pafp sunny sunday | soccer

Go and check out a twoleg object on the territory, easy enough! AND Sheep had Daisyflight to keep her company. She doesn't know much about the other lead warrior other than the fact she had been deputy at one point and was the mother of her apprentice (which makes Daisy pretty damn cool in her book). They walk in silence, comfortable silence Sheep thinks, with distant bird chatter and prey scuttling in the trees where her eyes are trailed. Icicles hung off them from a rain a day or two ago, glinting in the sunlight and dripping down. The territory does seem pretty today, Sheep admires it with a soft purr.

They arrive and cautions are up until a loud gasp comes from her mouth. "Oh, I know what this is!" excitement as she clambers over to the spherical shape and Sheep is convinced Daisy knows what it is too. She had one of these back in her old home, before her twolegs had packed up, they were fun to chase around. She thinks for a moment, remembers what the twoleg kits did with it and raises a paw to knock it in Daisyflights direction with a big grin. "Catch! You think the kits would enjoy this for a game?"

// @Daisyflight

Ice poured in static chandeliers, a charming side effect of the miserable season they waded through. Daisyflight levelled her fern-wreathed attention to her new colleague, glad to have the warrior alongside her. Blazestar had picked well, as he often did, in granting Sheepcurl the title of lead warrior. The calico's tail lilted high in the frost-masked foliage as a flag for any cats behind the pair.

When the oat molly came to a stop over an object- perhaps the one they sought- she peered overtly over her shoulder. "Oh! Quick work, you fou-" The exclamation was cut short by the rattle of something rocketing through the undergrowth towards her. It bumbled between a boulder before bouncing forth, on its way to her feet. A curt laugh of relief was knocked from Daisyflight's chest, worries of a snake or some other sneaky predator put to rest.

Hooking the treasure with a high-gloved paw, she balanced it tall in the air. Its bright colour was distracting, and to the wrong eyes slightly disturbing- no surprise it was reported to camp. "A ball?" Sheepcurl mentions the kits and her smile deepens. "We used to roll these down the rooves of the twoleg nests back when I lived there with-" Raven Ramble. The words dried like carrion in her throat. Blinking mildly, the warrior's words began again with barely perceptible hesitance. "Provided it wasn't too big to carry! Can't have an aching tooth."

A keen eye swept the clearing before Daisyflight mimicked Sheepcurl's throw, the ball gaining a good amount of height before it plummeted. "Catch!" She called, loud enough to call attention to the rest of the patrol.

/ obligatory @TWITCHPAW

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[] The attention of a blue tabby was lost on inner thoughts about not catching anything in the hunting patrol or getting stuck in a dog house with Orangeblossom. It was really too much on his mind and it was starting to show in his behavior as he moved across the snowy ground for a moment. Hailstone was on his way back to camp from the hunting patrol wtih Thistleback and the others, and hadn't noticed that he walked past Sheepcurl and Daisyflight.

That was until a ball-shaped objectt al but knocked the warrior over into the snow. Surprised he gave a yelp and quickly wiggled onto his feet with fur bristling slightly in his shock. Then relaxed and licked at his chest fur for a moment, before rearing up on his legs to head butt the item back towards the two she-cats with a smirk across his muzzle.



There's a twoleg object on their territory, apparently. Greenpaw doesn't know what but knows twolegs have objects of all sorts of shapes and sizes. They have things that could be dangerous to them, that could hurt them - and, maybe even kill them, like monsters do? - and the apprentice is sure to be careful as he follows behind his mother and his mentor.

But caution seems to dissipate as they arrive upon the object. It's round and spotted, nothing like what Greenpaw's ever seen before. And yet, somehow, Greenpaw knows it's safe - an opinion proven by Sheepcurl and Daisyflight as they toss the object towards the rest of the patrol. It hits Hailstone, and Greenpaw laughs.

"It got you!" How - he wonders - does the warrior always seem to fall everytime Greenpaw sees him? His thought gives way to a looming inkling at the back of his mind, one that he swiftly pushes back, as he chases after the object once Hailstone passes it back to the lead warriors.

Once it finally slows, he inspects it, head tilting. "It... It kind of looks like a giant mossball!" Greenpaw decides, before looking up at Sheepcurl and Daisyflight. "Can we bring it back with us? Please?"

It seemed all anyone was concerned about was sticking their noses in things that were alien- crafted by two leg's hands! First it was Hailstone and that... that simulacrum, and now it was his very own mentor! Two lead warriors, frolicking about this- this thing that looked more unnatural than anything he'd ever seen, kicking it between each other as if it were a mere mossball- as if they knew the full extent of it! Had they no caution, any of them? Maybe- with experience came fearlessness, but to Twitchpaw he saw no point in ridding himself of his wariness. It must be there for a reason. His- his mind wanted to protect him, surely-

Amber-sparked eyes stared in shock at the thing, rolling toward Sheepcurl and Daisyflight again. Unlike Greenpaw he dared not encroach more than a tail-length's radius of that thing. "It's- it's too round," a quivering tone dictated, and he barely dared blink lest it- do something. Lunged toward him, mangled his face, broke his nose in heavy-handed impact, and- went for the rest of them, too! Who would find them, then? No-one, not to be in time to help!
penned by pin ✧
The rogue had been out scouring a section SkyClan's territory for any signs of prey, though to no avail. Leaf-bare was harsh for everyone, even the city cats had slim luck keeping themselves fed while the rats sought out warmth beneath the sidewalks and in the nests of two-leggeds. Slate actually possessed decent hunting abilities, however, so it was rather frustrating not being able to track a single scent out in the forest.

As he happened upon the commotion, though, Slate figured this could be the reason why there wasn't anything around to catch. The rolling around of a ball had probably scared everything in the vicinity off! What a bunch of mousebrains, Slate thinks to himself, but quickly shakes the thought off as the clan cats ooh-and-ahh over the foreign object.

It appeared that one of the cats ( whose name he does not know ) recognized the ball; she must have been a former kittypet, or at the very least a city-dweller. "It's a twoleg thing. It's harmless... 'nless you hit someone in the face." Slate rumbled. A bunch of cats rolling around a twoleg recreational object would certainly be a ridiculous sight, but as the apprentice had mentioned, it was somewhat parred for the course. Cats liked to play with balls of yarn ( or in a forest cat's case, balls of moss ) so playing with a soccer ball wouldn't be much different... though it was a bit bulky, of course.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life. only trustful of his littermate, duskmane.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.