pafp sun shining on our faces [fishing pafp] [bronzeshine intro]


Feb 15, 2024
♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Bronzeshine stretched, her long legs ahead of her and her tail in the air. Despite the chilled air, the sun felt warm on her fur. She wasn't in the mood to do anything too strenuous. Maybe a walk would be nice. Although, just at this meeting it had been declared that warriors had to travel at least in pairs. The molly hummed to herself. What to do... she pondered, a bit lazy in her movements. Scanning camp, she spotted @robinheart near the fresh-kill pile. That's it, I could ask Robinheart to fish with me,

She rose, padding up to the newly appointed warrior with casual confidence. "Robinheart," she addressed the younger molly, "would you like to go fishing at the river with me? I could use some air," she added. Her long tail swished slowly as she awaited response from her.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking
The combined chill of the air and warmth of the sunlight soothed and stung Robinheart’s wounds all the same. Ravensong had repoulticed and packed cobwebs to her flanks earlier that morning before sending her on her way to rest and amble about camp. The newly appointed warrior had wandered to the freshkill pile, seeking out a meal, but decided against grabbing anything for herself after seeing how low it already was. Guilt was stronger than hunger in the moment.

Fortunately guilt would not linger long as she is beckoned by a more senior warrior. Citrine eyes raise to Bronzeshine and Robinheart offers her a nod of greeting first and foremost. As for the fishing invite, the tortoiseshell ponders for a pause - fishing wouldn’t be too strenuous, right? And she’d be with Bronzeshine, who could do most of the heavy lifting if need be. “I suppose that would be lovely,” Robinheart decides with a soft smile. “I must warn you though, I am not a great fisher,” she adds with a chuckle, wondering if that would change the other’s mind or not.
♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Bronzeshine's green gaze flicked over the wounds on Robinheart's side. She hadn't thought too hard about that part, though the younger molly seemed okay with the idea nonetheless. "Well, for me this is mostly an excuse to get out of here for a while, and we have to abide by Smokestar's rules or whatever," she mewed, "I'm alright at fishing, I just have more experience though," she added, before turning to leave. She didn't bother to check behind her that Robinheart was following. It's not like she didn't make it clear what was happening, and boy, she wanted out of this stuffy camp. As they padded toward the river, she momentarily wondered if what she'd said would hurt the other. Well, if it did, she can say something,

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    ooc: —

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking
Robinheart stands a moment, blinking at Bronzeshine’s bluntness and potentially hurtful words. Really they didn’t have much of an impact on the tortoiseshell as she has endured much worse from clanmates much younger. But the sting of her healing wounds feels all the more painful at ‘we have to abide by Smokestar’s rules or whatever,’ … whatever?! Smokestar’s rules were not to be taken lightly or waved off as a ‘whatever’. Hadn’t enough strife come to RiverClan to warrant the rules in the first place?

She has to say something. It would be a disservice to her leader and clan to not say anything. So Robinheart pads after the older warrior, picking up her pace enough to catch up with the other. “I’m sorry but it needs to be said, Smokestar’s rules should be respected more than what you have just shown and said,” Robinheart states, though her voice wavers slightly at the nervousness that comes with speaking to an older warrior in this manner. “So many RiverClanners have been injured or lost their lives. Saying we have to ‘abide by Smokestar’s rules or whatever’ doesn’t exactly show respect to him or to our clanmates and the rules put in place to keep us all safe.”

Robinheart could say more but she doesn’t push her luck. She does want to go out and try to fish - she wants to provide for her home despite her healing injuries - so she can’t upset Bronzeshine too much. Instead she keeps her eyes forward and ears tilted towards the other should she have anything to say in return.
♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Bronzeshine slowed in her pawsteps. Foxdung, I did hurt her feelings, she thought. The older molly took a deep breath. She didn't know if Robinheart was just young and impressionable (not that Bronzeshine was too much older) or if she herself was really in the wrong. Nonetheless, she should probably explain herself.

"Alright, listen," she started, "I can resent a rule and still follow it. I know why they're like that, but listening to everyone grieve so loudly is exhausting and I was going stir crazy," She finished her micro-rant with a lash of her tail. She was vastly uncomfortable with grief and sadness, she didn't do well. It was thick in the air, pressing down on her fur like a heavy fog. Staying in camp was not an option.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking
Robinheart would be considered young and impressionable. She has tried for months to gain the favor of her clan mates and become a trusted RiverClanner. Her mistakes as a young apprentice would not define her so she would do anything it takes to paint a proper picture of her character. That being said, she does not take every RiverClanner’s word as truth because she knows how easy it is to make a mistake.

It seems Bronzeshine’s statement had been a mistake in wording. Easily forgiven and Robinheart does nod along in understanding. “I can understand going stir crazy,” she murmurs, though purposefully doesn’t mention the comment made on grief. Robinheart grieves the lives lost. She also knows a certain blue molly grieves the loss of her family so speaking ill of grief would speak ill of the blossoming friendship between herself and Brookstorm. “Let’s get you out of camp then. Starclan willing the river is plump with fish for you to catch.” Better to just move on from conversation and get to the task at hand.
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♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

Bronzeshine nodded as a response, continuing their way to the river. Now that they were here, she didn't know what to say. They didn't know each other very well and the ruddy she-cat wasn't exactly a well known small-talker. She slanted her bright green gaze over toward Robinheart. The wound covered in whatever mixture of herbs and cobweb was certainly a sight. "Do you hope it scars or no," She asked, gesturing with her tail toward it.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking
Robinheart does not mind the moments of silence blanketing their short journey to the river. The tortoiseshell isn’t a conversationalist at heart - solitude and a hard-work ethic had granted her peace in quiet moments. That being said she could also enjoy conversations when they arose. Robinheart was content either way. So when Bronzeshine asks about her cobweb matted flanks the multicolored molly glances at her side and shrugs. “I wouldn’t care either way. I figure my fur is thick enough to hide any scars that may develop,” she replies as she glances sidelong at the older warrior before looking back to the frigid waters. “Is it a normal thing to hope an injury may scar?” Robinheart adds out of pure curiosity. Were scars all the rage among her clanmates?
♡​ why you so obsessed with me ♡​

bronzeshine & 25 moons & female & she/her & riverclan warrior

She shrugged. Thick fur was a blessing that Bronzeshine did not necessarily have. She often felt cold breezes like they cut through her. Though of course, she wouldn't say anything. "Some cats think it looks good. More... intimidating or something," They stopped at the river, the older sitting gently on the edge and peering in, scanning to find any fish.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: sorry for how short this one is DX

  • sassy | flirty | proud | vain | irascible

    physically moderate && mentally moderate
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay allowed
    please tag account if attacking