private sugarpop! & hazekit




[] BANG]/i]!!

It was loud, sudden and echoed from some place within the twoleg place. It didn't happen every night but sometimes that loud crack would sound off with the loud screeching, more like ringing, of something following suit. There was question as to what it was but no one seemed willing to figure it out. More so just deal with the random, once in a blue moon noise. Though it startled Silentkit the first night it happened for them. Awoken with a fur-bristling start, panic engulfed their chest and they looked around with wild orange eyes though didn't get up to do anything. Part of them wanted to curl further into their siblings and mother, try to go back to sleep but their brain had been started.

Silentkit gave a soft sigh and lifted their head up from their white mitten paws, and looked around the nursery for a moment. The breaths of cats nearby filled the air as did the soft snoring of kittens. The black and white kit got up from the pile of fur by Boneripples' stomach for the outside of the nursery. Silentkit sat down on a more dry spot with their paws tucked under their chest. Camp was quiet now, not a soul stirred, and the echoing crack had dispersed into only ringing in their ears.

The moon still hung in the sky and there was no signs of the sun rising anytime soon. So what time was that? Orange hues glowed in the white moonlight, reflecting color of white snow, and Silentkit lowered their head a bit to the ground. Suppose they should try to do something productive? But what could be done in the middle of the night?



The sound, like sharp thunder, pulls Hazekit out of warm, starlit slumber. For a moment she stays unmoving among the sleeping forms of her family, only opening her eyes to peer through the darkness. Far from annoyed at the brusqueness of their waking, Hazekit feels their heartbeat picking up with excitement. What a weird noise! And so far away, too. It comes from beyond Riverclan territory, deep into the twoleg place — an uncharted land, full of mysteries and danger, so strange and so foreign it seems as distant as Starclan to her, and twice as compelling for being so near.

They are not alone, it seems, in their wonder. A flash of white fur as one of Boneripple’s litter makes for the exit. Careful not to wake their siblings, Hazekit wiggles their way free of the family pile and follows after them.

She half-expected Skunk-kit, but finds their quieter sibling instead. Though they look similar, it’s impossible to mistake Silentkit for their grimier sibling. Moonlight reflecting off the white of their pelt has them glowing like the snow, and their eyes are like twinkling stars before a tilt of their head casts a shadow over their face. She pads up to them on quiet paws and murmurs, ”Noise?”

The tilt of her head toward camp — and, beyond, the twoleg place, maybe — is a silent request tacked on to her monosyllabic question: What do you think of that noise? Do you want to go investigate?