SUPERNOVA — impromptu meeting 4.7.23

// this is retro to Slate being taken!! sorry, i would've gotten this up sooner but this week has been hell week for me lol

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!" Blazestar's call still has a note of panic embedded within. His paws tremble upon the branch he clings to, remembering the piercing yowls of his warriors as they were snatched away. The shining silver mesh their faces had peered through before they'd vanished completely gleams across his thoughts.

He knows the cats who had not been on the patrol would be alarmed, confused, but Blazestar does not feel they have time to waste. Once enough cats have gathered, he will begin. "SkyClan, we know about Ashenclaw and... Howlpaw." He loses himself for a moment, but he cannot let himself slip now. He struggles to continue, his voice hoarse: "During a patrol, we saw what's taking our warriors. Twolegs! Twolegs are picking us off one by one, trapping us in dens and taking us away. We don't know where to, or what they're doing with us, but..." He says, flatly, defeated, "Quillstrike and Twitchbolt were just taken."

He looks around for his son, blue eyes heavy with the weight of all they must carry. "Fireflypaw received a prophecy from StarClan that may have been warning us about this... tell them, Fireflypaw." He brings his tail closer to his body, waiting for the medicine cat apprentice to speak.

// @Fireflypaw but no need to wait!

The call of his father brings him out of the medicine den quickly, the panicked sound of his voice making anxiety swell beneath his gut. He announces the lost cats, then calls him forward to announce the prophecy. He marches to the front of the line, sitting beneath his father's spot- head held high. He'd find his sister, no matter what. He'd find his friends, and he'd find Ashenclaw. All of them would return home soon enough, he knew it.

"You must not waver when boughs are plucked from the pine." He began, tail lashing behind him as he rises to his paws once more. "Haku, a StarClan cat that died in the Great Battle, told me of this prophecy. Warned me of the times to come. The time has come now." He meows, smiling ever so softly to his clanmates. While his father panicked, Fireflypaw remained calm for once- determination steeled his nerves in moments like these. However, his awkwardness of being in front of so many cats.. Oof.

"..But we have a plan. Don't we, dad?" He asks, looking upwards to his father with a fond smile despite eyes shut so tight.
  • Sad
Reactions: Marquette

The booming call that carried through the clearing was enough to make Sparrow jolt, head raising sharply with ears swiveling and wide eyes staring. One by one cats began to file over, emerging from dens and abandoning activities to heed the call.

"What's...?" they began uncertainly, question left unfinished and gathering themself to their paws to join them. Atop what was dubbed the Highbranch stood a massive golden feline. Blazestar, if they recalled correctly. The tom that was the sole ruler of all of SkyClan.

Only after a significant portion of the Clan gathered did he begin to speak again. Sparrow hadn't realized they'd been holding their breath, but it quickly hitched again at the mention of Twolegs, picking them off one by one. The tabby swallowed hard, ears pinning to their skull and trembling tail coiling itself around their paws.

The idea that even here the Twolegs could find them, despite their best attempt to get away, terrified them. What were they supposed to do?

A different voice, quickly growing familiar, spoke out. Sparrow slowly raised their eyes. The roar of blood in their ears was drowning out the words of Fireflypaw, and it wasn't long before their teary gaze fell back to their paws.


Orangeblossom accompanies Blazestar back to camp, a troubled expression on her face. She sweeps through the clearing to take her usual place beneath Highbranch, tail thudding against the earth with agitation even as it curls around her paws. They'd potentially discovered the cause of their missing Clanmates, but what could they even do about it? Twolegs were a beast unto themselves, far less predictable than any fox or dog. She doesn't speak yet, a silent sunkissed shadow among the roots as she waits for Blazestar's inevitable deflection of responsibility.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
  • Love
Reactions: wolfie
Lingering at the back of a meeting like a shadow, the male's figure was pressed against the corners of one of the dens, his head down and his eyes shifting between gawking at the earth and staring at their leader. Last sunhigh, he'd dreamt of the corpses of his clanmate and it'd caused him to awake with a start, feeling as if he'd swallowed a pile of ash. Now that the truth had been laid bare, Silversmoke wasn't sure if the truth was any kinder than those torturous few minutes. Any twoleg cruel enough to separate family would be cruel enough to treat the SkyClanners as expendables, he found himself wondering, as Blazestar spoke if death was a kinder outcome than being forced to suffer. Would they have preferred to have been killed by a dog or a WindClanner? Or, were they hopeful still that they could free themselves as countless before they had done? Silversmoke finds himself lost on how to help them with the latter. There were places lost cats were taken to and they never came out the same, their necks adorned with collars and the smell of the wilderness gone from them forever. StarClan, he felt nauseous.

"Is it possible for them to find our camp?" He queried, asking not to instill panic in the masses but to assess if Blazestar was ready to move if it came down to it. His fur was in a permanent hedgelog-like state, the worst of his fears kept so deep that only his scent could've given him away. "Our daylight warriors move freely between the twoleg world and ours. Say one of them is careless and doesn't realise their owners are following them, curious to where their sweet little kittens are going... we're all doomed then." Daylight warriors: the unreliable philanthropists who still felt themselves important enough to eat SkyClan prey despite their heaps of kibble at home. He knew his ire should've been more directed to the humans, but when he began to speak, it was hard to stop. Silversmoke prowled forwards from his post, refusing to catch the eye of any collar-wearing cats within the camp. "We need the numbers, but we don't need even more twolegs traipsing about looking for their lost cats. I suggest we make sure our daylight warriors keep their paws in one world and stay there until this farce is all over."

The entire ordeal made Sweetybee nervous. There was only one twoleg she liked, and that was hers. He was different. A little weird, yes... He threw a piece of cheese at her face and thought it was the funniest thing. She didn't get it....But she DID get the cheese, so.

But to hear that twolegs were encroaching on their forest and stealing their clanmates.... It filled her with dread. They'll come back, they have to come back. She'd only been here a moon and a half, had only just gotten comfortable with living in a group as big as this. And now they were being taken from her..... She wanted to cry, almost.

She repeats the prophecy in her head. Do not waver. Stay strong, stay hopeful....

And then Silversmoke started talking. At first, she wondered the same thing. could they find their camp? The thought frightened her. They couldn't. They just couldn't, that would be a disaster. But then he keeps talking.....

Of course, another one of these wild cats that think they're superior. Her inner voice was alight with fire. Just say you want us gone, jackass.

She maintained her composure, for now.

"If you want us gone, just say so.....Besides. We need each other now more than ever...." She said, softly but still loud enough to be heard. She kneaded her paws on the ground nervously. Would he snap at her? She wore a bow on her neck, clearly a kittypet. She hoped he didn't. She might cry. Or snap back. She wasn't sure at this moment.

❪ TAGS ❫ — It seemed that peace only tended to last in the clans for so long. Right after recovering from a frigid leafbare, there was a heaping pile of political drama or danger targeting the wellbeing of the forest cats. Clan life was exhausting; there wasn't ever a break from anything! It was more frantic than life on the streets at this point.

Blazestar's call for a clan meeting was not unexpected; in fact, most cats had been looking for the leader to address everything after what had become of Quillstrike and Twitchbolt. From what Slate hears, it was obvious enough what was happening — the humans were getting greedy and far too bold; there was no reasoning with them. They took land and animals alike. What could they possibly do? They were powerless against those bipedal beasts.

He listened halfheartedly as Fireflypaw relayed StarClan's "message", his belief in the supposed warrior ancestors still shaky at best. Had they really predicted the future or had they just taken some sort of lucky guess? How and why were these StarClanners granted soothsaying abilities? It was one of the mysteries of the world, it seemed, one that Slate didn't have the capacity to fully understand.

Mysterious-dead-cat-message or not, this was their reality and it was up to them to take action. The Maine Coon couldn't truly say that he was loyal to SkyClan, but there were cats that he cared about here (two, at most). What if they were to be taken next? What if he was next? Slate was certainly going to let his voice be heard; his opinion was a valuable one, with him being street-savvy and knowledgable about the world outside of the clans and whatnot. "If you're taking this as a personal attack against you kittypet warriors then you're missing the damn point. If you actually care about this clan then you'd listen to what he's saying." The ex-rogue argued, sparing a pointed look in the bow-wearing kittypet's direction. It was tpical of those soft-pawed house cats to play the victim and act like the entire world was against them when all they were doing was inconveniencing everybody else.

It might have come as a surprise for Slate to agree with whatever Silversmoke said, considering that they were far from being on friendly terms at the moment. However, they shared a pretty similar set of prejudices concerning the house pets. "They're getting bold. It'll only take one nosy twoleg following someone back to camp to put us all in danger. That's not an opinion, it's a fact." Slate stated, words rolling off of his tongue like frigid drops off of an icicle.

So what was it gonna be? Would these daylight warriors choose the clan or their masters? In Slate's opinion, they should pick a side and stick to it. Slate left his old life behind to live in the forest. Many others did the same. How was prancing about in the pines during the day and retreating to the warmth and comfort of a bowl of kibble and a cozy bed fair to everybody else?
TAGS — Cloverjaw approaches the great tree with a deep frown set into his muzzle. The recent disappearances (and the... excitement that followed them) weigh heavily on the tom's mind. Who would be next? Would they ever see them again? He doesn't want to think about it; doesn't want to acknowledge the possibility that it could be someone very close to him. All of SkyClan is close to him, of course, but... his gaze lingers on Slate for a beat before flicking to Fireflypaw. The prophecy is short. It's so short, and it's so... grim. They must not waver? It seems like a tall order. Cloverjaw's gaze turns to the sky, wondering if StarClan is looking down on them now, shaking their heads with disapproval. Is it their will that more cats be stolen from SkyClan's lands?

The silver tabby sighs, feeling grim, waiting for Blazestar to speak again-- but the voice that next sounds is not the leader's. Instead Silversmoke speaks up, posing a scenario that make Cloverjaw's ears twitch. It's not implausible, but that's what he doesn't like about it; weaponizing a daylight warrior's very existence to oust them from SkyClan. The daylight warriors aren't bad cats. This he firmly believes, a former kittypet himself (and not entirely former by choice); though they may be confused in their identity, their existence in SkyClan isn't a bad thing, either. Plenty of them can hunt and fight for themselves; for the full-blooded warriors they stand with. They can be careful! They haven't led the twolegs to them so far. Have they?

Slate chimes in with his agreement, speaking out against Sweetybee. Cloverjaw fights not to take it personally. He's not a kittypet anymore, after all-- he's a warrior in his own right. But his morphing expression tells a slightly different story than his heart would like to; his brows furrow vaguely over his amber eyes, not eager to sit idly by while the two warriors disparage the names of their own clanmates. "I'd like to hear Blazestar's plan," he murmurs, flicking tail curling around his paws so that it might still. He isn't keen on joining this chorus one way or another, but he doubts he'd be able to hold his tongue if more of these attitudes prevailed.​
Angry at all the things I can't change
Blazestar's call summoned the flaxen spotted tabby, mint colored eyes glancing up at the tom balancing upon high branch. Quietly he sits, listening as news of a prophecy is brought forth from the jaws of Fireflypaw. Starclan's words were rather cryptic and had several cats not disappeared he wondered if the clan ever would have guessed what the saying meant. Regardless, it made sense now, more than ever to not let their unity waver. If they all fell apart now it would only add more fuel to the fire. His jaws remain sewn shut as propositions are made and some feelings are hurt. Coyote's eyes dart slowly back and forth between each speaking cat before eventually panning back up to the large ragdoll. Surely he had a plan, right?
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
) "Shit..." Bearheart was honestly more than a little mortified over the revelation that it was twolegs taking their fellow clanmates. How many more would end up being snatched away from their ranks? Would they ever get to see the missing cats ever again? In fact, where were they being taken? "I wonder if they're being taken to where I got poked with the sharp shiny sticks." Most animals ended up there at some point.

Though he was curious about Blazestar's plan.
Fireflypaw speaks to the Clan, reciting the prophecy Haku had come from StarClan to deliver. Blazestar's paw pads prickle as his son looks his direction and announces that he has a plan. He eyes his kit almost miserably. If only I did. He shifts his eyes away, back to the cats who begin to react to the news and the prophecy.

Blazestar can see the shock and fear in some of their expressions. Sparrow, the young cat who'd recently fled from Twolegplace, practically cowers at the news; Bearheart, also a victim of Twoleg brutality, looks decidedly forlorn. Coyotepaw mills about in the crowd, and the Ragdoll makes a point to meet the young tom's pale green eyes before adverting his gaze to Silversmoke's.

"Is it possible for them to find our camp?" The question fills the flame point with a rush of dread. Their camp is nestled among brambles and ferns in a deep hollow, but he could easily see a careless Twoleg stumbling across their sanctuary. The thought causes his pelt to bristle. "I'd say at this point, nothing is impossible," he replies warily. Silversmoke goes on to suggest the daylight warriors return to the Twolegplace and stay there until the Twolegs leave the forest.

Blazestar stares at his lead warrior, his shoulders slumping. He can't deny there's some logic in his suggestion, but his heart resists the idea immediately. Sweetybee remarks they should all stay together, and the SkyClan leader looks her way thoughtfully; he's more inclined to agree with her. "You must not waver."

Slate, surprisingly, speaks up, agreeing with Silversmoke that the daylight warriors should stay away from their camp. Blazestar shifts uncomfortably on the Highbranch, his tail beginning to twitch. Cloverjaw, Slate's littermate, calls that he would like to hear Blazestar's plan.

The Ragdoll's eyes travel to meet Orangeblossom's; his deputy is at her perch below the Highbranch, looking exhausted, irritable. He has pushed his responsibilities on her before, and he can see in the set of her jaw and shoulders that she's preparing for him to do so again. Blazestar can't deny the temptation is there. Instead, he only lets their gazes meld, sapphire and earth, before turning to address their Clan again.

"We have no concrete plan at this time." He sighs and attempts to straighten his posture. His Clan needs him to at least present himself with the illusion of strength. His daughter is lost, possibly dead, but his Clanmates are hurting, too, and they are looking to him now. He licks his lips, attempting to clear the taste of dread from his mouth, before speaking again. "There is logic in Silversmoke and Slate's argument. I won't deny that. But," he says, swinging his head to look at the daylight warriors scattered throughout the crowd, "I know our daylight warriors and apprentices are just as much a part of SkyClan as our full-time warriors, and with their knowledge of Twolegplace, we may need them now more than ever."

He clears his throat, eyes dark as he ponders. "Those of us who have been within the Twolegplace before know how massive and complicated it is. If our cats have already been taken from this forest, it is not likely we will be able to find them without some kind of inside knowledge." He looks Slate squarely in the eye now. "And at this point, we should be asking loners and rogues around the Twolegplace border, too. Even those of us who used to be kittypets are too far removed from that world now to know where our Clanmates could be... we'll need help if we want to find them."

He pauses. "We must be careful. No cat must go out alone any longer. Daylight warriors, you too must travel in pairs. If you choose to stay in Twolegplace, I will not hold it against you, but it is not my order." He flicks an ear, waiting to hear from the Clan. Blazestar is not presenting himself as someone with all the answers -- it is clear the floor is open, so to speak.

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There is panic in Blazestar's voice as he calls the meeting, and it grips into Termitepaw like a vice. She slinks to the meeting with paws moving as though mud-stuck, wide eyes fearful and ears perked in anticipation of bad news. It can't be anything good, if it has their leader (Howlpaw's father) frightened. It seems there's been nothing but tragedy lately, and Termitepaw comes to the impromptu meeting expecting nothing less. Any speck of hope she had was crushed by Ashenclaw's disappearance.

She looks to Blazestar now and waits for news -- more disappearances, most likely. Or perhaps -- though it pains her to think -- they've found the missing cats, and something horrible has happened to them. There is a hollow pit in Termitepaw's stomach. She listens dutifully to her leader's words.

Twolegs, he says, are the cause of their missing warriors.


It's not what she was expecting, but it clarifies very little. They still don't know what the twolegs want with them... But it's a start, at least. It seems wrong, to her, used to daylight warriors with their friendly housefolk. That had been Ashenclaw, once. Apparently it wasn't enough to spare him from whatever fate the twolegs had sentenced him to.

There's more disappearances, of course. Termitepaw listens with a strange numbness as Blazestar lists off the names: Twitchbolt and Quillstrike, She tries to find comfort in Fireflypaw's words, in the prophecy: you must not waver. She's already failed, she thinks, already resigned herself to never seeing her friend or mentor again. But she will keep looking, even if it is hopeless. Maybe that's enough.

She tries to find comfort, too, in Blazestar's words, in his "plan", as Fireflypaw calls it, even as Blazestar rejects the term. It's not much different from what they've been doing, just with a more concrete lead. A repeat performance of the twolegplace patrol she'd went on after Howlpaw's disappearance, over and over until something comes up. And no one going out along -- as though that will do much. It didn't seem to work for Quillstrike and Twitchbolt. Just gives the twolegs two targets instead of one.

Well, it's not like Termitepaw has any better ideas. She looks to the others, waiting for someone else to speak. A more decisive plan, maybe, or just another search party for her to trail behind. She'll take either.


  • //
  • TERMITEPAW named for their dark and shiny fur.
    — she/her, they/them, or it/its. 10 moons.
    — skyclan apprentice, mentored by ashenclaw.
    — cowardly and superstitious, yet still kind.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • termitepaw.png
Thistleback’s paws smack the ground along camp, grey eyes piercing the bramble wall as he chants in his mind. It wasn’t easy to be a vengeful man, claws curled like half-moons ready to scissor into skin and take back what was stolen. He had felt this too often, first- his son Coyotepaw by the clutches of greedy Windclanners. Now, Quillstrike- in a cage of metal by furless hand. He didn’t have an emotional cue for loss, so all he could feel is seething hatred. Prickled pelt vibrating at the hackles, he looked like a thorn bush rattled by a rabbit.

Fireflypaw stands before them all, reciting the warning from Starclan. His jaws tighten, did they mean for them to carry on with so many warriors lost? To simply forget. Silversmoke makes his way forward, and speaks his mind. He draws a fair point, but it’s Slate’s voice rising to the aid of the lead warrior’s topic that drives the stakes of attention from Thistleback, he whips his chin up toward Blazestar now.

" their monsters can travel for several sunrises with hardly a moment’s rest " he growls out, breathing out as pain courses through his heart, as it rots in his gut and he swears he could count his ribs by the ache alone. The old boughs don’t return to trees, was Starclan’s message simply to accept doom? A pained breath shudders from his lungs and he forces it into a steady tone.

" We most definitely need our daylight warriors now more than ever. " he adds affirmatively, taking a stand next to Johnny. " As for Twolegs getting to camp. It’s imperative we use our trees. If the beasts were any good at tracking, they wouldn’t use their shiny den tricks. Returns to and from camp-… should be altered into something less predictable. Guards perhaps, put in place with proper strategy " he offers with a glance around camp. Expecting the beasts to swarm, trample dens, and scoop them up. Thistleback would scoop their freakish eyes from their furless skulls.

" We need to consider what to do- If one is too close to camp. " he’s reminded of how dangerous they were, that because of one morbid twolegged beast his ear looked like a rock was pelted through, by one of their thunderous boomsticks. They had horrid tricks, unforgiveable ones. Not all of them were bad, sure- but time as an alley stray made it clear of their capabilities for cruelty. The plan must be weaved by every Skyclan paw, he looks among his own clanmates. Eyes landing with expectancy toward the daylight warriors.

  • @Johnny

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png



Johnny didn't really need the recap since he'd been there when it all happened, but like a good soldier he came forward to listen anyways, eager to plan and go over what information they had. It really was a bittersweet thing to hear that it was humans that were doing this. On one hand, Johnny could now deduce that whatever was happening to the other cats wasn't resulting in death- at least not the immediate kind, which gave them a fighitng chance to get their clanmates back. The downside? Well, twolegs were quite capable, and their missing cats could be quite literally anywhere, not guarenteed to just be over in twoleg place waiting to be collected.

The conversation taking a turn toward Daylight Warriors was unexpected, though. Why would their twolegs suddenly start coming out into the woods to try and collect them? They never had before, and there was nothing that indicated that was going to change. Still, the prospect of having to choose made him uneasy. He couldn't stay in Skyclan away from his twolegs- but what was the alternative? Not going to Skyclan? Staying away for stars knew how long, hoping things worked out for them? No, no that wasn't any good either. Wasn't sustainable for him.

He was relieved for Blazestar and Thistlebacks words on their behalf, shifting just a hair closer to the piebald warrior at his side as if the proximity could reassure Johnny that no cat would be forcing him to leave- and maybe it could.

"I don't think we have to worry about anyones folks comin' to look for them out here- if our twolegs didn't want us wanderin' the outdoors then they wouldn't let us outside." Johnny added. It was be all to easy for their humans to just not let them outside the next time they went home, no point in following them all the way out here. "If it helps any, I don't think the twolegs are hurtin any of the cats they're takin. I've seen traps like those before in the twoleg gardens for catching rabbits and squirrels. The whole point of them is so that they can release what they catch later, unharmed. Otherwise, they'd just use poison or wires."

If Skyclan had found either of those in their territory, it would have been a completely different story, but the use of these traps - in Johnnys mind at least- meant that they humans were trying to preserve the cats, not kill them. Though what they were keeping them alive for he couldn't say.


.°☀ But every time I see you cry

The call of Blazestar is what drew her out from her little spot beside the apprentices' den. Bananapaw had been resting for the most part as she was diligently awaiting for her warrior assessment to come any day now. Being well rested was just as important as any sort of training! She looked up at the highbranch as Blazestar called to meeting, a warning, about twolegs in the area. This is what happened to Quillstrike? Twolegs took them? She blinked a bit as it didn't make sense, why would twolegs do that? They never cared about the cats in the city or anything like that, so why would the forest be any different from that?

Then there was the call for daylight warriors.

Bananapaw felt her fur bristle in response to Slates accusation- they had to choose? That wasn't fair! Her humans wouldn't come looking for her, she knew that, cause she was always home before night time. As long as she kept up coming back then they wouldn't worry about her! But what about her place here in Skyclan? She earned this place here. She was just as much of a wild cat as anyone else!

The small tawny and white cat bounded up on the other side of Johnny and gave a nod in agreement with the chimera cat, "Thistlebacks' right and so is Johnny, we're are just as much as warriors' as any wild-born cat too! We can use our knowledge of twolegs to figure out how to help get the others' out, right?" She spoke in agreement with the two toms and puffed out her chest to seem older.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png
Blazestar's eyes flit to Thistleback, barely-contained fury in a bristling black and white pelt. He nods slowly at his lead warrior, at his suggestion that utilizes their climbing skills to evade the Twolegs. "Thistleback is right. Take to the trees when you are outside camp. They can't catch us there."

His gaze sweeps the crowd, from quiet Termitepaw to Johnny and Bananapaw, daylight warriors who vouch for their Clanmates. Blazestar has no intention of casting half his Clan away when they are needed most; he gives both cats a nod, acknowledging Johnny's point about the Twolegs finding their camp with a flick of his tail.

"Right. Here's our plan... for now." His voice is weary. "No one leaves camp alone. Daylight warriors must travel in pairs or stay in the Twolegplace where they are safe. When we are out and about in the forest, we need to stick to the trees where we can." His eyes wander to Coyotepaw, mentorless, and Sparrow, untrained.

"We cannot spare guards any longer. Coyotepaw has endured his punishment gracefully, and he will take his old rank of SkyClan apprentice." He nods to the pale tom. "I will be your mentor."

He continues, "Sparrow, from this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Sparrowpaw." He looks at them thoughtfully before nodding to Auburnflame. "Auburnflame, you are ready for an apprentice. I hope you will pass all you know down to Sparrowpaw."

Blazestar shakes his pelt out, feeling stiff from sitting on the Highbranch for so long. "No apprentice should go untrained, not when we face danger in our forest. Remember what we've discussed today. Be vigilant. Be aware of your surroundings. Do not underestimate Twolegs." After a few heartbeats, he declares, "Meeting adjourned."


There was chatter all around them, heated and afraid and desperate, and Sparrow drew themself even smaller, eyes trained on their paws. Not a word was heard, not truly. Daylight warriors. Twolegs. Daylight warriors. Twolegs. Twolegs.

Did it not matter, then, if they were doomed anyway? Although their expression crinkled, they did their best not to cry.

The din around them quieted, and the voice calling from above took over. Hearing their name was enough to startle them into looking up, eyes wide and ears finally catching words seemingly directed to them specifically. Warrior- Sparrowpaw? Confusion bloomed within their chest, snuffing out the kindling panic. Auburnflame would be their mentor.

There was Fireflypaw, and Figpaw... but why did their name need to change? What was wrong with Sparrow? "But what's...?" they began meekly, their soft voice quickly drowned out by Blazestar moving on in his announcing. Their head swiveled to the crowd, many of which were staring in their direction. Dark ears tilted backward a few degrees. They weren't sure that they had met Auburnflame before, gaze searching fruitlessly.

From the throng of cats came a tortoiseshell, stopping only once they stood before the small tabby. Just as Sparrow lifted their chin to meet bright eyes, their head stooped down, nose touching lightly to theirs before pulling back, leaving them more confused than ever. "Are you... Auburnflame?" they asked tentatively.

// @Auburnflame




Figpaw’s tail twitches wearily, this was no good… and if their plan was to utilize the trees it did not cover Figpaw well. As the meeting is dismissed she gives a thoughtful lick to her shoulder, I’ll be fine. I’m smart, confidently she assures herself. The marmalade tabby vows she’ll keep a watchful eye out for any of the silvery traps. One thing that concerns her the most though is how she’ll get to Fanta…

Getting up onto her three paws, as she pads away she gives the newly named Sparrowpaw a look of encouragement and congratulations. They were talking with Auburnflame and Figpaw would not impose on the new pairings time to converse.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 11 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, distrusting, resentful
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy
╰ ‣ cats of windclan blood or those she deems morally inferior will be met with her ire

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Crushing on Fanta
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ good fighter . excellent hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
The meeting was tense, to say the least. The air lay thick around them—it's heaviness palpable as it wreathed around each individual. Auburnflame had been sitting amongst the crowd idly, his plumed crimson tail flicking against his own patched forelegs as he listened silently. There was talk of removing the Daylight Warrior's from none other than Silversmoke, earning the lead warrior a half narrowed gaze. Surprisingly, Slate had reluctantly agreed with him. They always shared a common ground about kittypets, at least. Auburnflame, however, didn't understand the animosity about Daylight Warrior's. He's met many friends through kittypet heritage, has seen them prove their worth. Perhaps it was because of his own heritage, his father chose the soft and comforting life. He was still around during his childhood within the pine Group, coming to meet his mother and siblings. He even helped aid in the Great Battle, literally giving his life in protection of his mother. In Auburnflame's eyes, he was more of a warrior than most.
He remains stationary though, eyes flitting back towards Blazestar and Fireflypaw. The prophetic words that left his muzzle were riddled and confusing, yet it starts to click within his mind. You must not waver when the boughs from the pine are plucked. He mulls it over as the meeting goes on, drifting in and out and nodding where he needed to nod until his name was called.
Auburnflame looks up to Blazestar expectantly, mint hues meeting cobalt as he names him as a mentor for the newly joined Sparrow. The tortoiseshell warrior dips his head in acceptance before finding the brown tabby kit among the crowd and approaching then with a soft smile upon his lips. He touches noses with Sparrow for a brief moment, a tradition passed down, a promise to show the young all that he knew. He steps away and meets the quizzical gaze of the newly named apprentice, their question met with a soft laugh. "That I am, Sparrow. I'll show you everythin' that I know, and you will be a great warrior of SkyClan when I'm done with 'ya." He murmurs, settling himself beside them. This was his first apprentice, and he'd be sure not squander it. "I'm sure you have loads of questions. Let's find another mentor and apprentice and we can venture into the territory, hm? Let you get a lay of the land we live on."