SUPERSYMMETRY \ butterflypaw

A lull in the day, and Quillpaw was busy- another friend to seek out, then. That was what normal people did when they didn't have anything to do, right? Sought out their friends- their friends, not their parents. Because they'd- they'd only ask him to go do something like... get them lunch. Lunch they probably wouldn't even like. So as he closed in upon the meagre fresh-kill pile, and his vision danced between the sole bird in the pile and the mouse that he wanted... an indignant look was cast toward the warrior's den, and between tightened jaws he took the mouse. The fire-streaked pelt of Butterflypaw caught his attention then, and once he caught her eye he made a shaky approach.

"Hey," he murmured, neck twinging to the side slightly, though at this point in his life the bicolour tom hardly let it bother him. Though trembling, the small smile that laced his features had within it tangible sincerity. "Uh, you- wanna share this?" Another twitch. He just- he didn't want to bother her, he hated bothering people. Hated feeling like he... wasn't wanted, but- maybe it was worth a shot, sometimes, with some people. With at least people he liked. It had taken enough time to even understand that.

/ @butterflypaw !!!
penned by pin ✧
The approach of Twitchpaw has the tortoiseshell straightening herself. Her ears flick curiously, and perhaps she might be made nervous by the sudden approach of any cat, but this apprentice is different. There's nothing about him that's scary or intimidating, and that's not an insult coming from her. She thanks cats for not being scary or intimidating! They're her favorites! And so she greets him with a gentle smile, small upon her maw. With his invitation, her grin grows. "Oh yes, I'd love to!" She purrs sweetly, giving her tail a small swish.

She has yet to forget the day when Twitchpaw, among other apprentices, leapt to her defense in the sandy ravine. He protected her, and so in turn he's gained a loyal friend. She trusts him. She crouches down beside him, eyeing the mouse while pink tongue swipes across her lips. "I love mouse," She mews, trying to make conversation.