SUN RIVER // herb patrol

Riverclan...he had never been a fan of them. Vulturemask would never be able to understand how a cat could willingly decide to live close by water, or even worse swim in it. They smelled awful too. It didn't help that high tension were between them and windclan. Juniperfrost death still was a fresh wound to many. Over what he had heard by riverclans leader themselves they had lost at least one in that raid which meant they where even now, right?. Vulturemask highly doubted anyone shared his views on this matter though. " Marigold...i'm almost out of it so it's very importand we find any today. They grew close to the riverbank which is why we're heading down there.. They look like a burning sun." he would explain to the patrol assuming they would have no idea what to search for otherwise. The medicine cat would cast a glance back at his shoulder at his clanmates who had accompanied him out here today. He hoped they understood this was an importand task to not start anything unnecessarily. However with Sootstar with them (unsure of why she even had come along for) the rest might actually behave themselves better today.

He could smell when they where getting close to the riverbank, it stinking with fish and riverclan cats who lived on the otherside. Vulturemask would twitch his nose in disgust but said nothing about it because his eyes had already settled themselves on a delightful sight!. The medicine cat was quick to make himself down to the shore as he find one of the flowers he had been searching for. A marigold flower. " This is what i'm searching for. " he would pick the flower with his mouth so he could turn himself around to show it to the patrol before he but it into the ivy lef he had hanged around his neck which Starlingheart had been so generous to gift to him through their trade back then which turned out to have been very helpful to him many times over.

// please wait for at least one of thus tagged to post before RC starts showing up!
they are gonna be lucky and find 7 marigolds on this patrol and with Vult already having found 1 feel free to find the other ones! (:





He is still marked by wounds, memories of the warfare, but they are scabbed, healing, pristine without any sign of infection. No longer did the the tabby have to concern himself with remaining trapped within his own camp. It had been three weeks since the skirmish, and WindClan as a whole had all but recovered from their wounds. Perhaps only Weaselclaw remained, the worst of the injuries carved upon his unfortunate flesh. Tigerfrost has no intentions of starting another battle, but that's not to say he intends to be friendly, either. Should a RiverClan patrol happen upon their group, he'd merely offer them the cold shoulder.

Nearby, the roar of the gorge was still audible, as the WindClanners trekked down the slope toward the shores of the fast flowing river. How he'd hate to fall into those bubbling depths, never to be seen again. With pricked ears, the Lead Warrior listens silently to Vulturemask, as the medicine cat explains what they were looking for. Moments later, and one of these so called marigolds had been located, displayed before the eyes of the patrol so that they might branch out and help locate more. Tigerfrost takes in the scent of the blossoming herb, immediately starting his search for more. He stays near to the group, well within their sights. It's not long before he thinks he spots another of the sun-hued flowers, and Tigerfrost collects it gently between his jaws, making certain not to crush the flower itself, but rather, pin it's stem between his teeth.

Dovepaw did not like WindClan either. Perhaps he knew, deep down, that it was incorrect to hold prejudices against another for unmanageable circumstances of birth—but he could not help it. When one group, heralded under a certain name, attacked you, it was impossible to treat it as something that could just glide off one's back as if it was nothing.

So, yes, Dovepaw had hurt feelings. He was not exactly going to hide that, either. Not being a big fan of WindClan was not exactly an unpopular opinion in RiverClan society. There was no need to act as if he had anything to be quiet about. He was naturally quiet, already. Someone else was surely already saying some garbled version of what he was thinking, he tried to reassure himself.

However, it was hard for anger to translate into anything meaningful, especially in such a shy young man. Boy, even. Because of that, when Dovepaw was recuperating to find his mentor once more and caught sight of WindClan cats, his expression was somewhere between mortified and furious and frightened. Dovepaw stood shock still, his jaw practically wired shut.

He made no noise. It'd be a wonder if they noticed him, he tried to tell himself.


Dovepaw's attempts to remain unseen would be futile at best and impossible at worst for the shadow behind him suddenly rose from the ground to tower imposingly against the shrouded treeline at his back and a bright grin formed across a black cloaked maw. Every time he scented WindClan it was met with such a horrifically burning and twisting fury in his chest it was a wonder he could stay sane in face of them, that he did not dive into the river now and sweep forward to drag one of them down into the depths was a testament to his self-control and the dilligence he had trained to maintain his entire life. They were offered a rare mercy, despite his desires to give them nothing of the sort; it wasn't death Smokethroat craved for the moorland cats but suffering. Suffering eternal and endless, they could rot in the ground away from the stars like their precious queen. One day he would get his cut of flesh, his spray of blood, but he had a different target than anyone in this wretched patrol, none of them were worth his time. He wanted a leader's taken life to punch on his card.
A tail flicked to the side of the young, afraid apprentice, "Don't be afraid, Dovepaw. These mongrels only attack in the dead of night or with a hoard of others at their sides, because they know their true weakness is an even playing field."
Everytime they had attacked another clan it was always set to their advantage, pathetically so. Sneaking in and attacking without warning, waiting for night, springing upon a patrol of two with several other cats; they were a swarm of rats.
"Let me remind WindClan because you have a hard time remembering the purpose of borders: that the river is ours and a single paw in the water justifies me ripping your throat out." It was the only warning he would give. He hoped one of them fell in so he could swim to their side and push them under even further.
Life doesn't discriminate
A single ear flicks, smoldering amber eyes fixating upon the dandelion dangling within Vulturemask's jaws. Now he knew what to look for, a bright yellow blossom as vibrant as the sun. Craning his neck a little higher Adderpaw spots another patch just beyond Tigerfrost's own. Departing from the group to stake claim over the flower he walks beside Sunstride. Leaning his head down he grasps the stem at the base in young jaws and pulls, effectively plucking the medicinal herb. He drops the bloom at his paws, taking a moment to let his nose wrinkle at the stench of fish and algae along the river. How could any cat subject themselves to living in a place like this? Adderpaw's gaze scours riverclan's side, wearing a perpetual grimace as his attention lands upon two toms across the way. The black one's words earn a scoff from the boy, the nerve of these savage peasants. Turning his attention back to Sunstride and by proxy his mother, he speaks casually aloud with the intention to be heard. "Do the vermin often speak as if we should care about their droning?" He flicks his tail, sweeping it in the direction of the pair. "I was under the impression that peasants should always hold their tongue in our presence." He voices, hate filled eyes turning to rake across both Smokethroat and Dovepaw. (@SUNSTRIDE)
Between the sinners and the saints
Bluepaw is exhausted from her excursions with Sootstar thus far, and had only wearily joined her mother on Vulturemask's herb-collecting patrol. The blue she-cat knows nothing of herbs, knows it is not her destiny or her duty to know anything of them, and therefore finds herself padding along with disinterest. Her paws ache, and all she wants to do is curl into her old, familiar nest in the nursery, nestled against Kestrelsnap and her siblings.

It's a despairingly weak thought, though, and not one she could share with anyone, especially not one of her brothers or sisters. They were so competitive. It'd likely get back to her mother, and then she'd be disappointed in her. It's a dream best kept to herself.

Bluepaw listens to the medicine cat describe the plant in question. "They look like the burning sun." She likes the way that sounds, but she has a hard time picturing it in her head. When the black-pelted tom leans to snatch one of the herbs in his jaws, she understands what he means. It's vibrantly golden, brilliant, and sweet-smelling. Bluepaw's steps begin to bounce as she spots another plant three or four foxlengths down the riverbank, and she rushes toward it with barely-disguised, breathless glee. As carefully as she'd seen Vulturemask do it, she sinks her jaws into the base of the flower and pulls; when she pulls back, it dangles from her jaws.

She had barely noticed the RiverClan cats glaring at them from the other side in her excitement. The young one says nothing, but a hardened, scarred warrior beside him makes mocking remarks. Bluepaw's fur begins to bristle, but she does not want to speak out of turn. Adderpaw does without hesitation, but she is Sootstar's apprentice, and she must show an ounce of decorum.

She drops the marigold at her white paws and looks questioningly at Sootstar. "Who is that? Why do they talk about us like that?"

That smell. A scent that instantly has the obsidian hairs along her spine bristle in seething rage, that drives her claws to instinctively draw from their sheaths and leave divots in her wake as she prowls forth. Her face hardens and steels itself, blazing irises wide and alert as she comes to stand by Smokethroat to see WindClan wandering their border. She nods to his warning, advocating that the river was theirs and theirs only. She'd have no problem in taking one down into the depths with her, to watch the oxygen frantically leave their panicked bodies and inevitably the life leave their eyes as the water suffocated them. Her gaze lands on a particular face, watching the chimera with his molten eyes—his now heavily scarred features that match her own, pink and fresh against their pelts. Forever marked the both of them, a story of their battle and nearly flaying one another alive. Her shoulders tense, movements rigid as she forces herself to keep position and not drag actually drag on over to RiverClan's side of the river as they claim Hyacinthbreath did. She would say nothing, for Smokethroat's promise matched her own.
But her piercing gaze flicks over towards a younger tom, his response pulling a hollow huff of laughter from her lungs. He speaks of them like peasants, as if he and WindClan were better than they were. Dark lips pull back, curling to show ivory incisors whilst her tail whips around behind her. "Arrogant brat." She barks, shoulders trembling as another fit of laughter bursts from her—dry and cruel. But, she'd say nothing more over it. She'd not subject herself to childish antics, not argue with barely an apprentice who was barely old enough to tell the difference between his rear end from a hole in the ground. She'd save her talk for the battle field, to let her claws do her talking as they burned for vengeance. She was sure she'd have it one day.
It seemed the head of the verminous colony had decided to slip from her hovel, to wander the territory and grace everyone with her presence. Seeing her face made the lead warrior want to puke. Cindershade stares blatantly at Sootstar, trying to meet her gaze and waiting silently to see what her reply would be to her two spawns. It was evident who they were, features unmistakable of Sootstar and Weaselclaw.



WindClan Leader




When hearing Adderpaw would be on this patrol Sootstar figured it’d be best she come along. Besides she didn’t mind partaking in idle chatter with her medicine cat and clan-mates along the way, to her this patrol was mostly a way to go out for a stroll with good company. Of course that all went to hell when Vulturemask began to pick his herbs along the border, RiverClan was on them like a bee to a flower.

Sootstar aims to whack Adderpaw along the ear, in the moment not being particularly pleasant about it. She does not disagree with his words but as an apprentice it was not his place! RiverClan would take any words they spoke here against them, giving them ammo was foolish. ”Ignore them, they’re across the gorge. We’ve wasted enough time on RiverClan fools.” The hissing order was directed mainly to Adderpaw but it also applied to the rest of the patrol.

To Bluepaw she responds lowly, ”Because they hide behind a lie that they know will dishonor WindClan.” To her it was the truth, the accusations that Juniperfrost had willingly crossed the scent markers outraged her. Still she holds her tongue, she would not fight with RiverClan today.

A tail flicks to Vulturemask, ”Now listen and observe, you are missing out on something actually meaningful.”
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