camp sunlit stroll | exercise

He was tired in a way he couldn't really explain outside just generally being lethargic, Sunfreckle wondered if it was his lack of activity making him feel so groggy and disoriented lately since he had been confined to the camp and was usually too distracted watching the kits to do much if he wasn't sleeping. The red tabby issues a yawn that felt too heavy and almost made him choke; his voice breaking into a light cough before he staggered to his feet. Yeah, maybe he just needed some air. The kits were playing and he'd just jog around the camp for some excersise where he could still keep an eye on them but also be able to move his legs. So the red tom did exactly that, quick and brisk steps along the outer edge of the camp border as he trotted along, feeling very silly but also enjoying getting to stretch muscles he'd left in disuse for so long. There was a rattling in his chest he felt each time he breathed and he wondered if it was his insides being gunked up from his sedimentary lifestyle in the nursery; the crisp air would surely have him feeling better so he quicked his pace; steps heavy and plodding but gait bouncing and jovial, his every fourth step a light lurch forward to compensate for his missing limb.
It was nice having company in the nursery at least, though Little Wolf would be there a moon or so once he was able to get back out. He was actually starting to look forward to being able to patrol and hunt again, even if he lacked somewhat in said departments. At one point he'd considered being in the nursery full time but the more he dwelled on it the more he realized he didn't want anymore kits anytime soon. He loved his, unconditionally and with a fierceness he didn't know he had; but the idea of losing another...
Sunfreckle, in his jogging, made the decision there that once the kits were apprenticed he was going to work even harder to be a better warrior instead of the comforting life he had thought he wanted.


Rabbitnose never missed a chance to spend time with Sunfreckle. Even though he was tired and depressed, he tried to hide it so no one would worry, but it was still.....Clear.

He trotted after Sunfreckle and gave him a nuzzle. This simple act of affection always felt so good, he couldn't help but purr.

"What are you up to today, love?" He asked, keeping stride with him
They had only just started nuzzling and whatnot, and it's TOO MUCH. "REEETCHHH, VOM!!! I mean.... how are you...?" she greets, blinking politely at the couple. She was totally an upstanding citizen, totally cool, totally warrior material (unlike aza- lake- lake- LAKEMOON!!!!) Instinctively, she starts trotting after the pair. Not like she really wants to? but like, she's here! Keeping company! She's company! She's so company, the warrior ever. She throws a glance over her shoulder just to make sure Howling Wind didn't see that. (Though she sort of hopes Graystorm did. He'd laugh.)

Sunfreckle paused his jaunty little walk to lean into his mate, a purr rising in his throat and the nuzzle of affection returned happily. "Oh, I'm just legs get stiff if I lay around all day and my head-" His head felt full of fog lately, he thought the freshair would help, but he didn't get through his remark before the sound of retching hit his ears. The red tabby turned, confused and then quickly amused at the sight of Wolfpaw exaggeratedly gagging and feigning disgust before offering a proper greeting as if she hadn't just pretended to throw up at the most minor of lovey-dovey gestures he'd even given.
"We're doing-" He paused, sliding his head under Rabbitnose's chin to cling closer, "-lovely~ How are you Wolfpaw?" She wanted something the retch over then he'd certainly give it to her. "Aren't we doing well, my darling? Honey bee? Daffodil~?"

{ } Cloverfield can't believe she's agreeing with that little brat but here she is (everyone take cover, the universe is out of order). PA is a vile thing to have to witness, even when it's clear that Sunfreckle is laying it on thick for affect. It's working. Suppressing her gag reflex, the blonde femme whips her mane-like fur against the wind and summons a smile to mask her discomfort. Even she has the tact to be a little kinder toward grieving parents- at least when it suits her. "Wonderful day for a jog and all, mhm mhm. Do you gentlemen mind keeping an eye out for any fresh berries while you're out?" She says it in the best pretty please voice that she can. Clover could always join them in their exercise but... ew. Who the hell wants to get their pawpads all sweaty.