camp SUMMER WINDS 𓆟 human au, campfire

[ this is for a perch! ]

Snowangel sits in an unfolded chair, vaguely watching as the sun sets and the painted red hues die into darkness and stars. She's seen the sight several times before tonight, and yet come sundown every day, she grows excited to see it again. Even whilst her mind wanders, the young teen enjoys the sense of normalcy. Moving to a new city, even on her own accord, makes it difficult to enjoy things... but at least the sun leaves them the same way every time.

Warmth bursts forth in front of her - the fire that was slowly smoldering away finally taking hold and blooming. Her attention is captured and Serena shifts her weight, looking away from the starlit sky and towards the campfire that one of the others cultivated so carefully. She fixes her sweatshirt, looking around to the others that also huddle around the fire. It doesn't seem like many of them will be escaping to rest for the night, and so she speaks up - "Does anyone know any scary stories?" Surely someone does. They might as well get some fun out of the night, right?​
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Hmm, kind of.” Taliyah would murmur as she walks over where Serena was sitting, an green apple in hand as she plops into the seat and takes a bite once she's rested. Crunch! An oceanic chambray gaze shifts towards the setting sun and enjoys the view before glancing towards where the younger teens and kids were out playing in the distance. It would probably be appropriate to gather the kids up soon, contemplating momentarily whether one of the other adults or if she should retrieve them before it got too dark when they got lost telling stories.

Long legs sprawl out on the folding chair, sunglasses resting on dark chocolate waves as her fingers interlock together. It was relaxing and sitting at the lake was similar to being home, the feeling of sand on her feet and the warm waters that caressed her in an embrace. It was all familiar and a reminder of home and it was relaxing from the duties of work. “You settling in nicely, Serena?” The tall woman would inquire as an similar oceanic toned gaze rests on the younger girl, a slightly raised eyebrow in curiosity. Tali had lived in the big city and hadn't moved besides going on vacation every few months with a few friends to other cities, but nothing drastically different.

This was her home after all.

There is stories about this lake, you know?” She would muse with an stern expression creasing her features, glancing to the sky for a moment before back to the waters. “They say... a family was sacrificed back in old times for prosperity for their village.” She traces a finger on the armrest idly seemingly unconcerned with the history of the lake before tapping a single finger on it and continuing her story. “Their daughter returned from the woods to find her family dead and every night- she lurks for unsuspecting victims.

A loud creak comes from the distance with a snap of branches as she turns to face Serena, running a hand through wavy hair. “She mimics the voices of those you love to drag you out alone, watching you from close but never to be seen.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 The boy has spent the better part of the evening racing circles around the campfire (and being scolded for trying to jump over the flames). At last, he’s been wrangled into sitting down for a few minutes, though from the lightning-fast kicking of his legs back and forth, the boy’s period of sitting still isn’t going to last long. At least, it won’t last long if his attention isn’t grabbed by someone else. When Serena asks if anyone knows scary stories, Charlie looks to his mom—she knows all the best stories! Scary stories, maybe not, but her stories are really cool! Someone else chimes in that there are stories about the lake, and he looks over to Taliyah with a bright smile.

Charlie shifts nervously in his chair as the woman starts talking about people getting sacrificed, and his smile fades quickly. That’s horrible! She’s actually telling a really scary story! "What? Why?" He interrupts, but she keeps going. But he needs to know, right now. Is he gonna get sacrificed, too? He likes the lake! But he quiets back down, listening as the story continues on. Right when Taliyah gets to the scariest part of the story—she lurks for unsuspecting victims—a loud snap cracks in the distance, and the boy is out of his chair and on his feet in an instant. "She’s coming!" He cries out, looking around for his mother, or someone else to hide behind. But to his surprise… nothing happens. He listens carefully, trying to hear whatever voice the girl would use on him. He hears nothing… so that means he’s safe, doesn’t it?

() he knows logically that the camping trip is so that all the families can bond. it's been that way every summer, and every summer, atticus has hung back while his siblings seem to thrive. he likes the woods, likes the escape, but there are so many planned activities and group events. all the pale haired boy really wants to do is lay in his hammock and read. serena has convinced him to come out of hiding and participate in the nightly campfire, and he follows her reluctantly, seating himself next to her and pulling his book back out. as the adults struggle with the fire, he'll glance over the pages, huffing with laughter softly, and clapping politely when they finally manage to light the blaze.

coppery brown eyes find the form of serena as she adjusts her clothes and speaks to the group at large, asking for a scary story. atticus breathes a soft sigh, glancing back down at his book and deciding he probably won't get any productive reading done anyway. he tucks it away and pulls a nearby quilt towards him, covering his scraped knees with the soft fabric.

taliyah begins weaving a tale that atticus privately thinks needs more of an introduction and a build to the climax. still, he leans in to listen, hairs on the back of his neck prickling at her words. one of the younger kids, charlie, interrupts with a worried voice as the scary part is introduced, and personally, atticus wants more detail on that part too, but taliyah continues, voice getting darker as she weaves her story. the teenager shifts uncomfortably, unconsciously pressing against serena until a loud snap in the undergrowth makes him jump. charlie screams, and atticus feels his heart pound as there is silence. nothing happens...

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    a large blue tabby with low white and vitiligo. pale blue fur covers the length of pebblepaw's stocky body, sliced through with darker tabby stripes and spots. baleful orange eyes peer out of heavy set sockets, and his muzzle, paws, and tail tip are dashed with white.