Jun 7, 2022

Tensions are running high, with two groups both clamoring for control over the great lands that they live in. While Plover is far too naïve to truly understand what is going on between the adults, why they can’t just talk things out and be on their ways, they understand that the other group of cats are a danger. Plover has no extreme loyalty to Briar or this group, but they have been in the group since their first moon of life. This is home to them, even if they don’t like all of the others in the group.

Speaking of others in the group, Plover is distracted by the painful glare of the sun in their eyes and doesn’t notice their path has veered from its original direction, until they nearly slam their face into someone else’s body. Clambering a few quick steps backward, the child’s pale blue gaze trails upward—and widen. A cat with fur somewhat similar to their own stands there, and they’ve just rudely bumped into her. With an expression of remorse, Plover lowers their head to the older cat. "I am very sorry," they begin, "I should have been paying attention to my surroundings." The smoky blue feline sighs, tail flicking anxiously.

Admittedly, Salamander hadn't been paying close attention to her surroundings either. Which was odd given the molly's usual nature. Thankfully, her ever-composed expression didn't waver. She did not want to give others any more room to question her loyalty than they already did.

"Accidents happen," she assured, taking note of the young cat's anxiously twitching tail. Wait- Why were they out of camp? Plover was practically a kitten. Dangers lurked in the shadows of the swamp, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike down any not prepared.

On top of that, the line between mental and physical tension was faltering. It was unlikely that the Pine Group would make the first move but you know what they say about those who assume. "Are you accompanied by someone? You're awfully far from the camp." Well, too far for the older cat's liking.​