no angst sunshiney day | splashin about

It was a rare day in ShadowClan when the sun hit the marsh just right and their groggy, muddy homeland was bathed in liquid gold - the water of the inlaid ponds of the territory reflecting warm sun-rays against the cordgrass and reeds. It was on these rare days that cats like Needledrift felt so pleased that they stayed in the marsh when others took off, running for the hills in search of open skies or towards the oak forest for drier land.

Nope, Needledrift liked it right here, wading lazily in a sun-warmed pool as little minnows nibbled between her toes. What a good day. @ROOSTERSTRUT
she smells like lemongrass and sleep
❪ TAGS ❫ — The marshes were naturally unsuitable for a cat like Roosterstrut. The mud caked onto his long strands of fur, making his grooming sessions extra strenuous. The shadows that the clan famously took cover in only made his bright orange fur stick out like a sore toe. However, ShadowClan was his home. He wouldn't trade it for anything; he had grown up splashing in the pools and chasing after frogs. His long pelt was only something that Roosterstrut had learned to adapt to; sometimes it became bothersome but overall he was used to dealing with it.

Speaking of splashing in pools, Roosterstrut had launched himself into the water and had sent droplets flying in every direction. The tabby tom's fur began to separate and float about like it was weightless, and he slowly sunk down so that his shoulders were below the surface. "Ahhhh..." The warrior sighed. The warmth of newleaf had never been more welcomed.

Out of the corner of his eye, he notices a figure situated by the water's edge. Realizing that he may have splashed the older warrior, Roosterstrut chirped, "Oop, sorry Needledrift, didn't see ya' there." He was sure that she would be understanding; she had never been one of the more ill-tempered types that typically populated the ranks. "You should come in, the water's fine." Surely Roosterstrut couldn't be the only cat around here who appreciated a good splashing now and again? The mud and water that would cling to his pelt was only a minor inconvenience compared to the joy that wading around in the pools would bring.

Smogmaw, too, found peace in the grimy comforts of his clan's territory. With the exception of its overabundance of mosquitos, Greenleaf's humidity, viscous muck that clung onto passing paws, and the ever-present scent of death, ShadowClan's swamp was nigh on flawless, and the deputy held no desire to waste his days anywhere else. There's an admirable quality about such a distasteful environment, and perhaps a strange sense of security as well. The odour of stagnant pools seems to ward off any unwanted intruders (save for Pitchstar's assailant, of course), and knowing this - the isolation intrinsically provided by the territory - puts Smogmaw at ease.

He wouldn't dare to wade in any of the marsh's pools, however. Already, the tom has to deal with redundant remarks about his scent, remarks that, if truth be told, held a disputable amount of validity. Surely, if he reeked as foul as they claim, he wouldn't have the honour of sharing a den with Halfshade. Regardless, he also steers clear of the water bodies for the fact that he isn't a RiverClan cat—he couldn't swim to save his hide, and the last thing anybody needs to see is his sorry, waterlogged corpse being hauled through the centre of camp!

Clenched in his jaws is a toad that made his tongue tingle. It soon drops to the ground when he glimpses a curious sight just off the beaten path.
"What's all this then?" he'd expel, a trivial tone betraying his mostly-vacant gaze. Roosterstrut bobs up and down in a pond, whereas Needledrift lingers near the perimetre; both of them exposing themselves to whatever nasty parasites lived beneath the surface. Hyeck. "That's a good leech impression, Roosterstrut," he adds. The ginger-furred warrior took on the role like a natural. His whiskers twitch in negligible amusement to see Needledrift so content. Simple pleasures, he supposes.


Starlingheart, like Smogmaw, also tends to stray away from pools of water. She didn't particularly care for getting wet, worked really hard to keep herself clean, presentable. She had to. A dirty medicine cat was not a good medicine cat, in her opinion. Dirty wounds got infected faster, it was common knowledge. She is content to watch Roosterstrut and Needledrift from the sidelines. The red tom seems to be enjoying his dip, Needledrift too. Starlingheart cannot imagine enjoying such a thing. When Roosterstrut offers up an invitation for the stander-bys to join him it takes everything in her not to wrinkle her nose in disgust. "I-I'll take your - take your word f-for-for it" she says, making no move to depart from Smogmaw's side. In fact she moves closer, if any mud were to come their way she would easily be able to duck behind him, using the gray deputy as a shield to protect herself from any slimy projectiles.

  • Angry
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When she was a young kit, Dewfrost had once gone swimming with her parents. Well, it wasn't really swimming per se. Cold Wind and Thistlefang had encouraged her to stand in the water with them, urging her not to be afraid, only for a young Dewfrost to run away when a fish swam past her leg. She had tried again after that encounter but had never been one for swimming properly as the RiverClan cats were.

Dewfrost wouldn't dare swim in the marshy pools of their homeland, but she watches with an amused expression as Needlethrift and Roosterstrut do. "I think I'll stay out of the water too," Dewfrost hummed in amusement. Like Smogmaw and Starlingheart she stayed on the sidelines, more than happy to watch her clanmates. "It all looks very pretty though with the sunlight. Almost makes you forget where you are for a moment..." She says in a wistful tone.

"woah-oh-ho! look at that, mini me! there is an entire little clan of 'em down there!"

the suddenly rambunctious voice comes from the warrior who stared at the water, squinting at the fish that she could see through the puddle, where needledrift waded, along with roosterstrut. i know! curiouser and curiouser! we should join them! yes... yes! that would make it all better, mhm! the inner voice agrees and they only laugh. she twitched her whiskers, taking a few steps back before skipping ahead to join them in the water. they weren't a good swimmer like they're sure they're brother had become, but they could certainly enjoy the coolness that came with the swamps own personal pools.

"see, they don't appreciate the small thingssss in life! not that anyone we knew ever did, mhm. oh, look! a rock!"

she ducked under the water, grabbing the rock she saw at the bottom of the pool before climbing out, shaking mud and water alike from her pelt, with a stupidly mousebrained grin on her face.

they're gonna be sooooooo jealous of us and our new friend! the rock. they had been referring to the rock which if you asked her... it might have spoken to her which is far from the truth. they just have lost their marbles... somewhere along the way.