border SUN GOES DOWN [ dawn tc patrol ]

.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
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Moonwhisper's outburst gave him some bit of surprise, after all. To upright deny going on a patrol? He was sure there would be reprocussions, but that wasn't his job- not yet, anyways. The fresh lead warrior lead himself and his charge out to the Riverclan border first thing in the morning, soft bird chirps and the rustling of leaves distracting to him. He had heard what had happened with the rogues, and then with Leopardtongue... stars, he didn't know what to think about all of that. He headed along the border, leading Honeydapple through the forest to Skyclan's.

He breathed in gently, the scent of pine no longer unfamiliar. He wound himself around their trees, marking the border as he moved, soft conversation offered to his clanmate as they worked. "How are you holding up with.. all of this? I know things were rough." He questioned- and he spoke in reference to the rogues, and the struggles of Yellowcough during the warm months. Green eyes blinked apologetically at Honeydapple briefly, but he continued to work regardless.

// no need to wait for @honeydapple!

It had stunned the she-cat when Moon whisper stomped away. At the start she'd wanted to stop the other but as the dots clicked she stayed silent. Unwilling to step out of her box of safety and not one to pry when unwelcomed. Howlingstar's family was a complicated and painful lineage that the moggy had minimal information on. Still a part of her wished she could find some way to comfort her grieving clanmates but space often was the best medicine.

Honeydapple felt out of place patrolling with the lone tom but she wasn't the type to go against orders. Blue eyes reflected her inner turmoil at Batwing's sudden question. She couldn't recall the last time any individual showed care for her well being aside from her mate.

Gently, she responded her head now cast downward. "Well as good as I can be. Truthfully, I think every cat involved has endured a lot of pain that's hard to put into words." A half-hearted smile graced her muzzle as she kept pace. "Thankfully, I was one of the few that didn't get sick. I did receive many injuries but so did most of us." Flashes in her mind flickered rapidly. Images of corpses, crimson and searing pain of dirtied claws as she cried out in desperation.

First she had been nearly murdered over a meal and second almost torn apart during the battle to take their home back. Grizzlyjaw's fierce snarls and Flycatcher's furious and worried gaze drifting in and out of her head. Both cats saved her but what use had she been for her clan in the end? It was as honest and simple as she could make it.

Having Grizzlyjaw by her side helped tremendously but having to come out of their protective bubble did a mental number on the pointed Molly. Absently, she added on to her meows while evading a tree branch littering the ground. "How are you doing?" She had witnessed Batwing's frazzled state when his kits were born. Their harrowed expression upon returning to the clans. Honeydapple couldn't even imagine the strength nor emotional turmoil every journeying cat endured.

Stories of strange animals and winding landscapes made her pelt prickle with nerves. Seems like we've all suffered tremendously these few moons. She kept the thoughts locked away as they neared the border. Indulging in a sml moment of quiet as she followed the lead warrior.
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    orangeblossom | tags
    — she/her ; deputy of skyclan, mentoring eveningpaw.
    — scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes.
    "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi by waluigipinball
    — penned by mercibun. @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots.
"ThunderClan should be quiet today. They usually mark their borders later, closer to sunhigh. Did that change at all while I was gone?" Orangeblossom remarks to @eveningpaw as they approach the border, a small pawful of SkyClanners accompanying them. The question is only somewhat loaded: her apprentice's assessment is coming up in short order, and Orangeblossom is desperate to catch herself up on the skills the young she-cat had learned. The more oaken scent of ThunderClan reeks more than she's used to, even a quarter moon after getting home. This time has mostly been spent getting used to SkyClan's pine-scent once more, her own ventures to Twolegplace on patrol yet unmet by other Clan cats (which is a good sign; she'd be wildly ambivalent over finding even more hypocrisy in their kittypet-hating neighbours). Voices reach her ears, one of them familiar, and Orangeblossom hums a considering noise as she breaks through the sparse undergrowth to the trodden trail of the ThunderClan border.

"Oh. Batwing. Hello." Her greeting is mildly awkward, pausing mid-step as if she'd been stumbled upon, not the other way around. The blue-eyed molly next to him is unfamiliar, and Orangeblossom manages a small nod of greeting. "How is prey running in ThunderClan?"
.i'll be your calm, ———


——— before the storm!.
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His head inclined gently towards Honeydapple as hers did- her emotions were potent, and her words softer, so he took care to recognize that. He inhaled gently at her admitting a lot of them were wounded, and anger as hot as that of the sun came boiling back to the surface- akin to the first time he heard about the rogues. Oh, how he wanted to be here, but it was a good thing he went on the journey.

"Well, I'm glad you're still standing. That's the important part." He brushed up against another tree, leaving his scent on the bark when she prompted again. He inhaled sharply at the question. "As well as I can be." He replied softly, his ears lowering. "The journey was... I don't think I ever want to leave the territory again, to be honest." A soft chuckle, one that wasn't filled with amusement but near fear and nervousness instead.

"I saw too much blood that I know Starclan wouldn't save us from." He replied honestly, voice soft. "I don't... want to keep repeating it, but it's unfortunately how it is." Batwing admitted, eyes shying away from Honeydapple's now. Orangeblossom's pawsteps cause him to fall silent, vision turning towards her. A brief smile found his face then- studying the deputy of the other clan. "Orangeblossom." He responded, voice as haughty as hers.

She asks about the prey- normal things, things he could manage to talk about. His fur gently relaxed, eyeing Eveningpaw briefly before looking back towards Orangeblossom. "From what I'm told by those who were... here before, better then they have been in the past couple of months, which is hopeful." He said truthfully. The rogue's disappearance and death were cause for prey to run again. "How about in Skyclan? Everything okay over there?" Batwing questioned.
