sensitive topics suki suki daisuki [ x ] abandoned kit

tw for general disturbing imagery! check the notes at the bottom for a tl;dr.
wind whips the world outside, trees rustling the nettles from their branches and sending a flurry of leaves to the dewy grass. despite the dawn rising in smatterings of pink - blue, smog rolls over the horizon, shading the sky in hues of storm - weather. all is still aside the flat, odorous rock — save for the circling of scavengers beginning to gather precariously overhead. vultures caw, a bitter, hoarse song of thunder cracking before the skies burst themselves, broad beaks splitting hungrily against a darkening sky. wind whips violently at those unfortunate enough to traverse the marshlands, a whiplike battering enough to sweep those more delicate - limbed off their paws.

but the child is not aware.

the world splits. darkness erupts into slivers of a world they’ve only heard, felt. the stickiness beneath rose - thorn claws is something bright, brown - black sludge and — the kitten does not know of time. he does not know the life that trickles up and down pale limbs, leaping black - spots and smatterings of his own, welling blood mixing with gelatinous viscera. a buzzing riots in his ears, sharply curved and unable to flick away at the insects that land upon the membraney surface. his little maw parts and tastes the air clumsily, hungrily, whines pitifully when the milk - scent never comes. his extended belly grumbles and his vocal chords launch to match, jaws parting in a flash of delicate pink amongst these visceral ruins.

his mothers scent lingers weakly, waning with each passing moment and he feels it in each breath, the acrid stench of rot too familiar for his rapidly inflating lungs. but when the patrol arrives along the furthest area of their territory, they will smell it first — rotting by the thunderpath, crooked and bony limbs splayed at the knobby knees. a buck, at one time, belly splayed and burst to feed the tremblings of larvae that gnaw away at its greening innards. the child inside is only weeks old, trembling pale and an eye stuck half - open, the other still lidded with youth and muck. a cry towards the heavens erupt from sticking maw, for attention, for food — there was none where he rested now, and his limbs tremble, skin too pale against the parasites that latch where his fur isn’t slicked with old blood.

no one comes. no one approaches to brush a trembling muzzle against his head, sluggish licks over the tufts of tangled, matted fur following the ruff of his twiggish neck — and so he only cried again, louder. louder. his throat is hoarse with it, lungs fluttering in a delicate chest.

  • i. he is about two weeks, nestled just inside the belly of a deer who’d been hit by a car! his mother, incredibly ill, abandoned him there for warmth against the windstorm. she can be scented nearby, but it is stale and extremely sickly! they are gross and eaten up with fleas but otherwise okay,, for now
  • VELVETKIT ——— ⠀ ₊ ‧ .⋆ ⠀ 𐂯
    nb. they / he, kitten of shadowclan. curly albino / fawn chimera with curved ears and pale eyes. bashful smiles and glassy eyes at half - mast, dark lids and a heavy curtain of lashes shrouding too pale, sensitive irises. they are a delicate blotch on the boggy marshlands, heavenfaced ; cherub - curled cheeks and long, rabbit - vein whiskers — often seen with a lazy smile etched upon blushing lips, pearl teeth seeming almost too sharp for his small, barbed maw.

    𖦹 . gay, single with no crush. smells like damp earth and crushed flowers.
    𖦹 . three moons, ages every thirty posts. shadowclan apprentice. mentored by tbd.
    𖦹 . severe cotard’s delusion, believes and perceives himself to be rotting. any descriptions of rot or gore are not accurate!
    penned by antlers​

  • Wow
If you don't like me, that's your problem
The winds remain ever present despite several days passing, billowing and buffeting her curly fur in every direction. The skies above darken with the promise of a potential storm and she tosses the rest of the patrol a wordless glance that indicated perhaps it was time to return home. Another strong gale sends forth a foul scent to assault her nares, dark features scrunching up in displeasure. The smell only grows worse the longer they traverse near the thunderpath. It rancid stench nearly making it hard to breathe, if only the wind would blow the smell in the opposite direction. Eventually she sees it, the rotting corpse of a deer that met its end by the force of a monster. It was unfortunate just how many lives the rattling things took without mercy. Vultures sing of their luck overhead and her stomach twists with a vivid reminder of her own mother being the meal they sought to feast on.

Before she could fall head first into another pit of grief the sound of desperate wailing snaps her back to reality. Citrine eyes flick in the direction to the rotted buck, frowning. That is until she heard the pitiful mew again and knew for sure she was not hearing things. Despite the burning of her lungs, Tornadopaw drew closer to the corpse, picking her way around the mess of life giving fluids and organs. Buried within the pile of muck was a kitten, weak and so small she could not fathom how the child managed to survive its current state. "Guys, I...I found a kitten over here." She shouts toward the group she'd branched away from. Searching for the cleanest spot to grab him she parts her jaws and carefully hoists him up before stepping back from the carnage. Turning on her paws she walks several lengths away from the buck and sets the nameless tom down between her forelimbs. "Where is your mother?" She murmured rhetorically in a low tone, lifting a paw to flick a stray maggot from his pelt. (mentor tag @CHILLEDSTAR.)
When I let it bother me, that's my problem
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Death reeks. For all that rotting is done quietly, it has a way of announcing itself nonetheless, and the strong gales wield it to bludgeon them across the face. He wants to avoid it, but the others on the patrol have no such reservations and Rosemire thinks being alone on the thunderpath is probably a bad idea. As they wander closer, the stench ripens, enough so that he thinks his eyes should be watering— but they're dry, and while his stomach is coiled in knots, his throat is free of bile and nausea. He doesn't want to think about why his body is less disgusted than he is.

It worsens considerably when the heavy wind has a...voice. A cry. He thinks it might be merely his imagination, but Tornadopaw –farther ahead, close to the bloated silhouette– calls back that there's a kitten. He draws in a deep breath that struggles against the tempestuous current and forces his way to the apprentice.

There's something almost poetic about it, new life nestled in the belly of a corpse. The poor thing would look a mess even if they weren't shrouded in decaying deer, and there's another smell beyond the rot— alive, but ill. Rosemire thinks of the reasons a parent might leave their child like this, shielded from the weather and hidden away. Not true abandonment. Maybe not by choice. He watches Tornadopaw draw the kitten free, and his pale gaze searches their surroundings carefully. He's not one to put his paws on a stranger's child so readily, even under the circumstances.

"Sick, possibly," he says, speaking over the wind. "And you should be careful— scent's stale, but that doesn't mean she won't be coming back. Not to mention the kit might pass something on to you." He doesn't know much of anything about kits, but this one looks too small to be off of milk yet. He grimaces at the thought of putting him at the belly of a queen, if only because that sick smell has him guarded.

જ➶ "Well then, well then, why not just kill it? If it is sick it won't last. Leave it there and it will suffer. So put it out of its misery." He heard the commotion and smelled the racid odor of the dead deer makes it no better. The small kit he can see just laying there in the bowels of the deceased and his muzzle pulls up, nose flaring before he shakes his head. The smile still stays on his muzzle as he has smelled worse within the Carrionplace. "The scent of the mother smells nasty. Sickly. She probably left the child to go and die somewhere." His giggling tone is blunt and he finds himself creeping closer. Lifting a paw he attempts to poke at the child. A casual shifting of claws not really taking in the thought of how the mother shoved the child into a dead carcass. Maybe to protect them? It is awfully windy these days and a kit so young would likely die of the cold out here.

He doubts they will kill it though. Shadowclan despite everything is known for taking in kits. This one can find a home here if it survives.

Guys, I… I found a kitten over here.
Tornadopaw’s quick call is enough to bring Heathershade out of wherever place she had been, blinking back to the present time where she was supposed to be dutifully patrolling.
Paws are light as they pick their way through the marsh, approaching with wide, curious eyes.
Curiosity quickly turns to concern when she gathers the scene in, Rosemire was tragically correct.
"Oh my…" She sighs. Any sense of sadness is squandered by Chittertongues brash words- awful words.
"Are you mad?" Heathershade argues, hurriedly stepping in front of Tornadopaw and the child, "If a child is sickly, you don’t kill him! He’s strong enough to cry for help, is he not? Our own children have been sicker and pulled through just fine." She defends with a small shake of her head, and though her tone does not raise or stray from its soft edges, she is firm on her stance. "Rosemire, however, is right Tornadopaw, there’s no need to have to put a pause on your training." Gently she agrees partially with the other warrior, if anything she’d happily stay with the child.
What a cruel situation.

Tufted ears perk at the voice of Tornadopaw, heavy steps squelched upon moist grass and soil; wisp-like fur always sullied from the wetlands he resided in. Gale force winds whipping his fur array as he traveled behind the patrol, the smell of death and rot permeating his nostrils. It was farthest from a pleasant smell, but in his seasons of living—it is unfortunately one he has smelled many times before. Still, he cannot hide the twisted expression upon his face—nose crinkled in utter disgust and his stomach does flips with each breath. As he draws closer with the others, the smell only grows more harsh till it's almost damn unbearable. If he had anything other than an iron clad stomach, he might have just wretched up his breakfast right then at the source.
What he sees, none other than a buck strewn along the side of the Thunderpath, gangly and inside spilled open. From what, he does not know. Flies fickle and swarm about the corpse, even as far as buzz as they try desperately to ride the force of the wind and he does not help them when his ears flick them away. For a moment, the warrior raises a brow to Tornadopaw and the others. If there was a kit, where was it? He wanted to question, but then as he involuntarily leans closer and fighting the brief wave of nausea that wanted to consume him, he hears mewling from inside the carcass. "Oh—" He nearly chokes out, clearing his throat in effort to gain more composure over himself as the smell slams into the back of his throat. Tornadopaw lifts the body of a tom, no bigger than that of a mature mouse, and pulls away from it's makeshift burrow. His plumed tail flicks uncomfortably, it's tip flinging from one side of the other as he looks at the pale kit, eyes barely open. Immediately his heart drops as he stared at the near infant of a child, disoriented and clearly in need of a mother. While the others discuss, he lifts his head in an attempt to spot a figure close by. Was she near? Or was she somewhere nearby, body tangled in a mass of fur and twisted limbs along the Thunderpath? Molten eyes scan the area, but to no avail; and with this particular—unsatisfying scent, there was no way to track her.
His head is then snapped at Chittertongue's eerily raucous choice of words, his gaze narrowing and jaw set as he bit down a harsh retort. One One hand, he did have a point—the child very well could be sickly, but they'd have no way of knowing with no medicinal knowledge did they? He snorts, shaking his broad head in disagreement and pointedly ignoring the brewing argument between him and Heathershade. "Let's see what Chilledstar and Starlingheart have to say first. We must at least try before we cast it to the wind for whatever to gobble it up." His words are light and airy, but a dwelling firmness lies beneath the surface. No kit would have a claw laid upon them if he had anything say so in it.