pafp Sun is shinin' in the sky ☮ Cloud watching


He wears your grandad's coat!
Nov 13, 2023
*+:。.。 Leaf-bare arrived like the steady lumber of a great beast, settling its great girth upon the land, plummeting itself and all those unfortunate enough to be trapped beneath it in a cold suffocation. Like any stubborn beast with too much power and not enough compassion, it would not loosen it's hold on all those trapped within it until it was ready to awaken. In the meantime, Silverbreath imagined this metaphorical brute of nature would exhale it's slumbering eupnea into the skies, smothering the blue with cold wisps of grey, just like his very namesake. Silverbreath kinda liked winter for that reason - he could relate to the imaginary guy. If he were a lug as big as a forest, he'd imagine he, too, would enjoy a good, long, undisturbed nap.
But Silverbreath was also not opposed to a rare respite from the frosted monochrome of what's become his day-to-day.
Blue painted the sky like the beloved bloom of a triumphant flower breaking through the snow. Silverbreath couldn't help but speed through his patrols today, suggesting Goldenpaw take a break from training and, like his languid mentor, take the day off. It wasn't often that Riverclan saw a beam of sunlight, and though the ray was still a muted yellow like the cream on a dilute cat's grey pelt, it was something! And it was enough to allow the clouds to form into something other than the typical sheet of slate.

"Check it out, that one over there? Right at the edge of the cloud parting? Doesn't that look like a bumblebee?" Silverbreath would purr into the chilly afternoon, glad to have the company of Lilacbird to keep him both warm and provide an equally imaginative partner. Though the two weren't exactly the best of friends before today, Silverbreath liked to think they certainly were now, as he found her demure but creative nature to be quite fascinating, if not endearingly peaceable! "What do you think? Or does it look like another pebble-like all the rest I pointed out?" he snickered, referencing how most of his sightings had been to joke that every cloudy puff ball was more akin to yet another smooth stoned rock rather than any actual complexly shaped creature or object found in nature. "I still stand by the idea that seeing pebbles is still completely different than seeing clouds" he would tease, playing up a defensive act to see if he could get his new friend to laugh. It was always nice seeing the more timid cats of the clan crack a smile. Like a rare blue sky amidst a season of grey.

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently

It always took her a long moment to get comfortable with someone. If not a moment, days. So easily could the lilac molly get attached to lose everything she thought she had. But it seemed like such a short span before Silverbreath and her were in close quarters and taking a much needed rest from the bitter cold breeze that wrapped around the clan. She could easily see how the cold would have a grip on them with sharp claws, threatening them to a fight or flight mode. But despite it all they were doing well- as well as they could be for the harsh leafbare.

Blue skies painted with puffballs lay above them, white as the snow beneath the two cats. Mesmerized by the shapes of inanimate objects and playing guessing games on their shapes. He had pointed out a bumblebee and she glanced over, only to grin at the idea that it was a bumblebee, living it's peaceful life of just floating. "no, I agree with you." she purred out. it just seemed... so easy to connect with him. he was funny, kind. though a pit in her stomach made her want to have backed away and decline his offer, she had no desire to do that anymore.

"th-there are some unique pebbles, but it's mostly their colour rather than shape. I found a pink and white one one time, b-believe it or not." and she kept it for herself, it's unique colouring something that appeased her heart and mind. maybe.. if they were friends- silverbreath would like it just as much? even his presence alone was enough for her to ease on her stuttering around him. just present enough that she'd almost forget about it.

her cerulean gaze drifted, before gesturing to a cloud. "that one looks like a duck! with a little puffy baby they're herding." well, as close to a duck and duckling as it could be, but she would figure he might see it too... or maybe something different! they've already had a couple of those as well. sometimes she felt like a cloud, not as carefree floating in blissful harmony with not a care in the world, but her fur that lay poofy against her skin.

she was.. genuinely scared to make a friend- yet... she was feeling happy, which to her was a plus. she wasn't good at making friends, too scared in her mind to be. but these were good moments, and she couldn't ask for anything different.

die with memories , not dreams .
“Where?” He inquired, helpless. Just what was he missing? He could barely make out anything, nothing more than blob creatures in his eyes. Was he just not that imaginative? He frowned, barely noticeable against thick fur.

Dawnstorm had been passing by, overhearing their conversation to point and stare at creatures that should be there, only to be met with bland white clouds against a blue backdrop staring back at him. “That one looks like my father.” He pointed to a blob of white, looking misshapen and rather ugly. He glanced around wearily for the mentioned tom, knowing the other liked to appear when he least expected it. Sometimes he wondered if his father was some sort of ghost who enjoyed being a spawn of whatever dark entity was out there.

Oh. “That one looks like a stick.” He finally added, pointing to a stratus, hanging low in the sky.
thought speech