SUNRISE BOULEVARD [✦] skyclan dawn patrol

Dawn paints the sky in splashes of pink and orange as the patrol sets off for the RiverClan border, a sunrise reminiscent of the ones he'd seen from much higher ground hardly half a moon ago. A journey ended only a couple of days prior, and it feels like so much has happened already in such little time, as he finds himself slowly piecing together forest-bound news he'd been absent from witnessing himself.

This isn't the first patrol he's ever led, but it still carries the weight of fresh milestones with it: his first as a lead warrior, his first led to a clan-held border. His first without Falconpaw at his side in a long while, he remembers with a sinking heart, the spot beside him empty as his apprentice still recovers from yellowcough's grasp.

As they approach the border, he can't help but think of his former journey-mates who live on the other side of the river — how was Iciclefang getting on with training Cicadapaw? Had Fernpaw earned his warrior name upon their homecoming? And the rest of RiverClan's journey-goers, were they doing well? There's a wistfulness in his silent questioning, a small hope for something over with as he wonders if any reunions will be made while they stand upon the border.

The young lead turns to look at his party, his gaze brightening at their arrival. "Right! Keep track of any strange scents," Greeneyes tells them with a flick of the tail, a gesture toward the trio to get to work on renewing their own. "We don't want any rogues trying to invade again, do we?" He thinks it would be useful, anyway, to double-check that the strange group of rogues is gone for good while they're at it.
  • // takes place two days after the second journey group's return!


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    Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    — AMAB; He/Him
    — A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    — Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    — "Speech"; Attack

    : * — Born into SkyClan's first litter, Greeneyes is a bright tom with an affinity for the world around him. Despite always seeking to be kind to others, the warrior believes he's cursed - a belief brought on by rhetoric that green is a deadly color.
Mosspaw was the first of her patrol to spot the cats on the other side of the border. "Greetings Skyclan." She called out to them, dipping her head to them in greeting. Her warm tone reflected her good mood. Unlike most of her clanmates, she was fond of dawn patrols. The dawn's light felt nice on her pelt and she enjoyed a chance to stretch her muscles just after waking up. After her long journey, the routine was a comfort to her.

Her gaze swept across the Skyclanners, and she found she recognized one of them. Chalk, he had been among those on the journey, hadn't he? The two of them had not spoken much, but she was surprised to find that she was glad to see another of the cats who had been there. He was one of the only other cats who knew what they had all overcome in order to get the lungwort back to their clans. Even most of her own clanmates did not truely know that. "Hello Chalk. It is good to see you again." She greeted him specifically.

There was another of her companions from the journey that she wished she had seen among their ranks. The molly who had helped her up the cliff-face. "Give my regards to Bobbie. I hope she is well." Mosspaw stated simply.​

Dipperpaw likes Mosspaw, is glad that the earth-furred molly has returned from her perilous adventure beyond their territories, but as she comes to stand next to her at the border and as she calls out to the other clan Dipperpaw feels a brief twinge of discomfort. The familiarity in her fellow apprentices voice is not something that she likes, that she thinks is healthy. Hypocrite. she chides to herself. If Skypaw was standing before her now would she act the same way? No. She would be much more discreet in their friendliness.

Mosspaw is not doing anything wrong but she does not like it all the same. Her features would not betray her though, ever pulled into neutrality she passes a cold, disinterested gaze across the cats across the river. She could say she hopes that SkyClan is doing well, could engage in the meaningless chatter soem of her clanmates seemed to revel in at their borders but instead she turns away without a word, choosing to instead fix her downturned gaze upon her mentor and ignore the cats across the way. "Must we linger here?" she asks quietly, a desperate plea to move on.

// sorry lichen, shes a brat ;-; @lichentail @brookpaw

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It was hard to ignore the way her skin prickled anytime sunset eyes lingered on her for too long. Too much had gone unsaid and unresolved and even now it nagged at them- had their been an opportunity to address it that she'd missed? Would there ever really be a 'right' time to pull her aside? Lichentail spent so much time worrying about the conversation that she never allowed it to start- shoving it aside as something that wasn't ready yet.

She wasn't ready yet.

Mosspaw's voice hums a soft ambiance of kindness, one exchanging casual conversation to another wayward set of paws that had once traveled with her. Did the journey cats miss those they'd wandered with? A hot fire like jealousy sat in her belly thinking about it. Greeneyes was not someone she'd had the pleasure of interacting with before but the pointed molly had few reservations when it came to SkyClan. They had been unfathomably helpful and forgiving, a crutch RiverClan had sorely needed and she would not spurn that mercy.

It shouldn't have surprised her, that Dipperpaw would turn with a tight-lipped frown and ask to move things along. It wasn't like Mosspaw was chatting up a storm-her impatience made such little sense. "It won't take very long," is the only reassurance she offers. Dipperpaw didn't have to make friends with SkyClan if she didn't want to but being blatantly rude would be tantamount to rubbing Blazestar's nose in fox dung.

"How is Dawnglare? Recovering well?" Ravensong himself had only just gotten the strength to start returning to active duties again... hopefully that meant the same good tidings for the sour tree-dwelling medic as well.​

Keeping to the back of the group the young tom cranes his head around those in front of the patrol. He has been here before. Though the circumstances were less than pleasant. Shifting his almost too large paws the apprentice shifts around. He picks his way toward the front just so he can see just who they are talking to. The strong smell of Skyclan hits his nostrils, strong and pungent. Familiar. He shifts from one paw to another before he glances to his mentor. Things seem okay, things seem fine. Are Skyclan their friends still? He has many questions that run through his head but he keeps himself silent. Afterall he doesn't want to become anyone's focal point. He just wants to observe and stick close to his mentor as much as possible. So he steps back a little and hides himself behind Lakemoon, gaze peering around the other as he watches the Skyclan cats.

  • ooc : — mentor ping @Lakemoon .

  • bristlepaw - tom / 3 moons old / riverclan kit / aspiring warrior / mentored by lakemoon


LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
The last time Lakemoon had seen a Skyclan patrol, it was with a wary Blazestar at its lead.
This time, however, the blue-shaded warrior only vaguely recognizes the peppy young warrior chattering away from across the border. Naturally, she trails in on the heels of Lichentail and the two apprentices. When she looks to her own, she is met with an inquisitive stare back before he promptly shuffles back.
A stormy ear flicks briefly in amusement, but she’d aim to brush him slightly forward with a feathered tail, and if he’d allow the warrior would be content to keep with there as a subtle sign of assurance.
"It is important to be cordial in times of peace." Lakemoon would quietly explain to him before her gaze would flicker to Dipperpaw, "patience is always nice, too." She doesn’t scold, her tone only a hum of correction before her attention would shift back to their neighbors.
It would be nice not to be here for too long, though.

Getting to spend time with Mosspaw brought a gleeful smile across her maw. It was rare she spent time with her older siblings, especially considering their circumstances. Strangely, to the youth, her sister still smelled of what she could only assume was the mountains—airy, clean, and heavy with hints of other things she couldn't quite identify.

Coming to a halt beside Mosspaw, she looked to the other passing clan cats, intrigue lighting up her gaze while they spoke. It impressed her how cordial the tabby was, and in a way, she felt a responsibility to mirror it. Standing straighter, she calmly nodded a greeting to the Skyclanners.

Not all that long ago, she had shared a nest with their young, making her feel a little more at ease. Dipperpaw's quiet plea didn't go entirely unheard, and it confused the molly. Rather than dispute it, she decided to ignore it, more interested in the talk beside her and what the Skyclanners had to say.

//Mentor tag @ROOKFANG
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It hasn't been too long since Bubblepaw had the opportunity to interact with SkyClan. Though she supposes that they all were tired of having to speak and work with outsiders by now. Even the sociable Bubblepaw was happy to be home, back to a familiar place with familiar faces. She's so young and has already had to fight for so much; despite the friends she inevitably managed to make, she is grateful that it's all over.

"Helloooooo SkyClan!" Bubblepaw chirps to the opposing cats in a far less cordial nature than her clanmates, thin tail waving behind her like a banner to accompany her greeting. SkyClan is quite alright to Bubblepaw. They are all friendly enough- far friendlier than the broody ShadowClanners or egotistical WindClanners- and besides, Lakemoon is right about being polite in times of peace. Unlike Dipperpaw, Bubblepaw is uninterested in moving on from this spot. She leans forward a bit as she pokes a question (or a few of them): "How are you all? Do you really sleep in trees? Do you catch prey up there too?"
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