super duper! - lichenpaw


it's killing me
Feb 20, 2023
Cherrypaw and Patchpaw were gone, empty nests cold and already being taken apart to be thrown out, to make room for new apprentices. Chickadeepaw knew that soon her younger siblings would take their place, but it still didn't sit right in her heart to their spots vacant. Cherrypaw especially, whom Chickadeepaw assumed would get their warrior name any day now for their fearlessness. She was mulling on it a lot more than she should've - the adults had already written off Spotflare's family as deserters but to Chickadeepaw, with a child's naive view on the world, a friend had just left her for no particular reason and it made her little heart ache.

"They just.... didn't say goodbye!" She sniffled into Lichenpaw's fur. She had kidnapped him a bit earlier in the evening for dinner and dinner turned into talking and talking turned into Chickadee tears, confused little Chickadee tears as she processed the last week's events. "It's just so unfair! Why didn't I get a goodbye? You'd say bye if you left ThunderClan, right?" @LICHENPAW
————— ❁ —————
Lichenpaw had not minded at all when Chickadeepaw had roped them into sharing freshkill with her; even as he had withdrawn from the rest of the Clan, Chickadeepaw's unabashed enthusiasm always drew a smile to his face. It hurt, now, to see her so wounded. First her brother in the medicine den (they'll ensure he makes it out okay, now that they are able to), and now her friends gone from the Clan.

A whole family, disappeared without trace or warning. It would bother Lichenpaw more if he hadn't accepted the inevitability of abandonment moons ago, if he hadn't been forced to rely on only himself at such a young age. At least they took their family with them. If he and Basilpaw left, they'd certainly do the same, but...

"You'd say bye if you left ThunderClan, right?" It gives him pause. He'd considered it, before, after the fight with Sunnyday. He wouldn't have said anything to anyone, then. Would he now? He's not really sure. He waits a bit too long in answering her question. "Yeah," he says flatly, clears his throat a lit. "Yeah, of — of course I would, I'd tell you, I'd say goodbye." He's not really sure if he's lying or not. He hopes not. He thinks it'd hurt him just the same, if he didn't get to say goodbye.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 11 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png
If there was anything suspicious lacing Lichenpaw's answer, it went right over the fluffier apprentice's head. Of coure Lichenpaw wouldn't leave without saying goodbye; Lichenpaw wouldn't ever leave ThunderClan! He was going to be ThunderClan's new medicine cat once Berryheart retired or did whatever medicine cats do once they were done training their new apprentice. Did he just go back to being a warrior? Was Berryheart any good at being a warrior? Chickadeepaw had little frame of reference for what the clan cats had done before her birth - all she knew was that Berryheart was the guy who knew how to turn plants into something that could heal wounds and make her brother feel better.

"Well, good, because I would tell you goodbye too. Even though that would imply that I would ever lead ThunderClan... I wouldn't though! My mama is here and my family is here and I'm getting trained so good, I'm gonna be even tougher than Wolfwind when Whitelion is done with me!"