let us back if we- if we behave?" Maybe they could make some sort of routine of this...
penned by pin ✧
As Twitchbolt comes to her side, she glues herself to him, wide eyes never leaving the twoleg. She manages to hide herself completely behind her friend, only to poke her head out to see where she had gone. The twoleg continues to focus on some other tasks, her wrinkled, smiling eyes focused on something out of sight. It takes several long heartbeats for the tortoiseshell to relax herself, but she still doesn’t stray far from the deputy’s side.

She nods in agreement, firmly deciding she wouldn’t like to risk the twoleg’s wrath if they stole from her. Her ears twitch as they begin to make their way to the flowers on cautious paws. “Maybe,” She chirps, eyes lighting up as she looks back to Twitchbolt. “Do you think we could? Keep coming back?” This garden is wonderful, she thinks. It’s so colorful and green and bright and it smells so nice! Butterflytuft approaches a cluster of bright-colored pink flowers and leans in to sniff them. “Roses,” She purrs back to Twitchbolt. Oh, how she wishes she could take one home...

Butterflytuft was one of the few cats who could huddle up to his side without warning and not get a swat to the ears- knowing a cat since kithood, and having befriended her young, would achieve that. Warily, they both watched; and as they were unharmed by each passing moment, they peeled away from each other with great caution. Twitchbolt too allowed his gaze to befall the flowers again- beautifully upkept, bright and clean, untrampled by predators or medicine cats.

An enthusiasm he'd only seen in Butterflytuft in relation to her pride for her kits lit in the tortoiseshell's lantern-yellow eyes- Twitchbolt found it quite impossible not to mirror her glee. "It'll be easy to find again... I'd love to come back," he confirmed with a quick nod, and a small but genuine smile beginning to wobble across his lips. The smell of the flowers would lead him back without much difficulty, unless a dog decided to fling itself in their path, but- but he was deputy now, wasn't he? If the deputy couldn't protect a queen, then what was he even doing?

He wove over to the roses at her mention, taking a breath in. "I've never seen ones this bright..." he mused, tongue clicking. Then, with a grin- uncharacteristic but wholly genuine- "We'll make a habit of this."
penned by pin ✧
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