SUMMER NIGHTS // lichenpaw


└─── °∘ ❄ ∘° ───┘
Mar 27, 2023

Sunlight filtered through the trees, lighting up dew strung from the grass. Blizzard Fang’s paws were irritably wet, he can feel the fur between his toes squish and wring out droplets of water as he moves. Yet a good warrior was able to ignore his irritations for the sake of the clan, and that’s exactly what the white and gray Tom did. At his side was Lichenpaw, his new apprentice of only a few sunrises ago. By now he’s picked up the apprentice could use some more assistance with his tracking and stalking techniques, fighting too… but after Sunnyday? Blizzard Fang was fearful of throwing something like that on him so quickly.

He will have to learn how to push unpleasant memories aside for the sake of his clan. Especially with RiverClan… Ultimately, he decides not to rush it. Lichenpaw needed to earn his mentor’s trust after the last one led him astray. They’d have time for fighting later, now they would be productive and work on their hunting capabilities.

Blizzard Fang opens his maw and tastes the air, vole and squirrel, it seems a bit stale… but perhaps nothing some tracking couldn’t fix? ”Lichenpaw, there’s scents in the air. I want you to track one down.” Then hunt it. One instruction at a time. Blizzard Fang lifts his tail to get a sense of which direction the breeze was blowing, would Lichenpaw remember to put themself upwind? He watches closely, prepared to correct the mistake immediately if made.

// @LICHENPAW !! No worries about fast replies ofc, but a hunting thread!



First training session, and of course it's hunting. That seems to be all anyone wants him to do. As if that's all he's good for, as if his claws aren't worthy of battle. As if he needs to be coddled after slicing up his mentor. Whatever, it's fine. There's scents in the air, says Blizzard Fang, and Lichenpaw gives him a side eye. "Yeah, uh. Stale scents," he says slowly. "There's — they're probably long gone, but — I mean, sure, whatever you say." He'll follow some old scent trails, why not.

He picks the squirrel scent, starts heading in its direction, steps listless. His heart isn't in it, his mind is elsewhere. He barely remembers to soften his steps, to avoid the leaflitter and twigs lest he scare everything off. The breeze blows at his back, and after a few steps — "It's — it's gone, I don't smell it anymore." he informs his mentor tonelessly. "Must've uh, gone up a tree or something." Not his best performance, but he's not the one deciding to follow stale scents. They'd be better off searching for something fresher, he thinks.


  • // rolled a 1 lol
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
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  • Haha

Blizzard Fang notices the side eye and can’t help but chuckle at it, it did seem quite mouse-brained didn’t it? Yet Blizzard Fang knew tracking obvious scents wouldn’t do the tortoiseshell apprentice any good, only with a challenge would they become a masterful tracker. Come leaf-bare Blizzard Fang will be boasting about his apprentice, Lichennose tracking down all the best pieces of prey that everyone had thought weren’t even there!

He follows his apprentice with furrowed brows, immediately not pleased with his efforts- though he takes an extra moment to ensure Sunnyday hadn’t just trained him to be this foul of a hunter. ”I’ve heard newborn kits who are quieter than you!” He jests, ”You’re not going to find anything like that, not unless you’re stalking prey with half it’s brain missing.” He glances up a tree and shrugs, perhaps it had scrambled up one… Blizzard Fang quietly sighs to himself before tasting the air, if any of the stale scents belonged to prey in the area the noise would’ve scared them off. They’d have to relocate. He flicks his striped tail and heads southwest in the direction of Sunningrocks.

”Let’s try again, and this time put some effort into it, eh?” There are a few scents on the wind, not nearly as stale as the last but still on the lighter side. He suspects if Lichenpaw can track them they‘ll be led the rest of the way to the rocks.

————— ❁ —————
Blizzard Fang's jabs are very much not appreciated by Lichenpaw, lighthearted though they may be. Yes, he's aware that he's not very quiet, it doesn't come naturally to him like it does the forest-born kittens. No need to rub it in. They grind their teeth, not looking towards Blizzard Fang lest he see the grimace-twist of their expression.

Put some effort into it, their mentor says, only further fueling their bitterness. He's just messing with them now, he has to be. Telling them to follow stale scents & then getting upset at them for doing it wrong. Fine, they'll play along — for now. "Oh, of course. So sorry sir, I'll do better this time." There's sarcasm in his voice, smiling sharp toothed as he turns to follow after Blizzard Fang. Yet there's still pride in him, and so he does try — sniffs the air, catches a fresher scent this time. He brushes past Blizzard Fang to lead the way.

They make sure now to be quiet, the way they've been practicing, spitefully putting all their focus into softening their steps. Let him make his comments, they'll show him they're not some mouse-brain bumbling through the forest like a startled dog. They only put half a mind into their appointed task, the actual tracking, but nonetheless they follow the scent. They give no awareness to where they're going, though and before long, the pair have reached —

Sunningrocks. Oh.

Lichenpaw swallows hard. He doesn't speak, knowing his loud voice will only earn further teasing, but he shoots a half-panicked, half-betrayed look at his mentor. Was he lead here on purpose? Had to be, no way this was a coincidence. The fight still sits fresh in his mind, in everyones. He wonders, a little morbidly, if Sunnyday's blood still stains the rocks.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 10 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by blizzard fang.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid. IC opinions :']​
  • "SPEECH"
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