pafp SUMMER'S IN OUR BASEMENT NOW ♡ Prompt/Falling on Ice

Leafbare's sun was slow to wake, the unforgiving chill set within the pink and gold touched sky. A hunting patrol was sent out, Petalnose and Snakeblink being of the first to have the opportunity to bring to the pile. Similar coats blended well with the environment, the death of vegatation bringing warm shades of rustic brown amongst the blank sheet of snow. It was an opportunity to blend in and land hunt. The fish had dived deeper causing it become a challenge to collect.

A mouse had set within scents, Petalnose silently flicking her tail in direction of Snakeblink to note she had claimed her target. Lowly she crouched, careful not to allow her belly to drag and quietly she weaved through dead reeds until it had appeared within her view. However, a sudden large gust of wind spooked the mouse to dart towards home. Foxdung! Curses set within her mind, some wouldn't pursue forth but Petalnose didn't want a single catch to get away during the unforgiving season.

A large spring was made in attempts to catch the mouse. Instead, she landed upon ice, tumbling and flipping upon her back with a thud and crack of ice. "Rah!" She growled in frustration, flipping her body to return to her paws in an unbalanced form. Eyes snapped in Snakeblink's direction with a flare of her nostrils to express her frustration into a cloud of air. Hopefully no one saw that.


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Reactions: Snakeblink

Land hunting isn’t what Snakeblink prefers, but he’s proficient at it — especially with the help of Petalnose, who plays her part in their two-cat pincer strategy with an ease that could almost fool him into thinking they do this all the time. It brings a secret smile to his face to find the two of them working together so well.

Working well, that is, up until Petalnose pounces off after a mouse… or rather, goes tumbling after a mouse, though he’s sure some form of pouncing was the plan before she landed on a patch of ice. He watches, amusement sparkling in his eyes, as his fellow lead rolls end-over-head with a growl of frustration. He struggles to keep his laughter contained as she gets back to her paws with the grace of a kit waddling out of the nursery for the first time. He’s sure his impending giggle is clear on his face, but her glare keeps it at bay for now.

”Are you—”

A flash of brown distracts him from the spectacle. The mouse, veering to the side to escape Petalnose’s clumsy approach and coming his way. Instinct has him springing forward much like Petalnose did, claws unsheathed as he throws himself after his prey—

His paws make contact with the slick surface of the ice and slip out from under him, sending him sprawling face first with a dull clink of jaws snapping shut. Because of his momentum, he doesn’t stop, skidding into Petalnose’s paws right as she’s straightening up with a pained yelp.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 47 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

  • Haha
Reactions: Layla
*+:。.。 Silverbreath wasn't a big fan of leaf-bare. He couldn't be - not when his pelt was far too thin to properly ward off the chilly winter wind and the harsh frosted ground. But as he always preaches, there's a silver lining to every awful situation, and today he found his.

The silvery warrior lets outa passionate guffaw at the sight before him! Petalnose and Snakeblink reminded him of Carp-paw taking her first, waddling steps, and the mental image made him burst out into even more laughter! "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I swear I'm not making fun," very unconvincing words considering he was still struggling to wipe away tears from his eyes. But how lucky was he to witness this?! He wasn't part of the warriors' hunting patrol, merely passing by on his way from his boring border check only to come bounding over when he heard the sounds of a scuffle. Even for a relaxed tom like Silverbreath, with tensions this high between clans he couldn't help a spark of fear from rooting itself like a burr on his back, hoping against hope they weren't somehow being ambushed by enemy clans or returning rogues. Perhaps that's why his laughter was so impossible to mitigate - this: two clanmates wrestling with an icy riverbed instead of with bloodthirsty felines was a much more delightful sight. A little promise that this awful weather, and these awful times, would not last forever, but while they stormed along at least there'd be periods of having fun!

"Let me see if I can help" Silverbreath would purr, his closed but crinkled eyes implying a mischief. Wiggling his rump, Silverbreath would lunge forth, hitting the ice with a graceful thump. And though he attempted (a loose one, granted, but an attempt nonetheless) to unsheathe his claws and anchor himself, his efforts quickly failed as the lithe warrior began to spin on the ice. More laughter peals from his maw as he spins in an almost complete circle, passing right by the two tangled felines, helplessly unhelpful.

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently
  • Haha
Reactions: Snakeblink


This was just chaos, it seemed. Nettlepaw was also a part of Silverbreath's border patrol, but now that the two groups had crossed paths, neither seemed capable of catching... what was it? He scents the air, knows instantly that it's a mouse. He can hear the staggering of paws, the desperate scraping of feline nails against the slick ice. A frown creases the youth's maw, and for a time, he simply stands there, still as a stone and with blind eyes that are just as cold as the surrounding ice. Then, an ear twitches. Movement. Tiny limbs scrabbling against the ice, the frost, the snow. A breath of cold air escapes the apprentice's maw, mist like dragon's breath billowing from between sharpened fangs.

It's practically instinct. He doesn't really think about it. He just... does. One moment he's standing there, wondering how mouse-brained everyone must look, tripping over each other on the ice, and the next, he's a blur of creamy fur, soaring through the air, landing directly upon... the mouse! He's caught the mouse, trapped beneath his claws. Head swoops low as fangs fasten into flesh, killing the rodent instantly. Shock and pride flood Nettlepaw's mind, a warmth that surges through his heart. For a moment, he feels as if he's flying high above the clouds, like a bird. Without a word, Nettlepaw plucks the now dead mouse from between his paws, and turns his blind eyes back toward the two, tangled patrols, silently waiting for them to realize what has happened.

(rolled a 15 hehehe)

Her hopes had turned sour; she had caught Snakeblink's eye during the tumble and she flared her nostrils once more in self-frustration. The smile soon to bare laughter was apperant across his face, telling her everything she needed to know. He saw everything. It almost made her itch to laugh at herself but the frustration growing was a larger storm to control. A tip of her head was directed towards the skittering creature with a frown tugging at her lips, watching him begin to take over her target as she begun to become steady on her paws.

A distracted look towards her paws began a bruised trip to the ice. Her efforts of steading had been swept by her patrol member's body in a flash. Tangled limbs were ripped away as she rolled over to crouch and catch the wind knocked out of her. "My stars, what was that?!" she growled, snapping her gaze upon Snakeblink as if she were to rub wounds into the dirt. However, she blinked in an annoyed fashion, "Are you.. okay...?'' a low grumble met with a nudge aimed at Snakeblink's shoulder to assist him upwards in her awkwardly crouched position.

A burst of laughter lifted her attention, fluttering her eyes in offense. Silverbreath quickly dismissed himself through chuckles with a claim. In the molly's eyes it was certain he was indeed making fun of the situation. "Mm.. sure.." she sarcastically meowed. Surely that was a lie. The tom found amusement in the situation just as Snakeblink had. Petalnose wondered just if he would cause the duo to become a pile. In the same sense, she hoped her body wouldn't bare more bruises.

Silverbreath decided to assist, a roll of her eyes and a shrug of her shoulder to her accepted defeat. "Go ahead.."

Her waning faith would be true, the tom wouldn't make the catch and instead be spun past them. Her eyes traced his form and for a second she flinched in embrace of impact. "Well there he goes..." her eyes shifted towards the mouse which had been slipping towards her in panicked paces to veer the opposite direction. A claw quickly unsheathed and she attempted to take the chance. Her body shot up and sauntered as all her balance was set in her hunting claw. Instead, it hit ice alongside of bumping her chin with a thud as it managed to slip away once more.

Then it was caught with a cut off squeak. She had expected a warrior, however, her gaze stitched upon the blind apprentice. Nettlepaw. Petalnose hadn't known whether she should be proud, angry or embarrassed. "Hm. Well, you sure got the stars along your side today. Good job kid." an unenthusiastic praise with a tap of a single claw on the ice.

"Snakeblink, I think we learned our lesson. Lets avoid the river together, yes?" Legs shakily lifted her from her spot, groaning at sore muscles and bruised limbs.

  • Haha
Reactions: Snakeblink

Despite the embarrassment of losing his footing on the ice, Snakeblink cannot share Petalnose's irritation. Silverbreath's free laughter and her slight but real concern over him fill him with warmth. Leaf-bare is a hungry, lonely season, but with a clan it doesn't have to be; the press of her fur against his is a reminder of that. Seeing that the mouse wasn't even lost to them – it couldn't escape Nettlepaw's sharp claws – takes away any guilt he might have felt over the blunder.

Petalnose draws back before his body can betray how nice the contact feels, and he turns the sputters of a purr kicking in his throat into a chuckle. ”I suppose being able to swim does not translate to ice-walking,” he agrees to Petalnose's comment on avoiding the river. ”We are lucky that Nettlepaw was there, hm?”

He struggles to his paws, claws digging into the ice to keep himself still. He feels a little bruised but it's familiar enough that it doesn't do much to dull his light mood. ”Need any help to make it back to solid ground?” He calls to Silverbreath, though by the way he holds himself still and doesn't make a move towards shore it's unlikely he could offer any actual assistance.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 47 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

  • Love
Reactions: Petalnose