private Summertime Haze . {p} Hollywhisper


It's not work. Not if it's you.
Oct 23, 2023
𓆝 . ° ✦ Love was a funny thing. Circe had loved lots in her life time - at the ripe age of 40 something it'd be sad if she didn't - but always in a friendly way. Always a confidant, a sibling or mentored by someone. Always looking up or down, but never at.
Which, was a very weird and rambeling way to say she'd never loved someone like how the queens and warriors that frequented the nursery did. That kind of love.
Since she'd come to the clan a while ago, she hadn't made any friends beyond, well, Duskpool. She loved the grouchy cat deeply, so deeply she would face thousands more fears for him, but part of her ached because she wanted a diffrent kind of love. The kind of love that made her paws careful and her belly heavy. She wanted a family again. She wanted... her brother's laughter danced above the trees like bird song, but not the brother that was alive. She smiled softly. Yes, she wanted that kind of family again. A big happy one with many many cats to talk and trade jokes with.
She watched the kits play and dance from her sunny spot, choclate fur melting in the light. Every now and then the small cats would dart around older clanmates, jumping on tails or begging for stories. She watched with a soft smile, making sure to really play up how good of a hunter one of the kits was when they jumped on her tail.

//OCC lol im bad at these but i wanted to make sure it was up :) @HOLLYWHISPER.
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    Once a rather pretty brown smoked molly, Circe is unnaturally lithe and is missing large chunks of her fur. She has an oddly muscular and feminie build and small paws. — physically easy && mentally easy — Attempting to learn Sky Clan's ways — NPC x NPC : Sibling to Duskpool, Shadowfire and Smokefang