camp supermarket flowers / gathering talk



The Gathering had been eventful, from what Tiggerbounce had been told. The mutterings of a cure had reached his rounded ears, a welcome bit of news in the wake of the oncoming plague. Tallulahwing's death still weighed heavy on his mind; she had left a gouge in the heart of SkyClan, no doubt her Twolegs suffered the same. She had a family back home in the Twolegplace and friends here. Figfeather still grieved the loss of her former mentor - at first a wailing sort of grief, and then something colder. Quieter. Tiggerbounce couldn't quite imagine the depth of emotion that she was going through. Tallulahwing had been as close to her as family, no doubt, something she could never replace.

It is with this in mind that Tiggerbounce poses another question the group of Gathering gossipers: "Has anyone heard from my mother? Or seen her? I'm sure she's fine, but she's a bit older now so I can't help but worry." He pauses, analyzing the looks on his companion's faces before clarifying. "She's a ShadowClan warrior, sparse calico, face like mine. Her name is Stumpyspots."