Feb 18, 2023
"Chestnutsplash, Chestnutsplash!" Softkit squealed, just barely stopping herself from barreling into the warrior, who was taking the time to rest outside the warriors' den before nightfall. The fluffy gray she-kit's voice lowered as she tried to point her in the direction of the camp's opening. "Look!"

They blinked, watching as a black smoke tom slipped out of camp, past the opening in the brambles. "What am I looking at, Softkit? Warriors are allowed to leave camp, but you've got to stay inside. It's for your own safety, y'know." They giggled fondly, smiling at the younger cat.

"But... that's the problem," Softkit murmured, flattening her ears. "He looks lonely, but now he's not in camp. I can't start a happiness patrol if he's not in camp. I don't want him to be lonely, being lonely is sad."

"Hmm, now that's quite the problem, isn't it...?" Chestnutsplash stood up, giving the kitten a reassuring look. "I'll go see what I can do, but no promises, alright? Some people like to be left alone. You should get ready to sleep, okay?" As Softkit nodded and scurried off to the nursery, Chestnutsplash began to ponder something. 'Actually, I don't recognize him... He's obviously a SkyClan cat, he probably wouldn't have been in camp if he wasn't...'

Curiosity began to fuel them as they headed out of camp as well, not trying to hide themselves. In fact, they were hoping to be caught. Hopefully, they'd be able to fulfill Softkit's request.



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Reactions: DUSKPOOL
.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
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THE LARGE OBSIDIAN-HUED BRUTE PROWLED through the brambles that provided protection against incoming intruders, ignoring the way his willowy locks snagged onto low-hanging brambles. His nose scrunched up in distaste at sparks of pain that dusted his dark-hued skin. Damn, that’s annoying. He thought dryly. Yet I keep on doing it. He shook his helm, breaking free from camp to head deeper into the pines, closer to the river where he’d slept after almost three occasions where he’d woken himself up with a choked-off scream.

Youkai cursed at the close calls he’d encounter, wanting nothing more than to get some sleep, but it seems that wasn’t on the agenda, or ever. A sigh slipped past his darkened lips, rolling copper-molten hues at the blunt statement. His bones creaked in tandem with his movements, protesting that he shouldn’t be walking this far, but damnit, he sure as hell wouldn’t be anywhere near camp if it was anything like the last three times he passed out from exhaustion.

He paused, glancing over his shoulder at the feline not far behind. His brows furrowing at the sight. Now what. He grumbled, spinning on his paws to stare at the other with an unhappy expression. “You’re following me for a reason. What do you want?” His tone was deadpan, clearly uninterested, but it sparked some nervous buzz that churned unpleasantly in his stomach.

thoughts speech
  • Love
'Oh no,' Chestnutsplash though, closing her eyes and smiling, 'Maybe I should head back and tell Softkit that she should stay away from this guy... No, wait, wait, wait. He hasn't done anything wrong... yet? I mean, cats can just be grumpy. Dang it, this was a bad idea...'

Instead of running away, however, they opened their green eyes, took a deep breath, and smiled. "Hi there! I'm Chestnutsplash! One of the kits told me she thought you were lonely. Softkit, fluffy little gray kitten who's so very sweet! She wanted me to make sure you weren't all alone, and that you had a friend, but since she's so young she can't quite follow you out of camp, y'know?" They took a big breath before continuing. "Anyways, what's your name? Honestly, I haven't seen you around at all, and I like to cheer up others, haha!"

Even if the big brute insisted on leaving her behind, she'd follow. After all, now that she was talking, she had a lot of things to say.


  • Love
Reactions: DUSKPOOL
.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
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THE LARGE BRUTE STARED AT THE OTHER, impatience leaking through at the sight of the feline following him. His gaze was deadpan, willowy tail flickering in agitation, wanting nothing more than to curl up and sleep, but damnit, he couldn’t. His frame shifted, muscles rippling beneath obsidian black with the notion.

His brow rose at the introduction, not quite expecting that. The hell? He hadn’t seen the other around, not that Dusk was looking to converse with other felines when he was quite content with being alone. He was fine with being alone. He had a job to do and he’ll be damned if he didn’t put all of his efforts into it. Socializing? Wasn’t needed.

“You followed me because of a kit?” He summarized, brows raising. Seriously? Who—Youkai grumbled, shaking his helm. “I enjoy being alone.” He muttered. His tail twitched in annoyance. It was sweet, but he didn’t need company. He was fine. Duskpool sighed, glancing at the canopy of pines that were splayed out above them. Damnit. “Tell the kit thanks, but it isn’t needed.” He rumbled, the notion vibrating deep within the back of his throat.

He pivoted on his paws to continue his trek away from the talkative feline, pausing at the questionable trill. “Duskpool.” He glanced over his shoulder, his tone was deadpan. “Not a lot of felines see me during the day.” He remarked with a shrug. “Old habits die hard.” It was true. He still wasn’t used to the influx of felines swarming through camp. Huh. He was quite the anti-social cat, wasn’t he? Not that he gave a damn.

Youkai groaned, muscles twitching in annoyance. “You coming, or what?” He called, already moving further away from the feline. No turning back now. He thought grumpily.

thoughts speech
For a while, they were uncharacteristically silent, taking in the words of the dark-furred tom. Their steps were small at first, part of them wanting to leave him be but... Something in their heart told them that they couldn't. Not just yet. So, they followed, quiet, observing, just... taking in the presence of the other, as if contemplating the best way to interact.

"It's okay to enjoy being alone," she meowed, now trying to keep pace with Duskpool, "but I don't think it's good to ALWAYS seek out solitude. It's part... of living, I guess. Especially as a clan cat. Community is what makes us... us. Even before the Clans were formed, many of the cats came from communities. So... I guess what I'm trying to say is, mm... Don't force yourself to be buddy-buddy with your fellow SkyClanners, and that includes me, but don't fully isolate yourself. It can... well, it can make things worse." Her mind wandered to Brownspot, who isolated herself in her grief, causing her more pain than the healing she so desperately needed.

"...But, what I say is just my advice. It's your choice whether or not you act on it, or just ignore it in it's entirety," They smiled softly. "And, if you ever need someone, don't be afraid to rely on me, 'cause I'm always here to help my clanmates! Let's keep going for now, alright?" Chestnutsplash giggled, knowing that they weren't the one in charge of this situation.


.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
———————— ————————
HE GLANCED AT THE SMALLER FELINE WITH FURROWED BROWS lips curling into a quiet tsk. They didn’t know any better, not since Youkai damn well refused to give out anything before he joined. He didn’t want to be alone, not always, but the fact he deserved it outweighed his needs. He’d die alone. He wasn’t here to make friends. He learned his lesson the last time he tried. Hell! He wasn’t even sure if half of them survived—Don’t go there, damnit.

Youkai blinked sluggishly, copper-molten hues flickering to stare at the other, optics narrowed. He wondered what it was like being this giddy all the time. Tiring. No doubt about that. He’d often find himself napping after socializing, far too drained to even think about doing anything else, but even then sleep was rare. He sighed, ears flickering in annoyance. “Noted.” He rumbled. There was some truth to what the other said, but it still didn’t change his mind. He liked solitude, it sure as hell made things a lot easier. No attachments. No getting hurt. He’d get used to it. He always did. “...Thanks.” He muttered.

The obsidian-hued male watched the other rose an eyebrow, offering a simple shake of his helm, amusement flickering within his hues. Weird cat. He mused. He met weirder, but they were definitely weird. “Alright.” The tip of his tail flickered, inching ahead to steer them closer to where he’d originally intended to go. It was further away from camp, closer to the RiverClan border, but it was peaceful, especially being lulled to the roar of the river.

The male mulled over his choices, optics narrowing in thought. He rumbled, voice vibrating deep within his chest, staring at the other with a tilt of his helm. “If you need to get … away, I’m here. I sure as hell won’t judge you.” His darkened lips tilted into a half-hearted smirk while jerking his head to the hallowed-out tree he’d gradually made into a makeshift nest.

thoughts speech
"It's not a problem," she meowed, opting to stay silent for the rest of their walk, taking in the sights and quietness for once. Normally, on patrols, she didn't take the time to look at the sights, instead focusing only on her duties or any chats with fellow patrol members.

'Huh,' she wondered to herself 'I guess I don't have much to say anymore, or... maybe because he prefers the quiet and solitude, I'm adapting to suit his tastes.'

Upon arrival at the makeshift den Duskpool had created for himself, Chestnutsplash took it in. It was pretty comfortable looking, but it was lonely, far enough away from camp that, should anything happen, he'd be all on his lonesome to deal with it. Plus, if he was needed for something early in the morning, he could get chewed out if he wasn't there in time. They didn't want that for him, but... they also didn't want to act like a nagging queen towards her kits when they did something mouse-brained.

Instead, they simply replied to his offer of a sanctuary. Sometimes, it was too much for them, trying day and night to make sure everyone else was happy, everyone else was content with things. Sometimes, they wondered if it was okay for they to force themselves to go on with a constant smile on the days where they weren't feeling all that good about things, just for the sake of others. Still unsure whether or not they would take him up on the offer, they simply smiled softly. "I'll keep in mind."

In a way, it was nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of camp, but she loved hanging out with her friends, helping out the younger cats, and brightening the days of others, but sometimes the pressure she put on her shoulders was too much. It was a lot of work, and she wasn't the biggest fan of work in the first place. With a sigh, she decided to take up the offer at that moment, just to think.

Settling down, they spoke softly, more peacefully than their previous energy-filled whirlwind of thoughts. "I'll stay here for a while, just to think, but let me know if you want me to leave."
