sunshine rays ;; deersong


Sep 7, 2022


It was always easy to pretend that she was well and fine around her kits; she'd become quite talented at it, honestly. Though, as the nights grew cold and her lungs suffered the consequences, she found that it grew hard to breathe as the days passed. Her sickness had spread so quickly then, leaving her muscles weak and body scrawny beneath the rippling golden pelt. It was an unfortunate thing, and she was growing scared, but she would pull through.

The sound of leaves rustling catches the resting queen's attention, the molly having moved to the elder's den to sleep for now on. She had done her part in this world, brought two beautiful kits in and kept them safe. Now it was her time to watch them grow up, and hope she lived long enough to see them become warriors. She spots the pretty coat of Deersong, and a gentle smile graces her tired features. She coughs into the moss given to her, before she slowly attempts to shakily rise to her paws to greet the Lead Warrior.

"Deersong, it's a pleasure.. How are you faring? I see your mate takes good care of my little brother."
𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒

A soft smile of content would be upon the cream and mocha molly's face as she made her way towards the elders' den with a fresh bundle of moss and other soft things. With the weather getting colder and the air biting back harsher than usual, she had heard some elders coughing and complaining of aching bones and hoped that her bundle would make a difference, though small.

Her smile would only warm as she met the gaze of Leopardcloud and she quickened her steps as she saw the sickly molly attempting to stand. Dropping the bundle near the nest, the lead warrior cooed in her usual airy and soft tone, "No need to get up just for me, pretty kitty. You need your rest." At the praise towards her mates mentoring abilities, the she-cat could not help but beam with pride and love for the spikey-furred tom.

"Yea, he sure is stellar, isn't he? He won't say it out loud of course, but he adores that brave little tom cat so your little brother is in great paws." She would smile and begin her work on Leopardclouds' nest first, touching it to make sure the moss was still soft and springy, "And if he's too hard on him, I'll scuff his ear myself." A purr of laughter would float from her chest as she looked back up at her clanmate, "And how have you been feeling? Any better?"


The kind Lead Warrior refuses to let her stand, and the molly slowly lets herself slide back down in response. It was never easy to admit that she was ill, weak- but the Elders had told her that being in this den meant that she would be well-respected. She'd served her time as a Warrior, after all- even if it was a bit shorter than the elder's themselves. She beams at her compliment towards Thistleback, and Leopardcloud grins up at her. "My, he's got you star-struck, doesn't he?" She teased the molly, leaning forward to bump her head against the molly's own in affectionate welcome. As she sets to work to fixing her nest, Leopardcloud takes the few moments of Deersong talking about how Thistleback feels about Coyotepaw to clear her throat and cough. Blood dripped from her chin, though she's quick to wipe it away.

"He's going to be a big tom. Did you see how massive his paws are getting, Deersong?" Leopardcloud remarks with a chuckle, reminded suddenly of how big Coyotepaw's father was. He was quite massive in size, even as an apprentice- perhaps Coyotepaw would take after that fact. She sure hoped so, would make for a more intimidating figure for her son. Less people would dare fight him, she'd think. "He's got to learn the life of a SkyClan warrior. Sometimes that means getting a bit down and dirty to learn correctly." She meows softly, thinking back to how they were trained in WindClan. Claws out, and injuries were far more frequent. It wasn't a surprise if someone was severely hurt during a training; emotions ran high, after all.

Deersong asks how she is faring, if she is getting better- Leopardcloud gives her a pitying look before she rolls onto her side. "Give me your paw." Leopard meows softly, and when she does, she puts the mocha-colored lady's paw on her side, just beneath her elbow. There, a rather thick lump beneath the skin could be felt, followed by small little lumps around it. Were it not for her fur, one would barely notice it. "They keep getting bigger. I've seen this before, in my mother. She died the same way I'm dying. Young, and sick." She meows softly, letting the molly's paw go in favor of placing it on Deersong's cheek. "Dawnglare gives me what he can to make my breathing and mobility easier, but I can feel it in my bones. I won't live through leaf-bare." She remarks, plainly, as if she's already accepted it. She has, truthfully. "Can I ask you a favor, Deersong?" She then asks, serious.
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𝐵𝓊𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌, 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓇𝑒

A purr would erupt from Deersong at Leopardclouds tease and it only grew in volume as she was affectionately headbutted by her friend. As the molly finished up weaving a few flowers into the molly's nest she would nod along to her remarks about coyotepaw's paw size and she smiled softly, "I don't think we have to worry about him adapting, little thing faced off a dog before he was even out of the nursery. He's already made Skyclan plenty proud."

Deersong blinks slowly as Leopardcloud answers her inquires by moving to lay on her side and asking for her paw, which Deer of course gives. The feel of the bump stirs a memory, one of her mother showing her a bump similar to Leopards, and Deersong would blink sadly as Leopard explained her reality. Her ears flatten, and her chest tightens at the idea of this sickness taking away yet another cat she loved dearly.

The serious tone of the sick molly would snap Deersong out of her head and she looks up to meet gold with aqua, "Of course, pretty kitty. If it's within my skills to do, you can ask me anything."