camp SUPERNOVA // news

When they return, Cottonsprig falls in step with Wolfsong. Normally after trips to the Highstones, she feels fatigued - however predictably tonight is different. She left camp a -paw with no discernible reason as to why that would change. And suddenly, once all of the medicine council was present, her mentor gifted her with a new moniker. He praised her compassion, her apt to duty, and raised her to stand alongside him for the foreseeable future and more. There's a pep in her step, so to say, and though she finds camp still groggy from a night of sleep under the stars, she does not itch to join them so soon.

Perhaps selfishly, Cottonsprig wants to share the news. She wants the whole Clan to know of her newfound accomplishment!

Cats stir for their morning patrols, and she spots Scorchstreak at the helm, dutifully handing out tasks to any warriors awake enough to take them. She must've been spotted by the mottled molly, for she tries to make a new herb patrol for Cottonpaw, and... "Actually, Scorchstreak," she pitches forward, a grand smile on her face. "It's Cottonsprig, now. I'm - a full medicine cat!" One that still must tend to her herbs and bring along warriors that ache to slip back into their nests... But a medicine cat nonetheless.

"That's all," she chirps, shifting her weight side-to-side for a moment, "Sorry for the interruption!"
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──ᨒ↟↟ᨒ↟ᨒ↟↟ᨒ── It is a proud moment for Wolfsong, for the newly-dubbed Cottonsprig, and all of WindClan. Their storied misfortune with medicine cats seems at its end, what with two full medicine cats now at the helm of healing, and though there is much that haunts them still, in this, WindClan can rest assured. She takes to it eagerly, too, and despite his fatigue of body and spirit, he is warm with pride and amusement, watching the extra little skip in her step on their journey home. She is clearly excited to share the news, and Wolfsong isn't afraid to admit that it stirs the same in his chest, wondering how the clan will react to such joyous news.

He has no doubt they will receive Cottonsprig with warm welcome and an enthusiasm of their own, though individual reactions will vary. They still grieve, after all, and Cottonsprig's aunt has just barely missed being here in person for her ascension, even if she was present in the stars.

"Indeed," he rasps amusedly, a glimmer in his eye as he watches her speak with Scorchstreak. "She has more than earned her place." Sunstar will be told, deep within the medicine den, where Wolfsong would keep him forever if such a thing were possible.

It occurs to him that if he were another cat, he might be jealous. Envious that Cottonsprig has earned what Sootstar simply thrust upon him unceremoniously— but Wolfsong does not envy her. He has always been a product of necessity, and he does not mind that. Cottonsprig deserves to be chosen, to have been chosen, and he could not be prouder.
  • ★★★☆☆ WOUNDS: You're (mostly) in safe paws. You'll know if he's less experienced if he asks for your permission to try a treatment. No wound can scare him away from knowledge.
    ★★★☆☆ INFECTION: He can prevent most infections. If you feel feverish, let him know; he'll hum thoughtfully over herbs and sniff your wound before saying, "With your blessing..."
  • ★☆☆☆☆ ACHES & PAINS: If you complain to him of pain, he'll ask where. If it's a headache, you'll likely feel a bit better. For anything else, "Try this, if you'd like, and tell me how you feel."
    ★☆☆☆☆ BROKEN BONES: At best. he can ask you to remain lying down in the den. He may try to distract you with conversation while he considers what herb to feed you.
  • ★★★★★ TRAVELING HERBS: Going somewhere? No worries; Wolfsong knows just what you need to stay hale and healthy during your journey. The rest is up to you.
    ★★★☆☆ KITTING: Thanks to Starlingheart and his own pregnancy, he's better prepared for the arrival of kits, but any complications will need a little faith and a lot of luck.
  • ★☆☆☆☆ POISONS: It's best if you avoid eating anything unfamiliar to you— it's probably just as unfamiliar to Wolfsong. The best he can do is offer you yarrow and sit with you.
    ★★☆☆☆ ILLNESS: If it's white or greencough, you'll likely recover. Otherwise, prepare for odd concoctions and the usual request that you consent to a little trial-and-error.
Brokenkit watched from the tall grasses as Scorchstreak called and pointed to her warriors for patrols. He would be sitting below her soon, waiting to see whatever star-forsaken border his mentor is to drag him to.

Cottonpaw piped up against the fire-streaked molly, however, a correction!

In her private nighttime gathering with the other medicine cats, she has earned her full name. Cottonsprig. Now she would join her siblings, Bluefrost, Moorblossom and Addervenom, in the title of a full... adult cat?

"How old are you?" He asked the apprentice blandly. If she were an apprentice for so long, could a warriors apprentice stay a -paw for the same length of time?


  • Brokenkit
    —⊰⋅ kit of windclan | 5 months
    —⊰⋅ he/him
    —⊰⋅ mintshade x gracklestep
    —⊰⋅ sh solid black tom with yellow eyes

AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKE — Though he still had several moons left before he was allowed to return to his regular tunneling duties, Rattleheart still found himself rising with the dawn regardless. Emerging from the nursery once his kits had been sorted to listen as his sister handed out patrols - even when he knew his name wouldn't be among the list. It was enough to just offer his support for a while, a gentle grin from the crowd that would hopefully raise Scorchstreak's spirits. Such kindness was all he could think of to offer in the aftermath of Bluepool's death, knowing that nothing but time would heal the emotional wounds Windclan's deputy had suffered.

Though this time, it seemed, another kindness would be offered.

Cottonsprig's voice tore his undivided focus away from Scorchstreak for the moment, features furrowing in confusion as the medicine cat apprentice interrupted. Or rather, the medicine cat interrupted, offering a correction that clearly explained the joy radiating off of her in waves. Pride beamed freely from Wolfsong at the same time, prompting a cheerful chuckle from Rattleheart's muzzle. "Just how much have I missed during my time in the nursery?" Though his statement was meant in jest, he couldn't help the faint twinge in his chest that accompanied it. How had Cottonsprig grown so old in the moment he'd looked away? How had she become so accomplished? It seemed only days ago she had been nothing but Cottonkit instead.

Rattleheart didn't let the inevitable forward march of time discourage him though, white paws carrying him over to the newly-named medicine cat so he could bump his head lightly against her shoulder. "Congratulations, Cottonsprig. I think it suits you." Far more than Cottonfang ever had, at least in his opinion. The tunneler glanced back briefly when he heard Brokenkit's curious voice, an amused snort escaping after the kit's questioning. He wouldn't offer his own answer, but he could understand why it would be confusing - especially when Cottonsprig's own littermates had already received their full names some time ago.

  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    53 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    mother to thistlekit, breezekit, splinterkit, crunchykit, and vinekit
    somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic

"Cottonsprig," Dimmingsun tries that new name, unfamiliar on his tongue. She is decisively eager to share it with the Clan, and he cannot fault her — in fact, he is glad for her decision to do so, even interrupting Scorchstreak to get it out into the open as fast as possible. Surely even with the sour mood the deputy has been in lately (and rightfully so), she sees the mirth in such an unique situation. "Congratulations! You look like you're satisfied with that name, is that right?"

Wolfsong compliments her apprentice and Dimmingsun does not need convincing. She's always been as dutiful as her mentor, endlessly putting the well-being of her Clanmates above all else.

Amusement finds itself in Dimmingsun's features when Rattleheart joins them. "Secluded in there, isn't it? Don't worry, we will keep you in on the loop." Then, when another, smaller voice joins the fray, Dimmingsun tips his head to address Brokenkit. "Ah, medicine cat business must be confusing, yeah? She's older than a regular apprentice, even a newly made warrior. Her training takes a lot longer than normal."

"Sprig... the tiniest remnant of a great flower left to grow on its own," The Tunneler observed, testing the suffix on his tongue as if it were a poison. Sprig... Sprig... small, insignificant thing cast down from a better thing - fitting, but his sister did not appear to find the insult behind Wolfsong's approval. She smiled and boasted of her position and he felt his stomach twist with disgust that a prouder name had not been offered to one of Sootstar's kin, that everyone acted as if it were normal. "But, you were never alone, were you? You leaned on many cats to reach your peak as a newborn stem would..." 'Suffocated them,' he corrected in his head, smiling as he spoke. 'Stole their light and tried to make it your own, the same as the rest of my siblings. Yet over and over you are rewarded for it.' It was unfair, and soil-flecked claws writhed in the camp's earth as he considered whether he should've even brought her flawed name up, or let it have been a constant one-up on the one who had taken so much from him. A short breath followed - it was too late to mull on that.

His tail lashed as he moved closer, aiming to bunt his head against Cottonsprig in a familial greeting. Sootspot's head was tense, almost like a rock more than something which housed a living thing. He moved away, seemingly beaming from ear to ear. "Perhaps now, with StarClan's approval, you will learn to stand on your four paws. Congratulations, Cottonsprig."

༄༄ The sudden interruption raises a flare of irritation within the deputy—who would be so rude as to undermine her orders? Her dulled gaze flickers to the source of annoyance—and of course, it is the constant shadow over her shoulder, the starsent manifestation of her ineptitude. The idea of there simply being a better path for the blue she-cat is passed over entirely. If anything, Wolfsong’s acquisition of the apprentice was an omen from StarClan not that Cottonpaw was destined for brighter paths than the underground—it was a message to Scorchstreak directly. You are unworthy. But she’s shown them now, has she not? She stands as deputy, next in line to either join their ranks in death or walk amongst them in Sunstar’s bloodied wake. Yes, what a triumph. The calico’s own outlook seems to grow bleaker with each passing day. Her position is not respected by her clanmates, her authority questioned. This interruption, this correction, is merely a new method of doubt from her clanmates.

A dark-furred ear flicks. Her lip twitches. A gaze that would have once been searing instead settles with icy indifference upon the newly-named medicine cat. Others congratulate her in words that the deputy does not process, but she will not receive such praise from Scorchstreak. She is surely aware of this, however; the deputy does not bother to be any less blunt in her response. "Very well, Cottonsprig. You still have an herb patrol… when you are finished with your victory lap." Her attention shifts to Wolfsong, assessing his reaction. Pleased, prideful. It makes sense, given how proud Scorchstreak is of her own apprentice. If she manages to catch the tom’s eye, she offers him a subtle nod—he deserves this feeling, of beating all odds and coming through it all with a second fully-trained medicine cat at WindClan’s disposal.

  • ooc:
  • 83282667_7UVjIV9bzrILi7P.png
    SCORCHSTREAK ❯❯ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. cold and closed-off, ferociously protective of her clanmates. rarely seen aboveground.
    mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    mentor to none ; previously mentored pinkshine
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore