
Jun 9, 2024

A glimpse of sharpened white washed up along the shore, shining yellow gaze dragging along it's brief movement to climb and fall along pebbles and halting with it as it rested. Parted blue fur soaked beneath the river's lapping waves as paws tread through the element effortlessly with interest peaking at the ears. A tooth. Berry colored nose twitched to breath in the scent, which, was washed away. It was difficult to comprehend where it had originated but it was a relief that the danger of whatever it could have been was long gone. It was a rather large size, a relief, too, that it hadn't been their own kind. Which.. would have been gruesome.

A blue paw gently tapped it to investigate and then bent down to place it between their own fangs at a sudden thought. This reminded Driftwood of someone. Cicadaflight; sharp and mysterious, strong. The shell the tom had gifted them laid in their nest still, a playful reminder to themself that they needed to return the kindness. Somehow. What did Cicadaflight have interest in collecting? It was a mystery. Something different, interesting.. To match his personality. This was perfect.

"Oh Cicadaflight..!" A muffled mrow announced themselves as a familiar black and white pelt appeared in the distance. Driftwood bounded excitedly toward the tall figure to close the distance, setting the tooth at their paws, "It reminded me of you! Sharp and strong, intriguing." Teeth shined into a grin, giggling, "Dont worry, I didn't pull this out of something. It washed up on shore as I was cooling off. Although, might have been more rewarding if I had pulled it out of a predator." They chuckled, yellow eyes shining enthusiasticly as they watched for his reaction, grooming their river soaked chest to keep their excitement contained.

It was different. Would he like it? Or would he be disgusted? Atleast, they would have something to laugh at together if he hadn't liked it. Although, something within them wanted him to like it. A part of them was skittish to rejection, fretting about their wet fur to keep busy. That.. wasn't like them at all. Silly.