summer came down [frozen river] with Ohio fever

His breath left him in cloaked fog, swilling around his head and blurred his already partial vision with rolling white clouds. The cold settled heavily over his shoulders and he longed for spring, to see the grass green and flowers blooming; to once again step chest deep into cool waters that would not nip and bite at him with icy ferocity. More than anything, he just wanted to fish again, he wanted to bring home dozens of fat fish and see his clanmates gain back the weight winter took from them, to watch the apprentices compete for who could get the more sizeable piece to return to camp with in victory, to teach the new kits how to poise carefully over water where your shadow would not cast down and startled the silvery darts beneath the surface. Smokethroat did not so much as sigh at the thoughts, not one to give into wishful whimsy and more focused on his hunt than anything else at the moment but he could be left to remember the better times on occasion.
The pebbles underpaw were slick, deadly tripping hazards and he walked with a confident strut forward and head held high as they patrolled along the shimmering waters once bubbling edge, now sharp and solid as a stone shard.

"Look at that."
It was not often he was taken so by surprise by a sight that it stopped him in his tracks and even pulled from his throat a voice when he was not known for being talkative. His hunting patrol had dwindled down to two now, himself and Cindershade making a trek further up river in the hopes of finding more prey away from their camp area; the rest of the patrol had split to different directions with the same intent but it was only himself and the dark spotted molly who would bore witness to the almost comical sight. The river this far down had turned into almost a solid block of ice, making an easy path for their enemies and rogues to cross and he wasn't fond of that one bit but it had also caused a bit of a problem for their prey as well it seemed; a fish had found itself frozen and locked in place with its tail straight up into the air. Smokethroat glanced to his hunting partner then back to the frozen section of the river before slowly raising a paw and placing it carefully on the ice to test its durability, when he felt confident it would not break he made his way over to the upturned trout on deliberately places steps to avoid slipping and once he had reached it he batted at the tail cautiously; the fish did not move though he could not determine if it were dead or simply too cold to respond.
"Cindershade, come look...there's more." He could see them now, the dark sharps trapped beneath the surface; curved and frozen in an icy grave. To have so much food right there under his paws and unobtainable. It was agonizing...

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Every day it seemed as if Leaf-Bare grew longer, the promise of warmer weather always whisking right out from under outstretched claws. Another wintry chill permeated the air, a weighted blanket bearing down upon the duo of RiverClan warriors as they searched for any sight of food to bring back home. Frost nipped at the obsidian molly's nose and ear tips, gripping at her with needle-like claws. Fog billowed around her stoic features, occasionally shielding her gaze as she trekked just behind Smokethroat. Cindershade also longed for the blooms of New-Leaf, the brief chilly mornings until the sun rose from the distant peaks and cascaded it's rays on the world below. She even missed those pesky insects that buzzed around her ears and the pounding rain from the sky. She missed the ever-flowing river, it's therapeutic bubble over slick stones and the refreshing chill as you waded into it's depths, most of all, she missed the fish. Like Smokethroat, she wanted her clan well fed again. She wanted them plump and well-muscled from their mostly fish diet—wanted to see the familiar gloss that cloaked each of their pelts.
For now, they survived on what they had. Though, her usual pristine pelt was beginning to lose it's usual luster. Her eyes were dull, exhaustion brimming from their depths. But still, she pushed on. Her gait was strong, purpose and will pulling her forwards. She would use the all the essence of her being to make sure her clan could get through this next few moons. New-Leaf was coming. They just had to be patient.

Cindershade followed her fellow clan mate in silence, shaded ears rotating every so often to detect the familiar scuffle sounds of any prey that braved the frozen undergrowth in search of food. Smokethroat had led them farther upstream with the hopes to find a place to hopefully find fish—or anything for that matter. Frozen foliage soon dissipated and the ground turned turned more unstable, pebbles and rocks jutting from the sandy floor half-hazardly. One who wasn't used to the terrain would surely take a tumble or slip under the slick surface of smooth stones. Smokethroat proceeded forwards with a confident gait, his head held high and she followed behind with a similar structure. "Smokethroat, I'm not sure if hunting up here wi—" Cindershade began to speak, breaking the silence between them but Smokethroat had cut her off as he suddenly halted with a surprised tone. If Cindershade hadn't been careful, she'd surely run right into his hind end.
Look at that.
The shaded warrior emerged to his side with a slightly annoyed huff, two shadows now standing side-by-side to see what he was talking about. Her annoyed expression now morphed into one of equal astonishment as she stared upon the frozen river. Completely solid. There was no flow, no sound of rushing water. Just stillness. "The river is—completely frozen! And what is—is that a fish half frozen in the ice?!" The traces of exhaustion that plagued her features had now disappeared, chartreuse eyes widening slightly as she stared. She had never seen such a thing! Her paws strided forwards, following behind Smokethroat once more and tracing his paw steps to not slid upon the ice. She couldn't believe it! They were standing upon a solid piece of ice! "This is a bit eerie." The warrior murmured to herself, keeping her paw steps light and airy to not fall as she looked around while her clan mate investigated the tail end of the fish.

Cindershade, come look...there's more.
She obliged to him, warily stalking over towards him with careful steps and tensed muscles. She peers through the crystalline ice with narrowed eyes, their sharpness making out the curved silhouettes of more frozen within their prison of ice. Multiples of fish, right there, ripe for the taking if it wasn't for this damn frozen rover. She let's out a hiss of annoyance, slamming a paw on the thick surface. "Damnit." She rumbled as a growl couldn't help but rise from her chest. "I am so sick of this fucking weather!" Just staring at what looked to be a trout had her stomach howling with hunger as if to mock her further, just a few inches from the surface. "If the whole river turns into this, we will suffer for sure." She turns her head to the lead warrior with a grim tone and furrowed brow. "What do we do?"


The entire situation was distressing, they had hungry kits back at camp and queens who needed nourishment as well; several apprentices that were doing their best to provide with hungry stomachs and cold bodies. Life was cruel. It was crueler on the two-leg streets back in the forest of stone and sharpness but at least there he did not need to worry about anyone but himself. Now it was so many cats, yet oddly he did not feel resentment for it. Life alone had been hard. Quiet. Unfulfilling. Had he been living then at all really?

Cindershade stomps a paw and he watches, curious, as the ice beneath it gives a single splintering crack that shifts the uneven surface but does not fully collapse it. The sheet of frozen water beneath them might not be as thick as he had thought originally and it inspires him to grab the frozen and curved tail of the fish to give a sharp tug. Nothing. It was so frosted over that he could barely get a taste of the fish through the layer of ice and snow particles that had gathered on it, it was just a bitter mouthful of what amounted to water. Ah well, maybe he was wrong again. The ice might be too thick to break but that didn't stop him scratching at it with his claws out as though digging to try and unearth some of the trapped fish. The dark molly curses and he can not help but agree with her dismay, this weather was mocking them now-keeping prey just out of their reach and attempting to swallow their camp up with chilling water. Once again he hears Moss' voice warn him that the river took as much as it gave at times.
"I don't know...genuinely." He wished he did. "We can try hunting more at the edges of the border perhaps." Maybe he would be gifted a second rabbit to snatch from under WindClan's nose again. One could only be so hopeful.

Just behind them a tree branch bowed beneath the weight of snow piled upon it, suspended over the river and casting a mountainous shadow, as they spoke it had begun to dip even lower under the burden of leaf-bares curse before finally snapping in half and falling down onto the icy sheet beneath it.
He gives a jumping start to the snapping crash behind them, whirling around to see the impact and the subsequent spiderweb of cracks that had begun to move across the surface toward them; angled and sharp serpents skittering in their direction with expedience.
"Get off the ice-Get off the ICE!" Smokethroat turned, a shoulder pushing into the other dark-furred cat to urge her to move with urgency; midstep in the direction of the shore he feels his back leg sink into the water as the ice gives and manages to remain mostly upright despite that. The pain of the cold was unexpected, earning an audible gasp at the tiny daggers of ice that honed in to pierce and stab the literal second his leg was submerged. Yanking it free he kept moving to the shore only to find the ice on that end had already begun to give as well. "Shit-!"

Her paw connected to the ice, frustration causing her to slam her weight onto the frozen surface harder than expected. She felt her weight shift slightly as the ice cracked beneath her shadowed paws. Alarm caused her eyes to widen, instinct jerking her limbs away from it. Silence fell between the two before all was calm again, earning a sigh of relief from her. That was definitely a surprise. Cindershade glides over to Smokethroat, her paws trying to slip beneath her before she caught herself. He tried to winch out the fish from it's sub-zero prison, frantically digging to release them in hopes to bring back, while frozen, fish to the camp. She joined him, digging feebly at the thick ice, her claws making small rivets under the pressure. Pain shot through her paw as one claw got stuck, her jaw gritting at the pain while letting out a quiet hiss. Luckily, she was able to pull it away with minimal damage. Only a broken tip, perhaps, nothing that got down to the quick.
Smokethroat was talking now, remarking that he genuinely didn't know what to do. The rosetted molly sighed, her face falling in defeat. "Perhaps that'd be best for now. If only we knew where the prey hides during Leaf-Bare." She mused, examining the damage to her once curved claw. She looks to him again, chartreuse eyes lingered on his now spotting pelt, briefly meeting his singular gaze. This wretched time of the year was always so frustrating, constantly having to worry over queens and kits back at camp to make sure they're fed and also make sure the warriors and apprentices were fed as well. Like her fellow warrior, Cindershade was accustomed to only fending for herself and making sure her belly was filled. But that old life of hers was long gone now, and she was grateful for it. Being so young and on her own. It was definitely more difficult than surviving in this long winter. At least she had partnership here in RiverClan, clan mates she could ultimately trust to watch her back. She may not show it, but she was appreciative. Appreciative for Cicadastar, as strange as he was sometimes. She held high respect for him.
Maybe it's time to get home. Cindershade looked around her, her gaze sweeping the frozen surface one last time before standing. She turns to Smokethroat, to say that it was time to leave and report back, but that sentence never crossed over her tongue. A gut-wrenching crack violated her ears, eyes widening in a new found fear as the branch fell from the unbearable weight of snow that fell through the ice. She stands there, frozen but only for a moment. Smokethroat's hoarse tone shakes her back to reality, and suddenly she's shoved out of the way with immense strength. Cindershade leaps to the safety of the snowy banks, for once grateful to feel slush and mud beneath her paws. The warrior whips around, staring at Smokethroat and beckons him with a paw. "Come on! We got to get—SMOKETHROAT!" Her shouting becomes hysterical, obsidian fur standing on end when she witnesses the ice beneath the warrior give in under his weight, his leg falling to the clutches of the unforgiving frigid water below them. He's able to save himself though, but isn't out of the woods yet. Thick cracks surrounded him, threatening to separate him from the safe haven just before him. Her eyes grow wide with fear for him, instinctively moving towards him to help guide him. But, the thinning ice separates immediately, her front paw plunging into the shallow end of the river. She moves swiftly, to another position. Think, think, think, THINK!

A wild drum that is her own heart thundered inside her chest, blood roaring in her ears as she watched him seem to grow farther from her. Only a mere few feet felt like miles as tunnel vision ensued. She could only see the ice breaking under Smokethroat's feet, sending him below the frozen surface and swept away or lost within the murky water. She finds a stronger block, testing it tentatively to see if it'd give in. She slowly glides on it, trying to get closer to the tom. "Quick! Grab my paw! I'll help you over! Move your ass, now!" Her tone grows harsh as she barks orders to him, panic settling in her abdomen. Smokethroat was a warrior she enjoyed the company of, trusted to watch her back. He had saved her, ensured her safety despite his own. She would not let him get the chance to be unable to gloat about it later. By StarClan, if he took a plunge then she would dive in after him to yank him out, even while taking her last breath in the process. He would be safe. She'd move mountains and even this damned river to make sure of it.
The cold made for poor learning. He could not fish when the waters were cold, could not catch anything when the fish slept so deep. He's hungry, and so is his clan, and that means that nothing goes well. But he thinks that he's learning anyway. That has to mean something, right? He wants to learn. He wants terribly to be good. To help. Isn't that what he's meant for? Isn't that why he's here? With paws crunching on the frosted ground and his breath clouding the air before his fog-blue eyes, Frogpaw learns. Even though his apprenticeship has a new taste to it still, Snakeblink has passed on his watchful gaze. He learns to really look at his clanmates, to find their tracks in the snow and maybe even go so far as to identify them by their weight and spread alone. Frog didn't need to learn how to love them, but Snakeblink helps him learn that too. He starts to burn with it.

When he hears Smokethroat's shout, and Cindershade's that quickly follows, there's no hesitation before the black smoke is charging into the fray. Towards the shattered bank of water, only a short glance cast behind him before he's racing panic. "Smokethroat?" he yells, right before his eyes find the tom. Stranded in the spidering ice, with Cindershade reaching desperately for him. He's lighter than her. Smaller. Though his limbs are long, he's yet to reach the full heft of a warrior. Could he get out there? Could he help? "Tell me what to do!" the apprentice demands, whirling between the warriors.

  • ooc: pinging @Snakeblink because frog would probably be out with him!!
  • frogpaw_finished.png
    —— npc x npc, has several npc siblings. mentored by snakeblink.
    —— loyal to riverclan, but somewhat uncertain of his place there.
    —— unknown sexuality. single, not actively looking or interested.

    a lanky, slender black smoke with low white and soft blue eyes. his ears are gently curled, and each paw has at least one extra toe, making them seem broader and larger than a typical cat's.
  • "speech"

Snakeblink is... Proud of Frogpaw. Strange, when they've been assigned to each other for so little time, but it's true. His apprentice is eager to learn, quick on the uptake, with the potential to do great things and the willingness to do them for his clan. He worries, a little, about what Frogpaw will take from his teachings; little restraint and too much devotion, probably. But there's a spark in him – a drive to serve his clan, to do good, that reminds Snakeblink of himself. It's as much a looming threat as it is a source of pride; as likely to cast light as it is to set them all alight. For now, it's fine. It's fine. Frogpaw is bright: he'll stop before crossing his own limits.

(Snakeblink is relatively clever, too. Has it ever occured to him to look down and check how far back he walked over his own line?)

Clever, clever little thing – and fast, too. When shouts ring in the winter air, he's off like a shot before Snakeblink has even uttered a word. He takes off after his apprentice on light paws, skidding on melted snow as he careens through the undergrowth to the source of the alarm. The situation is obvious and terrible: Smokethroat stranded on broken ice, Cindershade's small form reaching out for him. And Frogpaw, asking: tell me what to do.

Snakeblink wants to say, Stay safe. Don't take risks. This isn't your responsibility. The words stick to his throat, heavy and saccharine protectiveness thick on his tongue. Can he risk his apprentice's safety for Smokethroat's? Should he? An image of Cicadastar's crestfallen face flashes in his mind's eye, surimposed on the illusion of a small body swept away by the river.

(Too small for an apprentice; a memory clawing at his mind. It whispers in a voice like rushing water: not again.)

Both options are abhorrent to him, but–

Devotion is sacrifice. This is what it means to be worthy of a clan's love and protection; it wouldn't be fair of him to shelter Frogpaw from it.


His heart stutters in dread, but his hissing voice is steady. ”You're lighter than me. Try to get closer – if Smokethroat jumps, Cindershade will need help to haul him out of the water before it pulls him away.” Or before he freezes and drowns, his mind supplies. He shakes himself and, with a fleeting touch to his apprentice's shoulder, slinks closer to the deceptively thin ice. If Cindershade were to lose balance forward, he'd try to grab her and try to stop her from going under. ”I'll be behind you. I won't let you fall in.”

He feels like a coward, putting the adolescent in more danger than himself. But is there any other way? Would the ice bear his weight? Will it bear Frogpaw's? He casts around for a sturdy branch, something they could extend towards Smokethroat – for a miracle solution, really.
  • ooc: "i can teach him" says man who is worse
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

it almost seems like fate which summons him to the scene. small cinnamon paws drifting over the snow, one gleaming eye drinking in the wintry landscape. yowls rise above the thunderous cracking of ice, warriors and apprentices alike rushing towards the river. and in the midst of the chaos? is smokethroat, the thin sheet of ice splintering beneath him. it always seems to be smokethroat, who finds himself in precarious circumstances nowadays. if beesong had not been preoccupied with the terror that grips his chest, imagining the lead warrior being swept away by the river or trapped beneath the surface of the ice, he would've been exasperated at smokethroat for venturing onto the ice in the first place.

they would have to save the annoyance for the aftermath.

thinking fast and in a similar manner to snakeblink, beesong swivels on their heels to race towards the longest, sturdiest stick they could find fallen in the snow. grunting, the healer would grasp it between clenched teeth and haul it towards cindershade, frogpaw, and snakeblink. maybe, just maybe... it could close the distance between smokethroat and the rest of the patrol. "here!" beesong snaps in the direction of the nearest cat to smokethroat, panic taking the shape of an irritated tone. "this might be long enough for smokethroat to grab onto from there!"

don't you dare die now, you dumbass!

His claws dig in tightly, he's too afraid to raise a paw for fear that the loosening grip would send him sliding back into the water; it was bad enough his leg was caught swept in the current, he could feel the ice frosting over his pelt and the numbness creeping in from just the brief contact. One could only imagine how much worse it would be with your entire body doused in the chilling depths. He thinks of freezing to death, wonders what its like, how horrifying it would be. Would the water choke the oxygen from your lungs faster than the cold would turn your blood to ice? A contest to determine who would end your life the swiftest, vaguely he pondered how drowning worked when you had none of them and found himself disgusted at the mere thought of it. Wounds healed in time from StarClan's blessing, but did the stars filter water from lungs, force the heat back in frozen bodies? Things he never wanted to consider or discover the answer for; he shook his head, aggravated at his plight and teetering still on his throne of reflective cold.

Snakeblink and his apprentice are there now, joining the dark molly in her panicked uncertainty and he watches with that one orange eye wide and unblinking to the commotion. They discuss him leaping and his gaze trails to the dark-spotted warrior's paw she leaves outstretched and urging him to trust and he finds himself inwardly recoiling at the idea of it. He didn't distrust that they could drag him out, he was unsure if he himself had the force and traction necessary to make a wild leap of faith forward and not be grabbed by the water's icy claws. Twin black ears pin back, a familiar voice shouts orders, he does not need to turn his head to know Beesong is there and cursing him for constantly being at wits with death itself; it was not a dalliance he was particularly fond of himself really, but he had not time or energy to give the medicine cat a coy response to his urgency and loose temperment. A thick branch is passed between teeth and stretched out to him, a lifeline offered; a fighting chance. He'd take it. The dark tom kept his claws unsheathed and dug into the chipping frost beneath him, slowly wriggled himself down into a partial crouch that would have to be enough because any lower and he risked displacing his weight too heavily for his platform to hold without shifting. "Alright.....alright...." His voice cracked like the very ground he was under, he didn't know if he was convincing himself or not but when he began to count he hoped it was clear his intentions, ""
Powerful back legs shot up, forward, propelled him from the edge of the frozen cliff, "Three!"
What happened next was seconds of heart pounding in his ear panic and splashing-his claws managed to find the offered branch, clung tight to it and even his teeth found purchase on the limb to keep from being ripped away; the cold was overwhelming, smothering, he felt as though his entire body was turning into ice from the bite of it but he was still there trying desperately to clamber up the side of the riverbank.
A voice other than her own panicked tone drifted over to her, their paws light and airy as they sprinted towards her. Frogpaw. He's as frantic as she is, his youthful gaze wide with horror at Smokethroat's predicament. He whirls between the two of them, the stench of fear radiating from his limber body as he frets over what to do. "Easy now, boy. Light steps, okay? I don't want you getting carried away if the ice gives in. Where's your mentor? Where's Snakeblink?" Her hardened gaze narrows in thought, her mind racing a mile a minute on what to do. Snakeblink appears as if on cue, sprinting behind his apprentice with his own gaze widening at the scene before him.
For the first time, Cindershade is completely out of ideas. All she could think of was Smokethroat's body slipping under the icy platform, swept away downstream and body recovered later on. Snakeblink suggests his apprentice to go forward, to help drag the black tom back onto shore. "What—?! Oh—whatever! Fine!" The rosetted tabby had no time to argue, and Snakeblink did have a point. She shifted slightly, giving Frogpaw some room to join her. The ice shifts with her dense frame slightly, splintering fractures spider webbing under her paws. She pays no mind, her goal only focused on Smokethroat's safety. The brown tabby positions himself behind her, his breath warm against the nape of her neck. If they were in any other situation, she'd have outwardly cringed st how close he was to her. But now wasn't the time. She nods to him in response, hopefully he'd keep his word.
Somewhere in the fray, Beesong arrives with a grand idea. She turns to him, a silhouette of a smile on her maw, a silent thanks. She hauls the branch with the others, aiming it out towards her trapped clan mate. She hopes his missing eyes wouldn't deprive him of his depth perception too much. "Don't miss, fish-brain!" She calls out to him, digging her claws onto the icy surface before her. I believe in you, her thoughts added in silently. Smokethroat gathers the courage finally, gathering himself before taking a huge leap of faith. For a moment, the world seemed to edge it a crawl. In what was seconds of him jumping felt like an eternity. "Come on..." She mutters with clenched teeth, waiting for him to make contact.
He makes it! Her clanmate scrambles onto the branch, the supposed life line pulling him forwards. Cindershade seems to think they'd have pulled this off without any major injury, that they'd both escape the bitter claws of an icy death. She's relieved, moving herself more forwards and aiming to pull the branch up and haul Smokethroat to safety.

But life was funny sometimes, wasn't it? A cruel ploy of it all to think they'd have came out completely unscathed. The 'wonders' of life laughed in diabolical irony. How dare she think they were out of the woods, hm?

A thunderous crack is heard under her feet, the added weight of Frogpaw with Smokethroat hanging on edge was enough for a once thick slate of ice to give. Cindershade's eyes widen, her footing is losing the structure it once had. Fear strikes in her heart like a devilish blade, her stomach sinks and twists. With a sudden burst of adrenaline and sheer force, the black molly shoulders Frogpaw backwards to his mentor with the branch still clasped between them. This burst of movement causes the ice below her to collapse, sending her under in a matter of seconds. She gasps before plunging under the surface, the sudden drop in temperature stabbing at lungs as the air leaves her body. Her body panics, doesn't know what to do. She's becoming disoriented, her muscles beginning to burn with an icy ferocity.
Am I going to die? Her mind wanders, and for a moment, she contemplates of letting herself be swept away. To be free of all the burden and politics of clan life—to be free of pain and her burdens. No. No, no, no. Cindershade was still young, still had a life to live and a clan to protect. No! She manages to move her limbs, to use the well packed muscle that she earned in these very waters. She wouldn't fall victim to it. She swims upward, luckily the light's reflection guiding her way. Her limbs grow tired already, feeling as if she's freezing over with only being submerged for a very small amount of time. The strength of the freezing water was a heavy blanket on her thick fur, threatening to drag her back. Luckily she starts to feel the rocky floor of the banks, exploding through the surface with sheer force of will.
Cindershade gasps frantically, drinking in the sweet succulent of oxygen as it revives her lungs. "Shit!" Her voice cracks in between gasps, attempting to move her half-frozen limbs back to the river's icy banks.

Beesong's appears out of thin air like the Starclan-sent blessing they are, pulling a long branch along. Muddy snow sticks to paws, rendering the already-slippery frozen shore even more treacherous as the four cats manoeuver to extend Smokethroat his lifeline. Snakeblink isn't used to this kind of teamwork: breaths fogging in the air, hearts hammering in erratic synchronicity as they try to work against time and the devouring frost sapping the scarred tom's strength away each passing moment. There's no time for hesitation. With one more glance towards Smokethroat's crouching shape, he sinks his teeth into the damp wood and tries to hold on for dear life.

He feels more than he sees the moment the tom takes the leap. Cold water spray chills him further, waves created by the impact of his body in the water licking at the edges and jostling chunks of ice with a dull, tinkling sound. Claws sink into the wood with a thunk that reverberates along the branch. Snakeblink is pulled forward as Smokethroat hauls himself up. The effort of keeping still strains his neck, his jaw, his paws as he digs his claws in the freezing mud and silt for bearing. He holds on; what other choice is there? He could no longer let go than he could push his clanmate into the depths himself.

Then, a crack; this sound, too, shivers up his legs and through his ribs before it even reaches his ears. Doubt freezes his heart for a terrible second. Is he about to fall in? He can't move. He'll bring them all down with him. But, no, the ground shifts and bucks under him but his paws don't sink into a cold, watery grave yet, though his claws ache from the effort of keeping his balance. An effort that only gets more difficult as he's jarred by Frogpaw's shifting weight, nearly losing his grip, a second before a crash drowns his surprised gasp. His eyes dart to the side, panic seizing his chest and stilling the breath in his lungs– but his apprentice hasn't gone under. If not him, then who–


Wide, searching eyes catch a flash of black fur as it sinks underwater, and his heart sinks along with it. His first impulse is to throw himself after her, try to grab her before she's swept out of biting range, but the weight between his teeth stops him in his tracks. The molly's head bursts out of the water with a curse before he can do something unadvisable. Stubborn, unkillable Cindershade.

The water is cold on his pelt, colder still for the two that just took the plunge: it's only a matter of time before the cold sinks to their bones and steal the strength from their limbs. He should try to pull her out – and let go? Can Beesong and Frogpaw keep the branch still enough for Smokethroat to pull himself out on their own? Is he ready to gamble the tom's life on it?

Frantic indecision keeps Snakeblink locked in place, straining to keep his grip on the branch, his eyes darting between the other cats in alarm. He tries to come up with a plan, a way out, but all that he comes up with is a pained hiss around the branch in his mouth as splinters dig into his gums. He's useless like this. Unless someone else is able to reach for her, he can only hope Smokethroat pulls himself out before Cindershade is lost.

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 37 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo