all good warriors woke up early. before the sun rose, while the sky was painted with pink and orange. they went off to do patrols, train their apprentices, and whatever other highly important situations called for them. as soon as carawaykit had noticed this, she woke up early too. admittedly not before dawn patrol departed, but in her defense it was incredibly difficult to do that when the nursery was so warm and cozy cuddled next to her family.

today had been no different, she quietly pried herself from the nest and wobbled out into camp with a big yawn. her half-lidded gaze scanned camp quickly for something to do, someone to help keep her entertained. amidst her search, something in the river caught her eye. it glittered below the surface, caught the morning light in such a way it had her jaw agape. how lovely was that? carawaykit didn't know what it was, how to even reach it, all she knew was that if the object did not get in her possession immediately she was going to have an awful morning.

sat on the bank by the nursery the kitten was deep in thought. her gaze narrowed onto the shine of the object, what shone like that? it had to be a shell, in her short time of living she had never seen rocks that glistened like that. unfortunately, it was proving to be a difficult task to obtain. it was in too deep for her to wade over, the river would just eat her whole! she debated finding a strong reed to reel it in, but strong meant heavy and she notably lacked the muscle that would be necessary. with a huff of frustration, she turned around. it appeared as if she would have no choice but to enlist help in her venture.

quick steps carried her over to her target, who got closer much quicker than expected leaving her to skid to a halt. "hello!" she chirped, lips warping into a sweet smile as the tabby looked up to try and meet the larger cat's gaze. "i found something, okay? and it's so cool." dark brows raised to really drive her discovery home. she had found it, and soon it would be hers forever! her first possession in this big 'ole world. "and i really, really, really need your help to get it..." where were her manners! so excited, she had nearly forgotten her pleasantries entirely. "please?"

  • IMG_0077.png
  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, two moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Carppaw, of course, had noticed the kit by the river's edge. She wasn't too much larger then them- far from being warrior sized, anyways- but the way the kit's interest was piqued caused Carppaw to be interested in well. Judging by the gifts her grandmother had given her, which she wore against her fur daily and kept close (already well attached to them, of course), she liked looking at pretty things. So when Carawaykit turned, Carppaw started over.

Both drew up short as to not bump into eachother, the apprentice giving a tiny giggle as they came face to face. "Hello!" Carppaw said in return, that warm grin spreading on her muzzle as she listened intently to the kit. "Really? So cool, huh?" Carppaw's ears wiggled enthusiastically, and she nodded as if to urge the younger one. The please was something Carppaw lifted her eyebrows at, thoroughly surprised. Normally, cats didn't ask her please but.. she was getting older, wasn't she? That was so exciting, too.

"Of course! I can help you. And if I can't help you, maybe I can make big eyes at Snakeblink to help. It was in the water, right? Show me?" Carppaw asked, following the kit back to the water's edge to see if she could spot it too.


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean
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Reactions: carawaysong
( 🐝 ) Sometimes, Beekit wonders what it would've been like to have been born in the nursery or simply sleep in it like the rest of the queen and kittens that resided there. Maybe she would've loved it or perhaps she wouldn't, she likes the privacy and peacefulness within the willow den shared by her family. It's only a thought that stays with her for a few heartbeats before the sound of someone's voice catches her attention, the river princess poking her head from the mouth of the willow den and glancing over her shoulder briefly before making her way over to see that it was Carawaykit calling for assistance and it seems that Carppaw had arrived to provide such.

It makes her excited to know that there's more kittens around her age and she hopes to befriend them but she reminds herself that her days as a kitten are almost numbered. She'd end up potentially training with Carppaw, Sablepaw, and the rest of the apprentices which made her quite excited at the thought. Maybe she could still make time for small kitten play if she wasn't too busy with apprenticeship and once more wonders who her mentor would be, a large ear flicks before she arrives to where Carppaw and Carawaykit are.

Carawaykit. The name itself is pretty and seeing the other molly up close, it was definitely fitting. She briefly wonders if her name is fitting... She pushes away the thought before listening in on what was happening and snorted in amusement to what Carppaw said before mewing with a shake of her head "Maybe we can get it if we work together," Her bicolored gaze bright and hopeful, working together brought cats together and they'd need it throughout their lives. Or that's what she thinks anyways. That or like Carppaw had stated... Getting an older cat to assist them.

A small part of her wishes that she could go and get it herself but she hasn't quite mastered swimming yet and would not want to make her fathers upset by disobeying them.
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Fernpaw's childish streak had never really died, even when he'd lost his eye. Every other part of him was focused on warriorhood, but when it came to trinkets... to beautiful things crater by the earth, left lying in the dirt for someone to find... well, he could never hide his interest well. Now a much older apprentice than most, and more focused on his future than fun nowadays, Fernpaw was bound to relent- and that he did, joining Carp-paw, Beekit and Carawaykit as soon as he caught the gist of their conversation.

"Are you gonna start a collection?" he asked Carawaykit, a bright grin set on his fiery features. That, he could offer advice for! And he knew Willowroot was fond of collections, too- his theory was becoming more likely by the moment. Like parent, like child... although, he wasn't really too fond of that phrase whenever it reminded him of his father. Mudpelt was kind, similar in sentiment and demeanour- but oh, they couldn't look more different. Oh, had he forgotten to say something...? "I'll help, too," and it was a smile-framed offer, entirely sincere.
penned by pin

When she first laid eyes on the small group, Dipperpaw had every intention of just moving on. Mind your own business is what she would tell herself before turning away. But then she sees a flash of orange fur, a emerald green eye and she hesitates. If Fernpaw was there then perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, perhaps she should join them. For a moment she stands on the outskirts, blue eyes looking at the cats present, ears angled forward as she listens and observes.

After a couple of moments, she makes her move. long limbs carry her over to the others, glancing at the kits momentarily before her attention shifts to her peers. "I'll help too" she informs them in her usual tone, her facial features pulled into the neutral expression that was customary for her. She was not fond of collecting things, personally, but there was a strange want to be included that had pulled her in, made her join them and offer her paws.

lucky for her, carppaw is willing to help. alternatively she's willing to find a warrior to help if they can't get it. carawaykit doesn't contain her happy smile, nodding along excitedly. "alright! follow me," she says in a businesslike tone, waving her tail and trotting back over to the water's edge. pulling to a halt, the kit waves a shaded paw over the surface to point in the direction of her soon to be prize. "there, can you see it?"

the tabby nods at beekit's idea, surely if all three of them worked together they wouldn't need a warriors help. however, she didn't have much time to think of a plan before fernpaw's question. "a collection," she pondered it for just a moment to consider. could she take it with her when she moved into the apprentice's den? hopefully she wasn't putting in the work now only to have to say goodbye to everything when she moved. "yeah, i am, and it's gonna be the best one ever!"

carawaykit grinned at his offer to assist, shifting it to dipperpaw when she arrived as well. so many paws, there was no way she didn't get her shell! "okay, listen up! maybe if we all hold on to each other, someone at the front can grab it and then we can pull them out," she suggested, it did not cross her mind once that most of them were probably already proficient swimmers, that there was most definitely an easier way thank yanking each other's tails around. the kitten paused in thought, glancing around the group. "what do you guys think?"

  • CARAWAYKIT she/her, kit of riverclan, two moons
    carawaykit is a pretty longhaired silver tabby kitten with green eyes and a lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. a highly spirited and adventurous kitten, she enjoys playing games and pushing boundaries.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblekit, tidekit, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.