summer of 69 | family thread

Long gone are the days where the four of them could spend their day peacefully in the company of each other. Falconpaw and Stormpaw's training and Flycatcher and Flamewhisker's duties as deputy and lead warrior respectively meant spare time harder and harder to come by these days. Of course, Flycatcher tried to spend as much time with his family as he could, but he would be the first to admit it was hard on some days. Besides, as much as wished to spend more time with his kits in particular, he was keen for them to focus intently on their training in the coming moons, knowing that the time was fast approaching before they became warriors.

Flycatcher had wanted to spend some time with his family that morning, so had managed to organise the patrols for that day to ensure they all had some time to spend together. He and Flamewhsiker had already found a comfortable spot and Flycatcher waited eagerly for signs of their children. When he spotted their familiar forms, he was quick to shout them down. "Falconpaw! Stormpaw!" He called, earning a few looks of alarm from startled clanmates. "Grab some prey and come join us!"

She longed for the days where she could spend the entire day with her kits. Back then, all she could dream about was returning to her duties, and longing to be outside the camp. Now, she could see just how precious that time had been. Never would they spend that time together, and even if they did, it would never be the same. She couldn't wait for the day that they all shared a den together...even though they probably wouldn't want to sleep next to her, it would still bring her comfort knowing they were close by.

When Flycatcher had proposed the idea of spending a morning together with their children, she had been delighted. They had awoken early, and found a comfortable spot to relax. She laid beside Flycatcher, drawing her tongue rhythmically over his pelt. "Did you mean to bring half your nest with you this morning?" she teased, focusing on a spot that had several small twigs and other bedding materials stuck within his fur.

At his call, she glanced upwards, and spotted their kits heading towards them. She trilled in greeting, and lifted her tail happily.
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

Being an apprentice is fun, but Falconpaw will admit that sometimes he wishes for nothing more than to be a kit again. Kits don’t have to go very long without speaking to their parents, don’t have to sleep in a den entirely separate from them. He is an apprentice now, though, inching closer and closer to becoming a warrior, but being a kit had been so much easier, so much more secure. He misses playing silly games with Little Wolf, and curling up into his mother’s fiery pelt at the end of the day. He misses spending all his time with his parents and his sister.

His schedule has only gotten busier as he’s grown, taking his apprentice training far more seriously as his warrior ceremony approaches. But his mentor has fallen ill, and that training has come to a sneezing, coughing halt. The cream tabby has tagged along each day with other mentors and their apprentices, doing his part on hunting patrols, but it isn’t the same. So when he hears his father’s voice shouting at himself and Stormpaw, pale ears perk up and a blue-green gaze shifts toward the sound. There Flamewhisker and Flycatcher sit, eagerly awaiting his and Stormpaw’s approach with matching expressions. He snags a squirrel from the prey pile with a happy shuffling of pale paws, carrying it by the tail as he trots over to join his parents.

"Hi mom, dad," he greets as he settles down beside them, his entire frame relaxing at once. This is so different from the uncomfortable prickling of his skin when he speaks with his fellow apprentices and older warriors; this is safety, a sense of calm washing over his tabby-striped pelt. "I picked this squirrel because it’s not as fluffy as the other one I saw," he comments, shifting the prey closer to Flamewhisker’s paws. He hates the feeling of fur between his teeth, especially squirrel fur.
[ find me way out there ]