sunbeams fade away // intro

Mar 26, 2023
sleekpaw | 04 months | genderfluid | he/she/they | physically easy | mentally hard | attack in bold mistyrose
Pale eyes flutter open to golden sunlight filtering down from overhead - landing upon pale features as though crowning him in golden halo. Limbs stretch slowly, shaking away the sleep as jaws part wide like a snake ready to strike. Sleekpaw has always liked to sleep in - a habit not easily broken even by his recent apprenticeship. A only child of respected warriors, they have always been spoiled rotten by their parents. What they lacked in time spent together was made up for with the plushest nest, the choicest of prey, always taking his side in matters of inconvenience. Or more aptly put - whatever temper tantrum they had thrown or trouble he had caused. Things had changed though - the pretty little prince had been given not only a new name but all the responsibilities that come with it. An unexpected hardship - but one he will bear nonetheless.

Slipping out from his delicately lined nest of fur and feathers, Sleekpaw begins the days routine. Rough pink tongue slicks back downy fur, as soft and silky as the prettiest of doves or fluffiest of rabbits and the proud reason for his namesake. Not a single hair is out of place - nor a speck of dust remaining - by the time he finishes. Another job perfectly done! Baby blue eyes roam the camp slowly as he looks about for his mentor - wondering what todays tasks will be. It is likely something troublesome, like battle training, or bothersome, like having to clean out the elders den. A frown flits across his delicate features as he watches his clanmates bustle about like ants upon a hill - the expression seemingly out of place upon such a pretty visage.


"Heeeey! What is that?" The abrupt appearance of Shiningpaw is likely enough to startle most cats, if his booming voice didn't finish the job of doing just that. The large golden furred apprentice beamed with a wide smile, forever upbeat and full of life. Or just bright and annoying to some. Lifting a forepaw he then aimed to point at Sleekpaw's face, which happened to be the central point of his focus at that moment. "Is... is that a frown? Oh no! We can't be having that on such a perfect day! So, tell me what's ailing ya, kiddo. How can I bring back a smile to that beautiful face of yours?"

”Unsurprising.” Blizzard Fang snorts lightheartedly, ”StarClan could descend from the heavens and the youth would still be frownin’. Ain’t nothin that could make ‘em happy.” It was a tease, nothing meant to be taken seriously. Apprentices were known to Blizzard Fang to be temperamental, aloof, especially in the morning when they had to rise from their nests for training! Young Sleekpaw was likely still half asleep too, and the senior warrior doesn’t know if even he smiles while trying to blink sleep away.
Crowflower existed in stark contrast to Sleekpaw's pristine cleanliness. Where the young apprentice was groomed to perfection, each tuft of soft cream fur smoothed into place, Crow was a disheveled nightmare. Though she did her best to cleanse her coat of debris each night before sleep, she was always quick to accumulate various tokens of her adventures snarled within the unruly tangles of the plush black fur. When the she-cat emerged from the warrior den behind Blizzardfang, she looked little more than a smudge of soot creeping from the early morning shadows. "Good morning," she greeted groggily, squinting in the daylight. It was unusual for Crow to be one of the last cats awake in the morning, but she had spent a majority of the night catching moths for her collection. She nibbled at an itch on her paw, absently listening to the conversation. "It's too early for smiling," she commented under her breath, fighting the urge to yawn again. It would be another few hours before she was awake enough to think clearly, much less express the full range of emotions on her features. Then again, Crowflower wasn't exactly known for her displays of emotion. Most cats had a hard time reading her body language, which was understandable considering the fact that the she-cat spent more time stressing over how to respond in social situations than actually following along.​

being secluded to the medicine cat's den was a nightmare. there were things to be done, yet she was stuck in a nest. it had been a fitful night of sleep, the birds singing long before she would have liked. she pushed through the entrance, careful not to disturb any mending wounds. a quick walk through camp and she would be back. hopefully by the time she returned it would be a tad less suffocating.

the peace of her journey was cut short, thunderclanners waking to begin their day marked the start of chatter throughout her home. most were hushed, but not the ones that stemmed from outside the apprentice's den. nightbird's tongue clicks disapprovingly at the sheer volume bestowed upon sleekpaw. her ears flicker down to try and drown out some of the sound the apprentice was emitting so early into the day. shiningpaw lightly scolds his denmate for their dreary countenance, blizzard fang following it up with some comment about the youth. at one time the warrior may have believed there was absolutely nothing to talk about so early in the morning, yet her clanmates continued to amaze her.

crowflower seemed to be the first one with some sense, it was absolutely too early to smile. her tail flicked sharply to cover her paws as she sat down, joining the outskirts of the group. "shiningpaw, if you put as much energy into hunting as you did for bothering sleekpaw, the clan would be fed for moons," she remarked, a pointed yet playful look landing on the two apprentices.
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