camp sunlight — checking in [ pafp ]

Aug 14, 2023
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
He hummed, padding into camp with a fresh mouse nestled between his aching jaws, setting it down with a curl of his plume raised high over his shoulders. It wasn’t much, but it was something to quell the hunger of someone’s stomach so deep into leafbare. He sighed, expression crestfallen, but determination swelled deep within his odd hues. I’ll try again. He promised with a shuffle of paws, wobbling from exhaustion, but nothing came without a price. Not when he wanted to do better. Be better.

Shaking his helm, his plume-like tail lashed, keeping his balance before he tipped over into the snow. He laughed softly, voice hushed against the low banter, mangled ears tipped forward with a silly grin. Letting a gaze wander, catching sight of their recruit with a loud chirp, padding over with a wave of his tail. “Hello! I don’t think we properly met, but I’m Tatteredlight! I was in your position, so well—” He paused, grinning sheepishly. It felt weird, saying a name he still wasn’t quite used to, almost introducing himself as Lux. “Well, I wanted to check to see how you were doing. I know it’s a big step. Overwhelming!” He chirped, settling down, odd hues downcast, hoping he hadn’t scared the other with his ghastly appearance of skin graphs and visible scarring. “If you need anything, I’m happy to help!” He finished with a soft-sounding purr, not quite audible, but still present in the soft rumble of his chest.

/ please wait for @MARMALADE
thought speech
જ➶ The young feline has been sitting in camp watching cats go here and there. Sometimes they part their jaws as if they will say something but hesitate too long ans the others are gone. He isn't sure yet on just how he will fit in, shuffling his paws. He still doesn't understand how everything works and its strange. So very strange. And so much going on. A small frown pulls at their lips before they shake their head. He can do this. With a puff of his chest he is about to make a move when someone chirps a greeting to them and what a sight they are. Marmi's eyes widen at the scarred up feline, tail twitching jaggedly. A measure of fear pulses through them but the other's face is friendly. Smiling warmly at them with tattered ears long tarnished from fights. The youth tries for his own smile then, pulling himself to sit up properly. "Nice to meet you! I'm Marmalade!" They are proud that their voice doesn't shake and shifting he moves a bit closer and closer still till he is almost right up against Tatteredlight.

"It is! I don't even know where to begin! Everyone moving here and there. Stuff going on! I don't even know where to sleep yet! What's all of those dens? Who goes where? When do I eat?" His twolegs always fed him at a certain time but now he doesn't know when and hasn't tried to nibble on anything yet. Maybe he should. He has seen others eating here and there.
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 And why exactly was Tatteredlight the expert to turn to? He was newer than even Edenpaw was! They bounce up to the two of them, not even the least bit concerned that it might look rude that they were interjecting. It was nice of the daylight warrior to offer to help out but... he could do more important things that a youngling apprentice could not- he should really prioritize these things better.

"Oh if you're not here full-time you don't really have to worry about those... they're the dens everyone sleeps in. I have a nest in that one for when I stay the night sometimes," they meow confidently, pointing their nose towards where other apprentices slip in and out of a collection of branches and leaves to start their day (or go take a nap). "It's winter time so Blazestar doesn't want us eating the fresh-kill when we get meals from our Twolegs... there's others here that don't have house-folk to beg to so they need it more."

Who the heck let this kid in without giving them a run down on the most basic of things? Probably Greeneyes, he's too new to do his job as a lead warrior perfectly. Tilting their head to inspect this foggy cat, they think they've got a good enough idea of what they should be. "You're my age.. you're gonna be an apprentice so it's probably Marmaladepaw now."
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
His maw parted to explain, thankful to do something to help, but his voice died in his throat at Edenpaw’s voice, falling silent with a wince. Right. Right. He’d forgotten about that. Offering the daylight apprentice a sheepish smile, Tatteredlight carried on in silence, listening with the occasional swerve of his mangled ears.

“It seems I won’t be able to help you that much, after all.” He chirped, good-naturally, gaze downcast with a soft laugh reverberating through his chest. One less thing that the newly named warrior couldn’t do, souring his thoughts, nevertheless, the scarred warrior remained bright-eyed, grinning toward the two. “Listen to him and I’m sure you’ll do alright!” He added, crooning.

Glancing toward the camp’s entrance, whiskers quivering. “I’m sure Blazestar will give you a mentor, someone to look toward when things get confusing.” He added, helm tilted with an inquisitive chirp.
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