sunlight, sunlight / private

Orangestar spends far too long staring at the shifting shadows of moonlight that dapple her den. Sleep evades her; it doesn't often, thankfully usually too tired to do much against the onslaught of unconsciousness, but that means that when she suffers at the whims of a racing mind there isn't much Orangestar can do except wait. At least it's a touch cooler now, blazing sun drowned far beyond the mountains.

Despite the vivid memory of the sun dipping below an endless lake painting the back of her eyelids awash with late evening's glow, her mind is filled with thoughts much closer to home. The murders that had plagued SkyClan in the last few moons are far from normal. It doesn't make sense. Is it coincidence that their daylight warriors remain untouched? Orangestar is glad for that, but at the same time, the common theme of fulltime SkyClanners being attacked and losing their lives troubles her. Even now, though she is not the only one who had been lost, Orangestar wishes for Applefrost's guidance. She'd say something cheerful and vague, and then she would purr, and Orangestar would have no idea what she meant until the time was right. Was this the right time? Orangestar would never know. The guidance of SkyClan's council couldn't tell her, either.

She isn't content, Orangestar realises in the wake of some sleepy sigh. She had inherited most of her council from Blazestar; in a way, they are not her council at all, are they? Even Slate, whose soft snores from a tail-length away provide a grounding sort of consistency right now, had been chosen by her predecessor. Her council consists of Dogbite and Figfeather, and precious little else. Even Cherryblossom concerns her, of late: had adding Ricepaw to her load taken away her daughter's capacity to be an effective deputy? Is there something else Orangestar is missing? At least Twitchbolt seems more assured in recent moons ... The SkyClan council are good cats, but maybe it's time to start from scratch.

Orangestar rolls over in her nest, gaze unfocusing against the elderberry-and-gorse of the camp wall. Her medicine cats, at least, would remain a constant. As much as Dawnglare irritates her, incessant and holier-than-thou, his knowledge is central to SkyClan. Fireflyglow, however, has earned his name: a medicine cat in his own right, the chosen link to StarClan, two prophecies in. Her tail twitches. She had only recalled the second during the Gathering, of old foes and creeping shadows (she thinks, but doesn't recall the wording). Are the murders connected to that, prophecy unacted upon and SkyClan paying the price? Are the rogues responsible tied to the ones who had attacked Howlfire's brood? None else have been such a thorn in SkyClan's side: even WindClan has kept to themselves on the far side of the forest after deposing of the Mad Queen of the Moors.

Finally, finally, with the resolution to ask Fireflyglow about it again in the morning settling in her mind like a feather atop a precipice, she drifts off to sleep.

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

When the SkyClan leader opens her eyes again, they would not be greeted by the comfort of her den walls, Orangestar would not be stirred from the confines of her nest. In norms place, fiery paws are rooted to hardened soil, and after a moment Orangestar would realize the songs of crickets and cicadas that had accompanied her to sleep have now morphed into something else, a low thrum of something approaching.
Figures cloaked in shadow step from a dimly-lit trail carved in blurred brushland, ribboning around the leader in a gait that could only be described as uniformed, militant. As pelts brush together with a ghostly numbness, Orangestar would be able to make out the clear silhouettes of cats, the strong scent that radiates from them is sour and familiar, Orangestar knows this scent. Wrapped in the current of bodies, the leader is finally able to turn. The direction of the traveling figures leads her gaze to the poor mimicry of a blurred camp. The silhouettes begin to blur together once more, huddled at the base of a rock Where single cat sits atop. The profile punches a black hole against the violent horizon, where starless indigo bleeds into deep scarlet, painting all it's fading light touches in the same cardinal glow. The lone cat’s neck turns, twitched in Orangestar’s direction despite unseeing eyes. Jaws begin to part, ready to address the nameless group of cats.
Before they can utter a word, the scene comes crashing down in a fit of black, and Orangestar would find herself back in her den where she had fallen asleep, crickets and cicadas singing a distant song.
As the world crashes down around her, Orangestar kicks out with a hind leg.

It hits something soft, something real.

She is in her nest, stifling warmth and greenleaf crickets rushing back to her as she wakes. Already, the vivid imagery of her dream has faded to traces ... the lockstep of the cats, the figure of the feline atop the rock. The familiar scent, rancid against her tongue ... It reminds her of WindClan at first, something akin to the moorlands touching her senses, but sour. Wrong. No, it's something else entirely. It leaves a foul taste in her mouth, jaws parting even though it hasn't followed her into the waking world.

Orangestar coughs, resists the urge to retch; though her expression scrunches with displeasure.

"Sorry." Her grunt of apology to a potentially-awake Slate is muted, confused more than it is genuine. Where has she scented it before? Orangestar pulls herself into a sitting position, the twinge of complaint from her leg lost somewhere to the hazy confusion that's followed her awake.

It's pierced, then, by the unbidden sight of Applefrost: laden with lavender and still as a log in SkyClan camp. Beneath the blood and herb-scent, intermingled, the faintest trace of something else. Orangestar lurches as if struck, eyes widening, paws coming to rest awkwardly beneath her weight once more. The scent of the rogues that killed Applefrost. The same scent as the one in her dream. Were they organised under a leader? The idea chills her to the bone despite the humid night.

It's not a prophecy, she thinks; Orangestar is relatively sure of that much. Medicine cats receive those. Orangestar may be a leader, blessed and cursed in equal measure to die nine times in defense of her Clan, but she is no medicine cat. SkyClan's medicine cats, however, are not at camp: they share tongues with StarClan themselves tonight. Plumy tail twitches with agitation. Could she intercept the two toms on their way home? Leave at first light, and rest at Fourtrees until she was ready to continue? The delay might put her behind, late to the Moonstone and wasting valuable night, but she would avoid the hottest part of the day. With luck, she would find Dawnglare and Fireflyglow somewhere along the path. Or maybe she could leave now, and meet them somewhere closer to the Thunderpath.

Had Fireflyglow dreamed of the same thing? Had Dawnglare? Is this connected to the former's prophecy, half-forgotten but rooted deep in Orangestar's mind? Is it even a dream sent from StarClan? The patrol to RiverClan Orangestar is meant to lead at dawn is struck from the equation. She would waste too much time by doing so. That responsibility would go to a capable warrior in her stead - Falcongaze, maybe, Orangestar doesn't think she'd heard him go to that border in some time - and his leader would either make a foolish mistake or gain clarity.

"... I ... need to go to Highstones?" It's a question she knows the answer to already but she voices it now, squinting at Slate in the dim light of a half moon.

  • // @SLATE
  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

The Maine Coon slumbers like a badger, encapsulated in his own dream. It is not often that the tom remembers his dreams; most nights, the images that cycle within his subconscious mind aren't vivid enough to be recalled in the waking world, but tonight was different. A strong yet familiar pine scent was tantalizing, leading the dreaming state of Slate around a hazy forest. He kept pursuing it, frustrated that his tracking skills were not as sharp as they were in reality, and he kept losing direction of where to go. A brief glimpse of alabaster teases the corner of his eye before evading him completely. Dream-Slate began to run, and as the scent strengthened, so did his heart rate. He turns a blurry tree now, looking around curiously, and sees a pair of soft brown eyes peeking out from underneath the darkness of a burrow that seems to glisten like gold when they catch the sun. Just before he could investigate the alluring sight, a swift hit to his jaw snapped him awake.

"Mmh- Wha?" The lead warrior grunts as he blinks the sleep away all while sitting up and rotating his head in confusion. At first he assumed that he and Orangestar were under attack by a fox or perhaps an invading rogue, but only a couple of moments later, he could see that was not the case.

The charcoal-pelted male rubs his hefty paw against his cheek, slightly cranky now that he has been woken up. What his leader says to him next, however, is completely unexpected. Orangestar... Highstones? "You... huh?" How in the world had she come to that realization? Slate figured that leaders only went to dream with StarClan when they received their nine lives, so what reason did she have to go now? "Why?" Concern laces the gruff tom's voice, if only because it could be dangerous to leave camp. Foxes and rogues have been running rampant lately and Orangestar risked getting hurt or even killed if she ventured outside of SkyClan's borders.

  • 75375484_vL7mDl6wNERV2mI.png
    a lead warrior of skyclan, slate is forty moons and is mentoring coffeepaw. he is a hulking longhaired maine coon with black fur and prominent reddish rusting on his chest and belly. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face.
She doesn't respond immediately, taking the time instead to part her jaws in a yawn and stretch the stiffness from her shoulders. Leaving her nest, Orangestar sits down at Slate's side. While they make no contact, she takes comfort in his presence next to her. Though awake, his sleepy breaths remind her that some cats are free from ever needing to decipher dreams such as this. Again, Orangestar is no medicine cat, but the longer she dwells on what she'd seen the more she thinks that it may have been something shy of prophecy.

She makes a faintly irritated noise. Couldn't she have received some starry commentary behind the militant rogues? Maybe the difference between her connection and Fireflyglow's was that he was granted the luxury of an explanation, however cryptic it might be.

"Had a dream." She begins, and then stops. How does she even begin to describe what she saw? Slate has no connection to StarClan. He's questioned their existence multiple times ... would he believe her? Her tail-tip twitches, an uncomfortable twist in her gut forcing her to squint briefly. She wants him to believe her. The dream had felt more like what she'd experienced when receiving her nine lives rather than anything ordinary. "I don't understand it but it's connected to- to Applefrost? The rogue-smell was the same ... I have a feeling StarClan won't tell me more unless I go and ask myself."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

His groggy stare tracks the bi-colored molly as she exits her bedding, the warm glow of his eyes only widening as his eyelids bestir themselves. Whatever dream Orangestar had, it obviously bothered her to a degree... enough to motivate her to set out for Highstones at a moment's notice, anyway.

Mangled ears keenly receive Orangestar's recollection — Applefrost, rogues... Slate could understand the leader having nightmares about her sister, as well as associating those murderous foxhearts with her memory, but dreams were just... dreams. They were random at best, a subconscious string of hazy images and thoughts. Could she be so sure that this wasn't just her mind playing tricks?

"... I have a feeling StarClan won't tell me more unless I go and ask myself." "No-" Immediately blurts from Slate's maw, though in an uncommon show of restraint he purses thin, dark lips together as he attempts to collect his thoughts fully as much as he wanted to extinguish his friend's plans then and there.

Not wishing to engage in an argument or stir any ill feelings, Slate's thoughts buffer momentarily as he backtracks, "I mean," She couldn't go. Not now. Would she leave now, before daybreak? Was she going to go alone? Hopefully neither of those things. "It's dangerous out there. Foxes, those rogues..." Slate knows that his superior isn't stupid. She is a perfectly capable warrior ( more than him, anyway ) and would not deliberately throw herself to the wolves. A leader's lives could be taken multiple at a time, though. It happened to ShadowClan, to ThunderClan. It could happen to Orangestar, too. The thought of her running into trouble and not having her clan to defend her made his gut sink.

"Besides, I thought StarClan spoke with medicine cats." Slate meowed, trying as much as he could to justify keeping the molly safe within the boundaries of the pine forest. He meets hues of brown with a request, "Just... stay here. Ask Dawnglare about it when he returns."

  • 75375484_vL7mDl6wNERV2mI.png
    a lead warrior of skyclan, slate is forty-one moons and is mentoring coffeepaw. he is a hulking longhaired maine coon with black fur and prominent reddish rusting on his chest and belly. scars litter his form but are prominently present on his face.
"What if he doesn't know? What if it's about something happening soon, Slate?" Orangestar's hiss comes, frantic, though it is devoid of any anger. His kneejerk no has skated over her, doesn't stick, and goes unmentioned entirely. Agitation forces her ears backwards, if only for a heartbeat, and while she stands once more she does not move from his side. She's more awake now, mind turning over as its sun rises, a plan formulating. Orangestar can't quite still her paws, slowly stepping in circles as she thinks.

She can't wait for this. If the dream is some sort of summons, she needs to answer it. Even if not, leaving it untouched as she had with Fireflyglow's prophecy would weigh her mind down even further than it is already.

Aloud but quiet, she murmurs half to herself: "I can meet with him on the way. If I leave now, I'll have time. I'll go along the RiverClan border, and follow the scent markers. That way if something happens, a Clan will find me before sunhigh. And if our medicine cats know, then I'll come back with them."

She turns her eyes towards her den-guard, intense now, paws halting in place. Orangestar has found herself back where she started, at Slate's side. Still, he radiates a sleepy warmth. Were she not fully awake now, she might be tempted to stay: but the image of that silhouetted leader atop the rock makes her blood run cold once more, and Orangestar knows she has to go. "I need you to tell Falcongaze to lead my dawn patrol to RiverClan."

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.