private summer blues // gravekit

With the smoke and ash, Cottonpaw worries that some of their patients will never return to their full health. Grasskit seems to have recovered, though his voice always has a gravel-tone to it, and he seems constantly one playfight away from struggling to breathe once more. And Gravekit - watery eyes and shivering always. They don't look any worser, of which Cottonpaw counts a blessing, but she cannot discern if they'll ever grow better, either.

She supposes that it should've been expected. Cygnetstare wasn't the healthiest appearing cat, so although it feels wrong to say... but maybe no one should have expected her to give birth to the healthiest of little ones, either. Regardless, Cottonpaw has grown to enjoy the bicolor kitten's company, even if they are just as odd as their mother.

"I've brought you your favorite, Gravekit...!" she chirps as she brings a half-eaten rabbit into the medicine den. "It's been picked over by your siblings already, so I'm sorry for the missing pieces. But...! They left you the leg, so that must be nice, right?" Cottonpaw tries to be positive about the situation.
